Don't provoke the evil wife

Chapter 38 It's over

What can Du Yinglian do? She made a plan to let Lin Huazhi sacrifice her face and let Yan Shaobai take her into the room. Let's talk about it later.

After listening to her "high move", Lin Huazhi's face was as black as Bao Gong's reincarnation.

Lin Huazhi raised her hand and stroked her head. At the beginning, she should not have expected Du Yinglian. Did she forget what kind of nature her little cousin was? It's really self-inflicted.

Du Yinglian looked aggrieved: "You think I want to do this. It's no good for my brother-in-law to take you into the room. In the final analysis, you are the one who takes advantage of you."

Lin Huazhi was speechless to ask the sky, sighed and waved helplessly: "This trick is too difficult for me. If you have the intention, you will go directly to his bed. With his personality, you will not be wronged afterwards.

Du Yinglian's eyes lit up, but then darkened. Although she didn't say anything, her heart was sour. If she climbed directly on Yan Shaobai's bed, everything would be successful. Why did she reach an offensive and defensive alliance with a girl?

Yan Shaobai, the gentle man, is stubborn and terrible in some things.

Du Yinglian saw that the main purpose had been achieved and didn't say anything more. She sat up from the soft chair to straighten her dress, looked down at Lin Huazhi and said, "I know what you are thinking, and you may not have noticed that you are different from your brother-in-law. As for whether this 'different' is whether you like his performance or not, then you have to ask your heart. Finally, I want to emphasize that with Cui Ting's personality, if she really wants to marry, she will definitely not tolerate you. You'd better make a plan early.

Lin Huazhi did not make a sound. Looking at Du Yinglian out of the West Pavilion, she had to shake her head with a wry smile. She was different from Yan Shaobai, but it was no longer related to love. Perhaps from a very early moment, there was no love between her and him.

Yan Shaobai, Yan Shaobai, will you really marry Cui Ting back?

The development of things will always make people unprepared and even unpreventable. On the fifth day after Lin Huazhi was transferred to the West Pavilion, Yan Shaobai suddenly transferred her back to the East Courtyard, and then announced something, an extremely shocking thing.

"I decided to marry Cui Ting for two months."

When Yan Shaobai finished saying this, Lin Huazhi only felt a thunder in front of her, which felt like the day Chen Suyue's death. The dark clouds in the sky, as long as a lightning fell casually, it immediately made her soul fly away.

When my body shook, I only felt that the strength of my whole body was drained in an instant, and I couldn't use any strength. A mouthful of sweetness surged up in his throat, and his heart seemed to be tightly twisted by the wire, and every breath was heartbreaking.

Lin Huazhi squeezed her mouth to death. She thought that her face must be pale and scary at this time, but no matter how sad she was, she must not be dispointed at this time.

I am still weak, and my fingers are soft without a trace of strength. Suddenly, a hand stretched out from the side to hold her firmly, and then Xing'er's voice said, "Sister Huazhi, are you all right?" Xing'er's anxious voice made Lin Huazhi realize that she must be terrible now.

She swallowed the sharp heart, held Xing'er's hand and stood firm, and then shook her head weakly: "I'm fine." The voice is as hoarse as a broken gong, like blood dripping.

"Sister Huazhi, don't be sad." Xing'er's voice was crying.

Looking up, Lin Huazhi saw her embarrassed, pale face and bloodless lips in Xing's eyes. She suddenly laughed at herself. Can it be worse than now?

Turning her head slightly, you can see the man standing under the porch. He is handsome and gentle, but at this time, in her eyes, he is just a ferocious swordsman. One knife and one knife broke people's hearts.

After hearing the news, Du Yinglian had cried and covered her face with her hands. Lin Huazhi stood behind the crowd and looked at Yan Shaobai.

Is it "different" to him? From the beginning to now, she has never been the same for him. In her eyes, he is always special. Cousin said that he was also "different" in serving her, and now, she understands that Yan Shaobai has not really seen her in his eyes from the beginning.

It's that she is too self-righteous and naive. She always forgets something. She is not Chen Suyue. Her name is Lin Huazhi.

What a ridiculous and sad fact.

When Lin Huazhi looked at Yan Shaobai, Yan Shaobai also looked at her.

She just looked at him, quiet, silent, just watching.

I don't know how long it took, Lin Huazhifu gently bowed: "Congratulations, Master He Xi, and finally hugged the beauty back."

Then, turn around and leave, no longer looking at it.

There is a voice saying from the bottom of my heart - Lin Huazhi, at this moment, it is finally over.

It's over, it's all over.

But why do you cry?