Don't provoke the evil wife

Chapter 1 Rebirth

Who is Chen Suyue?

No one knows her name when she is mentioned in Jiangdong Mansion, from 90 old men to children.

She is vicious, cruel, despicable, shameless, evil-free, sour book, and hidden knife in a smile.

No one likes her, but everyone is afraid of her.

In Jiangdong Prefecture, what Chen Suyue said is more useful than the magistrate

When such a wicked woman died, Chen Suyue actually died.

Because of carelessness, she was punctured her head by pieces of porcelain that fell to the ground, and Chen Suyue, the "first villain" of Jiangdong Prefecture, died like this.

People say they deserve it.

If such a woman does not die, it is difficult for heaven to tolerate.

On the day of Chen Suyue's death, in an inconspicuous yard on the edge of the West City, a huge thunder just fell to the ground. The forest flower branch lying on the wood suddenly opened its eyes and spit out a large mouthful of blood.

"Flower branches...Flower branches, don't scare your mother!" The woman who had been guarding the bed quickly picked up Lin Huazhi and gently rubbed her vest.

"I...where is this? Who are you?" Lin Huazhi, who finally passed the way, looked at the woman with a puzzled face, and then suddenly looked down at her hand. The two hands that appeared in sight were pale, slender and extremely rough, trembling slightly.

Seeing something wrong with Lin Huazhi, the woman cried even more sadly: "Huazhi, I'm your mother. What's wrong with you? Don't scare me."

Flower branches? Something seems to be wrong.

Looking around and touching her face, Lin Huazhi shouted in a low voice, "Why are you crying? Bring the mirror."

The woman was shocked and forgot to cry. She stared at Lin Huazhi for a while before she panicked and took a bronze mirror from the small table by the bed and handed it over.

A pale face was reflected in the mirror, with sparse eyebrows, lifeless eyes that were not large, dead skin appeared on the cracked lips, and the whole face was inconspicuous. Barely thick hair scattered behind him at this time.

Lin Huazhi stared at the face in the mirror, and her eyes were full of disbelief. From the initial shock to the panic behind, her heart was a huge wave.

What the hell happened?

"Flower branches!" The woman called her carefully and said slowly after thinking for a long time, "If you really don't want to have the marriage of the Zhang family, I... let's retreat!"

Lin Huazhi turned her head and looked at the woman with a look of shock. Then she asked, "Who am I?"

The woman was shocked. Something was wrong. Something was wrong, but she still said, "Your surname is Lin, Huazhi, do you think you hurt your head?"

"No, my surname is Chen." Lin Huazhi interrupted the woman's words in a harsh voice.

"Flower branch..." The woman couldn't help crying again. In her eyes, her daughter was afraid to really hurt her head.

Before the woman could speak again, the courtyard door was suddenly knocked open from the outside. A teenager ran in. Without waiting for breath, he shouted: "Mom, sister, the news just came from Dongcheng. Chen...Chen Suyue...dead...the villain Chen Suyue is dead."

The hand trembled, and the bronze mirror in Lin Huazhi's hand hit the ground with a crack.

"Flower branches!"


The woman and the teenager came forward at the same time, gathered around the bed, and looked anxiously at Lin Huazhi.

Lin Huazhi looked at the two people in front of her with a pale face. She couldn't help trembling and seemed to want to say something. However, after a long time, only a tear gushed out of the corners of his eyes and slowly slipped down his face.

A wry smile and struggling appeared on her face - she died.


No one can explain what happened.

Everything came so suddenly that she even suspected that it was just a dream, but she hadn't woken up yet.

Two days later, no matter how hard she tried, she could not figure out what had happened to her. When there was always only one result, she had no choice but to accept the reality - she was no longer Chen Suyue, who was no longer afraid of Chen Suyue. Chen Suyue, who everyone was afraid of, died.

At this time, now, her name is Lin Huazhi.

What happened to her, for whatever reason, Lin Huazhi is unwilling to investigate more. I'm afraid that no one will believe this kind of thing, and he may treat her like a monster. Lin Huazhi is most concerned about how Chen Suyue died now.

How did she die?

Once Chen Suyue, now Lin Huazhi has no impression of what happened before her death. She can't remember anything except after she drank a bowl of porridge that morning. No matter what she thought about, her mind was still vague.

"Do you think Chen Suyue slipped and was killed by the white porcelain fragments on the ground?" Lin Huazhi stood in the yard and looked at the teenager who chop wood in front of him.

"My good sister, how many times have you asked me?" The teenager straightened up and looked at her helplessly.

However, Lin Huazhi is not going to bypass the problem: "Chen Suyue's room is full of good Persian carpets. How can she slip into it? And where did the white porcelain fragments come from? Lin Yuyang, please make it clear."

Lin Yuyang raised his 15-year-old face and looked at her puzzledly: "Sister, did you hurt your head when you jumped into the river? How do you know what is covered in Chen Suyue's house? Besides, that vicious woman is dead. Why do you care about this?

This stopped Lin Huazhi. After a long time, she said sullenly, "Chen Suyue's death is too strange. Doesn't anyone doubt it?"

"What do you doubt? As I said, that woman deserves it. If it hadn't been for her, our family wouldn't have been like this, and there wouldn't have been the Zhang family. Naturally, you wouldn't have to jump into the river. Lin Yuyang said fiercely, looking like a bitter hatred.

Lin Huazhi's face darkened. I'm afraid few people can be happy if they are cursed "dedeth to die" to their face.

"Yuyang, don't talk nonsense!" A low shout came from the inner room.

The two sisters and brothers of the Lin family looked up and saw a woman in the room and stood at the door of the house. She stared at Lin Yuyang first, with a look full of blame. When looking at Lin Huazhi, her face was warm and gentle, and she waved to Huazhi. The woman said, "Huazhi, you are not well yet. Don't always stand outside and come to sit with your mother for a while."

After waking up from Lin Huazhi, she kept a certain distance from the woman in front of her. For some reason, whenever a woman looks at her kindly and gently, Lin Huazhi always feels a little trance. She didn't know if she should open her mouth to shout "mother", but such a simple word choked in her throat for a long time and couldn't make a sound.

When Chen Suyue was eight years old, her parents passed away one after another. She was a housekeeper and a wet nurse. Although she was not happy with everyone, it was good that she had a smart brain. With the family background left by her ancestors, she earned a lot of money at the age of 15. Chen Suyue's high IQ does not mean that she has a high emotional intelligence. In addition, what has happened to her recently is too strange. For a moment, she didn't know how to face this kind woman.

Lin Xiao saw Lin Huazhi standing there and did not move or make a sound. Although there was no expression on her face, there was hesitation in her eyes. She couldn't help feeling sad, and there were faint tears in her eyes: "Flower branches, go into the house for a rest, and I'll cook porridge for you."

Lin Xiaoshi lowered his head and entered the kitchen. Although he only saw her back, Lin Huazhi also understood a little.

"Sister, don't blame your mother. The matter of the Zhang family is all about Wang's nonsense in front of her mother, otherwise how can your mother agree to marry you? In fact, she also wants you to marry a good family and enjoy happiness. Lin Yuyang's voice came from behind Lin Huazhi.

After a long time, she turned around and looked at Lin Yuyang: "Isn't it too casual to listen to the words of the matchmaker and make a hastily decision?"

After hearing this, Lin Yuyang was a little angry: "Sister, what do you mean by this? Do you think your mother doesn't care about you? Is your mother willing to find a family to marry you? If the Chen family hadn't pressed too hard and said that they would take you to pay off the account, my mother would not have responded to the Zhang family's marriage in a hurry. Besides, although the fool of the Zhang family is stupid, he is also the eldest son. If you marry him, you will be the wife. Don't look at people's faces. Isn't this a blessing? After saying this, he angrily threw the axe in his hand to the ground and turned out of the yard.

Did she say anything wrong? Lin Huazhi stood still and couldn't figure out what was wrong with Lin Yuyang after thinking for a long time.

Looking around, Lin Huazhi was not happy. There was no intact furniture in the dilapidated courtyard and three huts inside and outside. On her body, Lin Yuyang and Lin Xiao's clothes are all made of coarse linen. Although there are no holes, the white clothes remind how poor this family is.

The sun is gradually rising. Standing in the corner where the sun can't shine, Lin Huazhi is still struggling with one thing in her heart.

After thinking for a while, she had an idea. But for some reason, she couldn't help turning her head and looking at the kitchen. Lin Xiao's single book can be faintly seen.