Rebirth of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 327 Resignment

"Run, we are not their opponents"

"Run, I lost my life after that"

"I don't want to die, please don't kill me"



Under the leadership of Cheng Pu and other three people, the remaining Sun Jianjun launched a bloody 0 counterattack on Dong Zhuo's army here. In half an hour, 2,000 Dong Zhuo's army here was defeated and more than 500 people were killed. Among them, Cheng Pu, Huang Gai Zu Mao alone killed more than 300 people, and they almost reached the limit.

Just a moment, Dong Zhuojun ran away, threw the weapon in his hand on the ground and ran away without dragging water at all. It seemed to be "well-trained".


When Cheng Pu and other three people saw this, they looked at each other, showing a happy smile and gasped.

There are less than 50 people now, all of whom are injured. It seems that this tragic war has consumed all their energy and physical strength.

"Let's go. It's not the time to rest. Take Ziheng's body with us. Let's rescue the lord first," Cheng Pu said to Huang Gai.

The two nodded. Although they are exhausted now, it is not the time to rest.


Cheng Pu waved his hand, and dozens of people rushed out.

"Brother, they all seem to have left"

This is the sound of the "dead body" lying on the ground.

"Wait a minute, I'll take a look"

"Go quickly and find a place to pull out this skin first"

"Brother, wait for me"


"Lord, the enemy's reinforcements have arrived." In the south of the battlefield, a black lightning flag is very conspicuous, in the middle of the army. Next to this flag, there is a handsome man dressed in golden armor, a treasure knife at his waist, a strong face and angular. This person is Li Zhong, the riding general.

"What's going on?" Li Zhong frowned and asked.

"Lord, General Dayton was also blocked by the enemy. General Dayton said that he would break through the enemy's defense line within two hours," the general said to Li Zhong.

Li Zhong nodded and said, "Look at this situation, Zhang Baiqi wants to concentrate his troops to defeat our army, and then turn his head to deal with them. It's a good calculation." Li Zhong sneered.

"Han Sheng, you lead the Sixth Army to block Zhang Baiqi, order Deng Zhan to lead the tiger and leopard iron horse around here, cooperate with the Anton to defeat the enemy in the east, and then concentrate your forces to attack Zhang Baiqi's side," Li Zhong said slowly.

"Yes, Lord", this general is Huang Zhong, a general under Li Zhong's command.

Li Zhong glanced at the handsome man beside him and looked at the battlefield in the distance, raising the corners of his mouth with a sneer.

The handsome man around Li Zhong is Zhou Yu, who is known as "beautiful Zhou Lang".

At this moment, the war here is already in a state of anxiety, and no one can help it. More than 100,000 troops from the two sides are mixed together. Although the number of Youzhou troops is now at a disadvantage, with well-trained soldiers and commands, they can also stop Zhang Baiqi's attack.

The anxious war here is naturally seen in Zhang Baiqi's eyes. His heart is not as calm as Li Zhong. The idea is that his army has been fighting for half a day, and the soldiers are generally weak. If it hadn't been for the advantage of the number of people, he would have broken through the defense line by Li Zhong's army.

Judging from the current situation, it is good for him to have an invincible outcome.

At this moment, there is a trace of withdrawal in his heart.

"Someone comes"

Zhang Baiqi shouted.


"Give an order to General Niu Fu, order all the troops to attack, defeat the enemy in front of them, and call General Niu Fu over," Zhang Baiqi looked at the distance and said to the messenger.

"Yes, general", the messenger answered with a promise and galloped his horse to the distance.

"Oh, the Youzhou army is really powerful. It's time to retreat," Zhang Baiqi looked at the distance and muttered.


In the center of the battlefield, Niu Fu, who received the order, commanded his subordinates to rush to the soldiers of Youzhou. They wanted to defeat the enemy in front of them.

"General Qin Yu, you command here. I want to go to General Zhang Baiqi," Niu Fu said to an officer beside him.

"General, don't worry," Qin Yu answered with a cheerful smile.


Under the command of Huang Zhong, the Youzhou army also rushed towards Dong Zhuo's army. Originally, they were a little angry by Dong Zhuo's army, but now they dared to fight back, so how could these proud soldiers stand it? So they were ordered to rush to the enemy like chicken blood.


Huang Zhong, who stepped on a war horse, was simply like the same killing god. The big knife in his hand flew left and right. No one was his general. Every time he waved the knife, there would splash a blood fog. Over time, Dong Zhuojun was not willing to surround him.

In their opinion, this is a complete death-seeing act.

"Bastard, kill me"

When a military lieutenant Dong Zhuo saw that his soldiers were beaten by Huang Zhong, he was extremely angry and roared at his soldiers, his face was full of flesh, which was no different from those bandits.

"General, this man is so powerful that his brothers are not opponents," a captain-level soldier said to the captain, looking at the evil captain with an angry face, and his heart also surged.

"Yes, general, this man is too powerful. Why don't we withdraw first, or the brothers will fall into this man's hands," another person said.

When the captain heard the words, he was so angry that he vomited blood and shouted, "Shut up. Whoever retreats, I will tear him up." The captain stared angrily at the soldiers under his command, and he also wanted to bite a piece of meat on Huang Zhong.

"Ha ha, interesting", Huang Zhong in the distance looked at the captain, learned from Li Zhong, raised the corners of his mouth, raised a big knife and went to the captain.

"General, let's find a new goal. This is too hard."

"Yes, yes, the big head, wouldn't it be better for us to be our bandits? Why do we work for that white horse here? Look how many thousands of brothers are left now? The big head should think of our brothers."

"Yes, yes, brothers are here to enjoy happiness, not to work hard. If we had known this, we would have been better to be bandits. This skin is also uncomfortable to wear."

"Shut up, shut up, or the mountain rules will serve you," the captain shouted to the soldiers.

"Have you been out one by one for too long and forgotten my means? Ah, now you dare to disobey my orders, huh? Lao Liu, do you want to find an opportunity to kill me and be the boss yourself, huh?" The cross-faced captain roared at the officer who spoke earlier, and his eyes flashed with a trace of murder.

"misunderstanding, misunderstanding, the big owner, I..."


"Who dares to disobey the order again, this is the end"