Don't provoke the evil wife

Chapter 99 Dead

Lin Huazhi's painful moaning. He chanted and was powerless to touch his head.

For a long time, she looked up and said firmly, "Mom, I will never be young. Don't worry, I never thought of being a concubine.

Lin obviously didn't believe it and snorted heavily.

What else can Lin Huazhi say? I had to smile and look at the wet nurse helplessly.

The wet nurse looked at her and thought that Lin Huazhi's words were a little credible. A few days ago, Lin Huazhi kept promising her.


Chen Suyue liked Yan Shaobai very much at the beginning. Even if Lin Huazhi's appearance has changed, her bones are still Chen Suyue. It is impossible to guarantee that she can't control it and be fascinated by Yan Shaobai. This possibility exists.

The wet nurse couldn't help sighing: "Huazhi, you have to think about some things clearly. At this time, this person is different from the past, and the feeling must be different. Don't think that your heart is still the same as before because of the past. You have to distinguish it clearly."

Lin Huazhi heard the meaning of the wet nurse's words and smiled bitterly. Lin Huazhi said, "Don't worry, I know in my heart. Now the problem is not this. Some things are not interrupted for a while. I promise you that I will leave when the time is right.

At this time, what else can the wet nurse say? She just looked at Lin Huazhi worriedly.

Lin Huazhi went back to the room and thought that something was wrong. She just quarreled with Yan Shaobai for a while, and she forgot the business. Why did Lord Yu return the goods? Why do you want to subtract the share of the Chen family? What's wrong with this?

Lin Huazhi was puzzled. She called the green lock into the room and gave a detailed order.

When Qingsuo heard her words, he couldn't help but be shocked. His expression suddenly panicked and his eyes dodged. After a long time, he said, "Sister, what do you think will happen?"

Lin Huazhi didn't want to prevent the green lock. She said, "I just thought about it for a while. It is reasonable that there is something wrong with the goods, but there are only two aspects, one quality and one quantity. The cloth produced by Chenjiafang is strong and durable, the dyed cloth is smooth and transparent, and the color is durable. Lord Yu said that there is something wrong with the goods. If it doesn't mean that the cloth is not strong enough, it is that the dyed color is uneven and not bright. I'm not well now, so I have to ask you to go out and help me find out what's going on.

Qing Suo was silent for a while and whispered, "Lord Yu should refer to the latter."

Lin Huazhi was stunned: "Do you mean dyeing cloth?" She suddenly remembered the dye bottle in the child's hand when she first met the green lock.

"Table lock, are you hiding something from me? What happened to the dye bottle in your hand when I first saw you? Lin Huazhi suddenly asked harshly.

The green lock was shocked, and his face turned pale. His eyes turned red for a long time, and he cried, "Sister, it's Master Ma who won't let you say it."

Master Ma? Lin Huazhi didn't understand the meaning of the green lock. Who is this Master Ma?

"Don't cry, say it slowly. Who is Master Ma?

Qing Suo was still hesitating and seemed to be struggling in his heart. Seeing this, Lin Huazhi became more and more sure that Qing Lock had something to hide from her, and it was very important.

"Green Lock, is this Master Ma from Chen's cloth workshop?"

Green Lock nodded.

"Is it a dye master?"

The green lock nodded again.

Lin Huazhi couldn't help thinking about the dye master surnamed Ma. There were many masters in charge of dye in the cloth workshop. For a moment, she couldn't remember who the master Ma was.

After a pause, Lin Huazhi asked again, "That is to say, the bottle of dye in your hand was given to you by Master Ma?" But why did he give you the dye in the cloth? Lin Huazhi can't figure this out.

Green Lock shook his head this time: "Sister, it's not like this. In fact... In fact, I'm going to send the dye to the cloth workshop.

Lin Huazhi became more and more confused: "Green Lock, please make it clear. I really don't understand what you said at this time.

Green Lock sucked her nose, squeezed her mouth, and thought for a long time before she made up her mind. She looked up at Lin Huazhi and said, "Sister, in fact, Master Ma was driven out by the cloth workshop, because he did not want to tell the steward the secret recipe for his dyeing cloth, so he was broken and kicked out of the cloth workshop. That day, someone from the cloth workshop came to see Master Ma, begging He helped with a dose of dye, saying that the dyes prepared by the master later were not as bright and long-lasting as Master Ma. Master Ma promised to give the man a new dose because of his old feelings. After the match, the man didn't come to pick it up, so Master Ma sent me to the cloth workshop. I was so hungry that I fainted halfway. You know what happened later...

Lin Huazhi frowned and thought for a long time. Qing Suo's words didn't seem to be fabricated to coax her.

The most powerful person in the cloth workshop is not the stewmer, but the ingredient master. The secret recipe of ingredients in their hand can not only affect the quality of the cloth produced by the cloth workshop, but also like a treasure. There are always people who have bad intentions and want to find out other people's secrets, so each ingredient master is very careful to take care of his own unique secret recipe, never light. Easy to tell others. Lin Huazhi has known about Master Ma's situation before, but he didn't expect that a small ingredient master could affect the business of the whole cloth workshop. I'm afraid no one will believe it.

Knowing the key to the problem, Lin Huazhi was slightly relieved. At least she didn't have to worry about the chaos and didn't know how to deal with it.

Lin Huazhi asked, "Where does Master Ma live now?"

No thought about it, Qing Suo burst into tears: "Master Ma, die... dead."