Don't provoke the evil wife

Chapter 34 Who are you

"Miss Cui." The second shopkeeper came forward to greet Cui Ting, which was very enthusiastic. "What does Miss Cui want to buy today? We have the hundred flower essence that has just been bought from Fenghuaxuan in Beijing, and the spices that have been paid tribute to the Western Regions..." The shopkeeper reported a lot of things in one breath, all of which are fine.

Cui Ting had a faint smile on her face. She looked at it casually before slowly said, "I heard that you have a bottle of streamer rouge. Let me have a look."

Lin Huazhi stood in an eyeless corner and always paid attention to Cui Ting. When she heard Cui Ting talk about "flowing rouge", she suddenly had a bad feeling in her heart.

The store's second child also widened his eyes and intermittently squeezed out a few words: "That not for sale." After saying that, he was in a cold sweat and looked a little uneasy.

"No sale?" The woman behind Cui Ting suddenly raised her voice, "Why don't you sell it?" If you open the door to do business, there is no reason not to sell it.

This is extremely unreasonable. Lin Huazhi knows the woman who speaks. Her name is Mingyue. She is Cui Ting's close maid. She followed Cui Ting when she was a child, which can be said to be Cui Ting's confidant.

Although Cui Ting didn't gnaw her anger, her face darkened when she heard that the store's second child said that rouge was not sold.

"Miss Cui, you have been wronged. The flowing rouge cream is a big tribute. Although Aroma Zhai has a slight reputation in Jiangdong Prefecture, it has never been qualified to get good goods from the royal tribute merchants. This only bottle of flowing rouge is still the goods that Chen Fu specially asked us to buy from Beijing before his life. Although Mrs. Chen is no longer here, this thing was originally made by Mrs. Chen, but it is nominally hers. So... I really can't sell it."

The shopkeeper spoke carefully while peeking at Cui Ting. He said this clearly. There are things, but that is Chen Suyue, not something that can be sold casually.

Cui Ting didn't look very well. After listening to the shopkeeper's words, her name gave birth to anger. She snorted coldly: "Chen Suyue is dead, is she still dominating things? Besides, she only paid the deposit, and I doubled it. She must get this streamer rouge cream today.

After hearing this, the shopkeeper didn't dare to say anything more. Looking at Cui Ting's style, she won't sell her rouge cream today. I'm afraid she can't do a good job. The shopkeeper's eyes turned: "Miss Cui, I can't make the decision on this matter for a while. Sit down for a moment. I'll ask the shopkeeper." After saying that, he went to the backyard.

Lin Huazhi, who had been watching coldly, looked at Cui Ting with mixed feelings in her heart. The streamer rouge cream originally belongs to Da Nei tribute. Its taste is fragrant and long-lasting, and its color is natural and full. It contains a small amount of purple orchid, which is said to produce different reds depending on the light. Chen Suyue also entrusted an acquaintance in Beijing to buy a bottle of rouge in the way of "selling samples".

But today, when she saw that Cui Ting was bound to get it, she saw that what originally belonged to her became her. Lin Huazhi was angry and sad, but she also knew that no matter how angry she was and sad, she could only stand aside quietly and could do nothing at this time.

After a while, the shopkeeper came out of the backyard and said with a polite smile, "Miss Cui, please sit down and have tea."

Cui Ting said directly, "Shopkeeper, I think Xiao Er has just told you what I mean. I want to buy Liuguang Rouge Cream."

The shopkeeper hurriedly said, "Miss Cui, this rouge can't be sold to you. As you know, the rouge was ordered by Chen Suyue and Chen Fu before his life. Besides, at that time, we could enter this bottle of flowing rouge also rely on Mrs. Chen's name. If the Chen family didn't have a gouache rouge shop in our house, it wouldn't be our turn to get food. To put it bluntly, Mrs. Chen put the rouge with us temporarily. When the rouge of the Chen family is spread out, I will send the rouge cream to Master Yan in person. Miss Cui, we have bought a new batch of rouge powder in our store, which is no worse than flowing rouge. Do you want to have a look again?

The shopkeeper made the words clear, just thinking about breaking Cui Ting's miss.

Cui Ting's face was gloomy and terrible at this time. Half a day later, she suddenly smiled: "I understand what the shopkeeper means, which means that only the Chen family can touch this thing. Isn't it?"

The shopkeeper looked stunned and his face flashed with hesitation. Obviously, he didn't understand what Cui Ting meant. After a while, he hummed: "Miss Cui's statement is good. But..."

Cui Ting waved her hand to interrupt the shopkeeper's words: "So only the Chen family can get this streamer rouge cream, so the shopkeeper doesn't have to be embarrassed. Give me the things directly."

The shopkeeper's "ah" sounded, where is Cui Ting?

He coughed and smiled: "Miss Cui, maybe... Maybe what I just said is too messy. You haven't fully understood what I said, I mean..."

"I heard it clearly and clearly that this flowing rouge is Chen Suyue, which can only be available to the people of the Chen family. If it is not from the Chen family, you can't have this thing. Shopkeeper, is that what you mean? The smile on Cui Ting's face deepened.

A cold sweat appeared on the shopkeeper's head. Although Cui Ting's words were embarrassing, it was not true at all.

Seeing the shopkeeper's nod, Cui Ting clapped her hands: "That's right, I'm the Chen family, so the streamer rouge is mine. Shopkeeper, bring the things."

"But..." The shopkeeper still didn't understand.

At this time, Mingyue stepped forward and sneered, "The shopkeeper hasn't understood yet? My daughter said that she was from the Chen family, and this thing was naturally hers. To put it plainly, my lady is about to marry Master Yan of Chen's mansion. Since Liuguang Rouge is the product of the Chen family, it is Master Yan's, which is also my daughter's.

The shopkeeper of Aroma Zhai has finally fully understood that there is still such a thing? Is Cui Ting going to marry Yan Shaobai? Subconsciously, the shopkeeper looked at Lin Huazhi, who had been standing next to the door of the store, as if he wanted to get an accurate answer from her.

Cui Ting and Ming Yue also followed the shopkeeper's eyes, and then Cui Ting frowned.

"Who are you?"


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