Rebirth of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 246 Leave you a whole body

(Thank you for the reward of the book friends!)

"Your Excellency, according to the scouts outside the city, there was a move in the Yellow Turban Battalion just now," the officer said.

"It's not going to attack the city," a general guessed.

Lu Zhi stared at him, then looked at the officer and said, "Go on."

"Yes, according to the scout brothers, about 100,000 yellow scarf troops have left the camp and are moving north. They are now following them and continuing to monitor them," the officer said.

After listening to this, Lu Zhi's eyes were shining and he laughed, "Okay, General Li must be Youzhou Muli."

"Li Zhong, the pastor of Youzhou?"

"Why haven't we heard of it?"

"This is the case again"

The generals discussed doubtfully one by one.

"Zong Yuan," Lu Zhi shouted.

"Your Excellency, the last general", a burly middle-aged general said that he was Zong Yuan, Lu Zhi's deputy general.

"Order the whole army to gather at the gate and listen to my orders," Lu Zhi said excitedly, sweeping away the dullness of the past and looking refreshed.

"Yes, my lord", although he was puzzled, he still responded and immediately withdrew from the hall.

"Xuande, you can also prepare and go with me then," Lu Zhi turned to Liu Bei and said. With his little thought, can Lu Zhi not know? However, he didn't expose it. As Liu Bei said, it would be bad for anyone at that time.

"Yes, teacher."

"Lord, the Yellow Turban Army has greeted us," said a Youzhou army ward officer galloping to Li Zhong on a war horse.

Li Zhong was a little surprised. The courage of this corner was too big. Before he went to find him, he hurried to die, which made him feel that he had no place to find the iron shoes and took no time to get it.

"How far is it?" Li Zhong asked.

The officer thought for a moment and replied, "There are still about 20 miles left."



"Go ahead, Han Sheng and Deng Zhan call me," Li Zhong said to Xu Chu.

"Yes, Lord," Xu Chuying promised.

After a while, Huang Zhong and Deng Zhan rode to Li Zhong on a war horse, "Master," they shouted.

Li Zhong nodded and said, "Huang Zhong, Deng Zhan."

"The last general", the two of them held a boxing fist.

"I ordered you two to lead 20,000 tigers and leopards to meet the enemy and defeat the prestige of the enemy," Li Zhong said to the two.

The excitement of the two nodded to Li Zhong. Deng Zhan said, "Master, don't worry."

Li Zhong nodded and said, "That's good, go."

"Yes, lord," then the two turned the horse's head and raised a piece of dust.

"Bah, pooh", Li Zhong, who had not had time to shut up, flew into a lot of sand in his mouth. He looked at the two people's backs and smiled bitterly. Guo Jia beside him couldn't help laughing when he saw that Li Zhong was so embarrassed. As a result, he was stared at by the first team of Dian Wei.

"Order the army to speed up," Li Zhong said to the messengers around him.

"Yes, Lord."

"Great virtuous teacher, the Youzhou army is less than 20 miles away from our army," a scout ran to Zhang Jiao and said.

Zhang Jiao nodded and said, "Continue to monitor and report as soon as there is a situation."


"Order the army to speed up", Zhang Jiao said excitedly to the general of the Yellow Turban Army next to him. At this moment, he was very excited. As long as he annihilated the enemy in front of him, he would be the real king of the north, and he would be closer to the last step.

"General Han Sheng, let's attack in a conical array later and strive to defeat the enemy in front of us in one fell swoop." The war horse quickly ran forward, and Deng Zhan at the front shouted to Huang Zhong next to him.

Huang Zhong nodded, thinking that he was just a lieutenant, and Deng showed that he was a general and the leader of the tiger and leopard horse. He had no reason to refuse, and he also knew that this was Li Zhong giving him a chance to show himself. If there was no combat merit, Li Zhong would be willing to promote him. It is estimated that he can't pass his own pass, so at this moment, he can only cooperate sincerely with Deng Zhan and strive to defeat the yellow scarf army in front of him. At that time, nothing will be a problem.

At this moment, Zhang Jiao is leisurely riding a jujube-red war horse, holding a sword in his hand with a smile on his face.

Suddenly, huge dust rises in front of us, just like a sandstorm, which makes people a little afraid.

"Welcome up", but Zhang Jiao was excited and ordered.


One hundred thousand troops advanced towards the tigers and leopards of the Youzhou army, and the war was imminent.

"Stop moving forward"

The two sides listened tacitly at a distance of about 500 meters.

"Brother Deng, can you give me this opportunity?" Huang Zhong knew that this was going to fight, so he quickly said to Deng Zhan.

Deng Zhan took a look at him and said, "Okay, but when you come back, you have to buy me a drink." After that, he looked at Huang Zhong with a smile.

This is to give face. Of course, Huang Zhong will not refuse. Others have thrown olive branches. If they still hold on, they will not be praised.

With a bold smile, Huang Zhong nodded and said, "It's a deal."

"I am General Zhang Jiao. I don't know who the general opposite is." Zhang Jiao came out to the middle of the two armies, and there were two yellow scarf generals next to him.

"I'm Huang Zhong, the former general general. What can I do for you?" Huang Zhong rode a war horse to the place away from Zhang Jiao and stopped and asked.

"This general is now terminally ill. My yellow scarf army conforms to the way of heaven and rises up. I see that the general is the tiger general of the world. Why don't you abandon the secret and turn to serve under my command? After it is done, the general will not only enjoy endless wealth, but also make the general as the general of the yellow scarf army. I don't know what the general's intention is." Zhang Jiao said to Huang Zhong with a smile.

You should know that his condition is very attractive. If his willpower is slightly worse, he will not refuse. Unfortunately, he found the wrong person.

Huang Zhong was stunned and then laughed. After a moment, he showed a disdainful look and said, "Are you stupid? How can I, Huang Zhong, a good man, refuse to succumb to be a thief? Zhang Jiao, I think it's you who surrendered. At that time, I will plead for you in front of my lord and promise to give you a whole body. What do you think?"

"bold," the two generals around Zhang Jiao shouted angrily.

And Zhang Jiao also looked pale and asked in a low voice, "General Huang, I can give you another chance to know that my 100,000 troops are elite, and you can't win." Zhang Jiao still did not give up.

"How come so much nonsense? If you want to fight, why are you so talkative? Could it be that you were a woman in your last life?" Huang Zhong laughed and said, hey, soon after Li Zhong, you were polluted.

Hearing Huang Zhong still mocking him, Zhang Jiao's face suddenly darkened and said viciously to Huang Zhong, "Since you are so ignorant, don't blame me."

"Kill him," Zhang Jiao turned his head and said to the two generals around him, and he rode towards this array.


The two people who got the order couldn't hold back for a long time. They raised the big knife and attacked Huang Zhong.

Huang Zhong just stood still and stared at the two with a disdainful face, which made them even more angry. They looked at each other and attacked Huang Zhong from left and right.


The two came to Huang Zhong and cut the big knife left and right towards Huang Zhong.

As soon as Huang Zhong saw it, he quickly crawled on the horse's back. Two blades brushed his back. At the moment of scratching, Huang Zhong suddenly turned back and stabbed the yellow scarf general on the left.


Hearing a scream, the lower abdomen of the yellow scarf general was pierced by Huang Zhong's big knife, fell heavily from his horse, stared at his legs, as if he had stopped breathing.

Only one killed a general of the Yellow Turban Army face to face, which made the other person sweat coldly on his forehead.

Huang Zhong turned the horse's head, held a big knife dripping with blood, and his eyes were awe-sighted. He rushed over before the man could react.


Between the lightning and flints, he saw his knife fall, and a big good head rose to the sky, like the blood column of the fountain stained a large area of land.

For a moment, two yellow scarf generals were killed by Huang Zhong's knife.

Deng Zhan, who watched the battle behind, couldn't help admiring him secretly. In the past, he only heard Li Zhong say how Huang Zhong's martial arts were. Today, he knew at first sight that Li Zhong did not exaggerate.

And Zhang Jiao, who had just returned to this array, also broke out in a cold sweat and secretly celebrated that he came back early. Otherwise, I'm afraid that the guy he ate would not know where he had gone.

But there was a burst of anger in my heart.