Don't provoke the evil wife

Chapter 16 Who is it?

After Lin Huazhi entered Chen's house, he was assigned to the outer courtyard, and then assigned to the West Pavilion to be responsible for cleaning.

There are two courtyards in the West Pavilion, which were originally the location of Chen Suyue's parents. They have been uninhabited for so many years. Usually, they only send a few servants to clean the courtyard and keep the courtyard clean.

This job is really leisurely. Lin Huazhi was lucky to receive such an idle job, but this time he went to the West Pavilion, which was 108,000 miles away from the east courtyard where Yan Shaobai and Chen Suyue lived before.

Lin Huazhi wondered if she had something to do with Bai Gu.

So far, she hasn't figured out whether Aunt Bai has anything to do with her. But now people have gone to the West Pavilion, which seems to be easy, and it is undoubtedly a disguised distribution.

Lin Huazhi's idea is actually very simple. She just wants to know how Chen Suyue died.

What happened to her is too strange, which is far beyond her cognitive scope. Obviously, she should have died, but why was she unexpectedly reborn? Does it mean that God gave her another chance to live again? Is there a hidden story about her death? God can't bear Chen Suyue's unjust death. So, give her another chance?

Standing on the stone steps, Lin Huazhi looked far away to the east and sighed gently.

"Sister Huazhi, what are you looking at?" A round little face approached on the side and asked curiously.

Lin Huazhi turned her head and asked the person she was the maid assigned to the West Pavilion with her, named Xing'er. The round face, round eyes and round nose are the same as her name.

Lin Huazhi shook his head: "I didn't see anything."

Xing'er didn't believe it. She raised her hand and put it on her eyes, looked ahead for a while, and then said in frustration, "I don't know how far this is from the master's yard. I can't see anything like this."

Listening to Xing'er's tone, she clearly wanted to see Yan Shaobai. Lin Huazhi was unhappy and couldn't help but turn around and enter the yard.

Xing'er was busy waiting behind her.

Although the West Pavilion is cold, the courtyard is large, coupled with the lack of manpower, cleaning the courtyard alone has made Lin Huazhi and Xing'er busy all morning. This is not finished yet, and the room still needs to be cleaned. It can't be finished in a day.

When did Lin Huazhi do this kind of work before? Even when she was at Lin's house, Lin was heartbroken that she was weak and was not allowed to cook and clean. Nowadays, Lin Huazhi's simplest job is clumsy and has a worse temper.

Throwing the rag in his hand fiercely, Lin Huazhi straightened up and felt a burst of pain in his waist.

She complained, "What does it mean to send the two of us in such a big yard? It needs to be cleaned inside and outside. When will it be cleaned? Her face was blue and her eyebrows were locked.

Xing'er laughed and said, "Sister Huazhi, don't you work at home? In fact, it's just a simple cleaning, and it won't take much effort.

I don't know what's wrong with Lin Huazhi. Her face turned red and she felt a little guilty. She really doesn't work at home.

Seeing the blush on Lin Huazhi's face, Xing'er squeezed her lips and smiled: "Sister Huazhi, take a break and I'll do it."

Lin Huazhi sighed and picked up the rag she threw on the ground: "Let me help you." As he spoke, he rubbed his waist with his hand.

After two days, Lin Huazhi paid the first month's wages in advance and hurried back to the west of the city.

At this time, just after noon, somehow, the Lin family's yard was quiet. Lin Huazhi knocked on the door for a long time, but no one came to open the door.

She wondered where Lin and Lin Yuyang went in the broad daylight?

Just as she was about to leave, the door next door rang and a woman poked out. Lin Huazhi saw it and hurriedly said, "Dog, do you see the rain sun?"

"Yo, who do I think it is? It's a flower branch. Your mother and your brother went to Chenghua to enjoy incense early in the morning. Today, the Heavenly Master opened the altar, and many people went there.

Lin Huazhi thanked and stood at the door, hesitating whether to go to Chenghuaguan to find Lin and others, or stay here to wait for them to come back. After thinking for a moment, she still decided to go to Chenghua to watch it.

This Chenghua view is the only Taoist temple in Jiangdong Prefecture, and the incense is at its peak. This position is the master of Xuanguang Taoism, and the Taoism is extremely deep. Every year, after the Spring Equinox and before the winter solstice, he will open an altar to preach the scriptures, with a large number of believers.

Outside Chenghuaguan, there is a sea of people, customers, hawkers, tourists, officials, and people everywhere. At a glance, it's full of people's heads, and it can't be seen who is who.

Lin Huazhi sighed in her heart. It seemed that she would not be able to enter the view from the gate. Without thinking about it, she walked to the back door.

There are also many people at the back door, but the difference is that the front door is for ordinary people, while the back door of Chenghuaguan is exclusively for dignitaries in Jiangdong City.

Lin Huazhi only said that she was from Chen's house, and the Taoist child guarding the back door let her in.

After Chenghuaguan, there is a large forest. After several generations of Taoist priests in Guanli, the forest is lush and grows excellent. While strolling, I looked at the green eyes and the grass and white flowers under my feet. Unconsciously, my heart calmed down, as if there was nothing difficult in the world.

Lin Huazhi did not walk very fast. On the contrary, she walked very slowly. She thought to herself that at this time, the three clear views in the front yard must be crowded with many people. I'm afraid Lin and Lin Yuyang are also among them.

Touching the silver in his arms, Linhua Village couldn't help but accelerate his pace, as if he was afraid that he would not see Lin and others late.

Turning around a path, suddenly there was a soft sound from the depths of the forest. Lin Huazhi stagnated and turned his head to look. There seems to be someone there.

She was also bold and walked over lightly without thinking about it. After about ten meters, I saw a string of footprints on the ground and a few feathers scattered beside me. Just then, there was another soft sound above her head, and then a voice came: "Hey, be careful!"

She subconsciously looked up and couldn't see it clearly. A dark shadow covered her down, and then the gang pressed her and fell to the ground heavily.

At the moment when she fell to the ground, Lin Huazhi had only one thought in her heart, my waist.

But the imaginary pain was not felt. She blinked and looked at the sky above. The branches seemed to divide the sky into pieces. The body is soft and warm.

She reached out and touched it. She seemed to be lying on a person.

Lin Huazhi was shocked and hurriedly withdrew his hand, but he didn't expect to hold her firmly with one hand.

"Sister, you are so heavy."

There was a heavy breathing sound in her ear. Lin Huazhi only felt a chill in her back. She shouted and got up from the ground randomly. When she turned around, she met a pair of clear eyes, like the sky she had just seen, clean and pure.

Lin Huazhi couldn't help losing his mind.


Hearing this voice, Lin Huazhi suddenly came to his senses and asked coldly, "Who are you?"