Rebirth of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 250 Lu Zhi's Plan

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The two riders quickly entered each other and met in a moment.


Both of them roared and used their most powerful move to kill each other.


The two riders missed about ten steps. Huang Zhong stopped, sighed slightly, and then went to the front without looking back.

After Huang Zhongyuan left, the corners of Li Gu's mouth overflowed with blood, and the long gun fell to the ground. He smiled, then closed his eyes and fell heavily to the ground, and his horse kept sniffing his body, as if calling him.

And at his neck, a blood gap was still bleeding out, and the war horse quietly stayed aside to protect his master.

"Your Excellency, my lord", a Han army officer ran to the hall of Guangping City Office and shouted.

Lu Zhi, who was discussing with the generals how to defeat the enemy, showed a trace of displeasure, but his cultivation had reached a certain level and asked, "Why is such a fuss and what kind of style?"

The officer was stunned and then sued repeatedly.

"Okay, what's the matter," Lu Zhi waved his hand and said.

"Your Excellency, according to the scout's return, the Youzhou army's iron horse defeated 100,000 troops of the Yellow Turban Army," the officer said quickly.

"Haha, okay, okay," Lu Zhi laughed as soon as he heard it, and then said, "All armies go out of the city with me and join the Youzhou army to eliminate the rebels."

"Yes, my lord," a group of generals said in unison, with an excited look in their eyes. You should know that these people are all top-level figures. They have been besieged in Guangping City by the so-called rebels of the Yellow Turban Army for more than ten days, and their hearts have been on fire for a long time. Now they have heard that the Yellow Turban Army has been defeated, and this is also their opportunity. If they can If you beat the water dog and make great achievements, it will definitely have a bright future.

"Zong Yuan," Lu Zhi shouted.


"Leave a thousand people to defend Guangping, and the rest follow me out of the city to kill the enemy," Lu Zhi said.

"Yes, my lord," Zong Yuan said.

About an hour later, the gate of Guangping opened wide, and 40,000 Han soldiers roared out of the gate, which immediately shocked the yellow scarf army monitoring them outside the city.

"General", a yellow scarf army came to the white tent and shouted.

"What's the name of the ghost?" he shouted unhappily.

The scout was submissive and then said, "General, the Han army in Guangping City is coming towards the camp."

"What?" Bai said, then stood up and said to the scout, "Call General Yu Du immediately."

"Yes, general," the scout answered with a promise and then withdrew from the big account.

At this time, Bai around couldn't sit still. He came out of the big account and said to the guard of the tent, "Immediately, order the whole army to gather and wait for my order."

"Yes, General"

After a while, Yu Du, dressed like a bandit, came to Bai and asked, "General, what's wrong?"

"The scout came to report that the Han army in the city was coming towards us," Bai said directly.

"What should we do? We only have 50,000 people now," Yu Du was stunned and then said to Bai.

What the combat effectiveness of the soldiers of the Yellow Turban Army is, but he knows how to besiege the well-equipped Han army in Guangping City by virtue of the advantage of the number of people, although they now have 50,000, they have no confidence at all.

Bai thought for a moment and said, "Now you have to stick to the camp. You should immediately send someone to inform the great virtuous teacher and ask him for help."

"Yes, general," Yu Duying said, and then went down to send the order. When it comes to killing, he is a good hand. If it is compared with his brain, it is not his strength, so the commander of this yellow scarf army is useless, and he can only be a deputy general.

"Your Excellency, the rebels are huddled in the camp, and they seem to know our movements and are arranging defenses," a scout officer came to Lu Zhi on a war horse to investigate the report.

Lu Zhi nodded. It was very difficult for 40,000 troops to go out of the city to avoid the enemy's scouts. It was not unexpected that the Yellow Turban Army had not reduced the camp. If the number of Yellow Turban Army had not been nearly three times more than him before, how could he shrink Guangping City and passively defend it was not his style.

"Order the whole army to accelerate, bypass the rebel camp, and march north with all its strength," Zhang Jiao said to the officer.

The officer was stunned and immediately answered with a promise.

"Teacher, you are..." Liu Bei, who followed Lu Zhi, asked puzzledly.

Lu Zhi smiled mysteriously and said, "Xuande will understand later." After saying that, before Liu Bei could speak, he galloped out.

"General, the Han army didn't come towards us. They went north." Hearing the arrival of the Han army, he was so angry that he vomited blood. You know, he was waiting for the arrival of the Han army and let them hit their heads and break blood outside the camp. Although their field battle is not an opponent of the Han army, it is also good to defend a camp. There is more, but Lu Zhi led his army to the north. If Zhang Jiao and Youzhou army are fighting fiercely, then Lu Zhi's 40,000 army is absolutely fatal to Zhang Jiao.

Without thinking much, he said in vain, "General Yu Du, gather the army immediately and prepare to drag the Han army to the north."

"Yes, General"

A moment later, 50,000 troops lined up in a long dragon and galloped north, while the Yellow Turban Army Battalion was basically unguarded, with only more than 2,000 old, weak, sick and disabled, which basically had no combat effectiveness.

"Your Excellency, the rebels have left the camp and are coming towards us," a scout came to Lu Zhi and said.

"Okay, I know," Lu Zhi said, with the corners of his mouth raised. Obviously, this was his plan.

"Zongyuan, Xuande"


"You two led an army to ambush on the left side, and I led an army to ambush on the right side. Wait a moment to see my signal," Lu Zhi said to the two, while Guan Yu stood behind Liu Bei with a dead face.


"Okay, go and get ready," Lu Zhi said.

Then 40,000 troops were ambushed on both sides of the road, waiting for the arrival of the Yellow Turban Army.

At this time, Liu Bei finally understood Lu Zhi's plan and led the snake out of the hole. Sure enough, Jiang was still old and hot. Liu Bei had to say admiration. If he had been the coach, he would have been stupid enough to attack the camp of the Yellow Turban Army with a large army. This is the difference between a veteran on the battlefield and a rookie.

"Quick, fast", Bai Luan kept urging the soldiers, looking very anxious. If Lu Zhi is released, Zhang Jiao will probably tear him into pieces at that time. He doesn't want to touch this brow.

And up to now, he doesn't know Zhang Jiao's current situation, just wants to delay Lu Zhi.

When the 50,000 yellow scarf army entered the ambush circle, Lu Zhi shouted, "Raise arrows."

Then more than 5,000 archers on both sides aimed at the yellow scarf army and shot the arrows in their hands. The defenseless yellow scarf army suffered heavy casualties for a while, and suddenly fell down. This sudden ambush made Bai Huan stunned. Then after recovering, they knew that they had been ambushed and quickly shouted: "Defense, defense, archers fight back. .

Unfortunately, Lu Zhi did not give him this opportunity. When the Yellow Turban Army changed his array, he shouted in unison: "Kill, kill all the rebels", and then killed the Yellow Turban Army under the protection of more than 100 personal soldiers.

Seeing Lu Zhi leading the army to rush over, Zong Yuan and Liu Bei on the other side also rushed out with about 20,000 soldiers. For a while, the Han army was full of momentum, and the Yellow Turban Army rushed away with its head.

When he saw it for nothing, his heart was dripping blood. In such a short time, there were almost 10,000 casualties, which made him ashamed and annoyed.

"Kill, kill all the Han army"

There is no way. Now the two armies have been mixed together, so they have to drink and command the soldiers of the Yellow Turban Army.

"General Yu Du, you lead people to resist the enemy on the left," he looked around and said to Yu Du beside him.

Yu nodded, and then took 10,000 soldiers to Lu Zhi on the left.

Bai Luan took the remaining 30,000 yellow scarf army to Zongyuan Liu Bei on the right. The war developed towards the favorable side of the Han army, while the yellow scarf army was out of the passive side.

In the battle in the north, the 20,000 yellow scarf army, regardless of life and death, could withstand the impact of Deng Zhan, but the defeat of the yellow scarf army was inevitable.

At this time, Li Zhong finally arrived at the battlefield with 50,000 troops of the Fourth Army.

"Great virtuous teacher, General Li Gu was beheaded by Huang Zhong's array." A messenger came to Zhang Jiao and said, and then rode his horse away from here. He did not want to be used as a gas cylinder by Zhang Jiao. Inadhement, he was going to lose his head. That's what the so-called companion is like a tiger.