Don't provoke the evil wife

Chapter 90 Never Let go

subconsciously wanted to grab something. Lin Huazhi couldn't care about the great pain from her waist and struggled to think of it. She touched the stone scattered aside indiscriminately. Without hesitation, she grabbed a stone and smashed it on the man.

A muffled sound came, and Lin Huazhi was slightly stunned. It was obviously a woman's voice. Although she was hit by a stone by Lin Huazhi, the man's feet became harder and harder, and Lin Huazhi only felt that her left hand was no longer her own.

The survival could have made Lin Huazhi smash what she could catch as a weapon on the man. She grabbed a stone again. This time, she knocked hard on the foot of the man's hand, took it, and knocked it down to death.

After several strokes on his feet, the man was in pain and couldn't help raising his feet. Lin Huazhi turned over hard to the side while she was distracted. There was a rockery on the side. After the rockery, there was an arch, and there was a faint light behind the door.


The pain all over her body made her almost breathless. Lin Huazhi shouted with all her strength. She stood up in great confusion and staggered to the arch behind the rockery.

There were rapid footsteps behind her. She could only run forward as hard as she could. With a little hesitation, she would never survive.

However, she only ran three or four steps, and felt a strong wind blowing in her back. Lin Huazhi subconsciously hit her shoulder on one side of her head. The huge inertia made her suddenly take two steps forward, and then she was hit hard on her back, as if something was squeezing her front chest through her back, her heart Dirty could not be affected by force, and was strangled to death by sharp pain. As soon as her throat was sweet, Lin Huazhi opened her mouth and spit out blood, and the person also fell to the ground heavily.

Lin Huazhi's mind is blank, and there is nothing. I'm afraid she can't escape this time.

Unwillingly looking back, she wanted to see who hated her so much.

"Hey, where is who?"

A sound suddenly came from far ahead, and then there was a noisy footsteps behind the arch.

Lin Huazhi turned around and saw only a black shadow. The man's whole body was wrapped in a night-like black dress, revealing only a pair of eyes. At this time, their eyes were full of hatred and crazy blood red, and the wooden hammer in his hand glowed coldly in the moonlight. Lin Huazhi stared at the man, as if to see a hole in the man.

You can already see someone running from the arch. The man hesitated for a moment. At present, he could not bear to continue to chase Lin Huazhi. The man in black had to leave Lin Huazhi, turn around and run, quickly crossed the rockery and through the corner door. Before disappearing, the man hurriedly looked back.

Lin Huazhi's eyes have never left. If the eyes are clear, she will definitely smash the man to pieces.

- As long as I don't die, I will never let you go.

The man seemed to understand the determination in Lin Huazhi's eyes, and completely disappeared behind the corner door after a slight loss.

Lin Huazhi never knew that it was so warm. When she was found, looking at those bright torches, Lin Huazhi could finally take a long breath.

"Huazhi, what's wrong with you? Flower branches..."

Then, before the darkness hit her, she heard Yan Shaobai's anxious voice, and her heart suddenly stopped beating. Time seemed to turn back. She seemed to see the first encounter with him, and there was a burning ** flowing out from the corners of her eyes, but why was it so sad?

At the moment of the next breath, she fell into endless darkness.


It was cold and empty, and there was silence around. Lin Huazhi didn't know where she was standing.

There is no light, except for darkness.

Where is this?

She asked repeatedly in her heart, gradually becoming uneasy and afraid. I walked forward, but I didn't know where to go.

- flower branches, forest flower branches.

It seems that someone is whispering to her in the distance.

- flower branches, forest flower branches.

The sound appeared from time to time, but it was like a light guiding her, and Lin Huazhi subconsciously walked in one direction. All the way forward, there seemed to be no end, but whenever she was unable to stop, the voice called her name gently not far away.

There is a voice echoing from the bottom of my heart. I can't stop. I can't stop. I want to keep walking and keep walking.

Lin Huazhi only felt that her whole body was cold, as stiff as a stone. Every step forward, she had to do her best. But she didn't dare to stop. She was afraid that she would never stand up again.

Darkness, like a boundless tide, doesn't know when it will end.

Consciousness was gradually pulling away, and Lin Huazhi felt that she could not concentrate.

-Who are you?

- What's your name?

Suddenly, there was a roaring sound in my ear, asking hurriedly.

-Who are you?

Lin Huazhi.

- What's your name?

Lin Huazhi.

-Who are you? Have you forgotten who you are? Who the hell are you?

I...I'm Chen Suyue.

A golden lightning suddenly split the darkness, and the loud thunder exploded above the head. It instinctively struggled and suddenly opened its eyes.

Consciousness was slowly coming back, and the already numb body gradually regained consciousness, and an anxious whisper came from my ear.

"Flower branches, flower branches..."

Turning his head with difficulty and seeing the tears on Lin's face, Lin Huazhi couldn't help crying.

"It hurts!"

After that, she saw Yan Shaobai standing behind Lin.


The only thing Lin Huazhi could feel was the pain all over her body. After seeing Lin's face, she fell into a coma. But it seems that you can hear all the sounds around you.

She heard someone asking her if she was okay, someone asking if she would die, and someone asking what had happened.

In half a dream and half awake, she also wanted to ask loudly who was going to attack her, and what was all this for.

In the chaotic voice, she could not hear the answer, and it seemed that no one could explain why all this happened.

There was a voice saying that she was fine. She was seriously injured, but there was no fear of her life.

There is a voice saying that she should have a good rest, otherwise the wound will worsen.

There is also a voice saying, don't be afraid.

- Don't be afraid.

The voice was hoarse and deep, comforting her heart.

Pieces flashed in my mind, next to the clear stream, someone said, don't be afraid.

The heart slowly calmed down, and there was something warm flowing in my heart. You don't have to worry about it anymore. You can no longer be afraid of the dark and coldness.

Lin Huazhi knows that she will not die. She wants to live well. She should get well soon, and then never let go of the person who hurt her.

Those hateful eyes have already been deeply imprinted in her heart. She should always remember what happened that night, remember how she was hurt, remember every wound on her body, and remember every pain.

As long as she is alive, once it is found out who hurt her, she will definitely take revenge. No matter who she is, no matter where she hides, she must find out.

She swore that the blood debt must be paid by blood.

Never let go, never.