Don't provoke the evil wife

Chapter 198 Go to Zhangfu

Lin's wet nurse went to her old sister's house early this morning for a 100-day banquet. When it was almost dark, she took a carriage home. As soon as I entered the door, I saw Lin Huazhi looking a little uneasy, as if she was worried about something.

Seeing Lin, Lin Huazhi came forward and said, "Mom, you are back. Do you have time? I have something to say to you."

Seeing Lin Huazhi's look, Lin thought something was wrong. She quickly put down the things in her hand and pulled Lin Huazhi into the house. The wet nurse also felt bored and followed in.

"Huazhi, what's wrong with you? Isn't there anything wrong?" Without waiting to sit down, Lin was busy measuring Lin Huazhi up and down for fear that she would fall down.

Lin Huazhi first helped Lin sit on the kang, took a look at the wet nurse next to her, and then said in a low voice, "Mom, did you give the marriage certificate to the Zhang family last year?"

Lin was stunned, and his face was very ugly. After a long time, he said, "It's given."

Lin Huazhi couldn't help but be a little anxious: "But I clearly remember that you didn't give it to Mrs. Wang at that time. Why... why did you say it again now?"

Lin sighed: "It is reasonable that this wedding letter should be given to the man and handed over to the matchmaker to the man, but the situation at that time, and you were at that time... Alas, anyway, your aunt sent the marriage certificate to Zhang's house. I heard your aunt say that when she sent the marriage certificate to Zhang's house at that time, she gave it to a subordinate. On that day, when Mrs. Wang came to the door and said that the Zhang family had not received the marriage certificate, I didn't mention that your cousin had been to the Zhang family. Later, when I quit the marriage, because of your illness, I was upset for a moment and forgot to go to the Zhang family to get the marriage certificate back.

Hearing this, Lin Huazhi understood that it was not that the Zhang family did not receive the marriage letter, but at that time, Mrs. Zhang thought that everything was simple and let her get married quickly. He didn't even make a full set of three books and six employment. A piece of marriage letter was dispensable in the eyes of the Zhang family, but he never expected that the Zhang family still kept the marriage letter. At this time, Lin Huazhi has no reason to refute.

I couldn't help sighing that Lin Huazhi was not scolding or crying. There were many inside things in those years. No wonder Lin. Just thinking of what Chunbai said before, Lin Huazhi was full of panic.

Last time, Master Zhang forced her to marry once. She insisted on refusing to comply. That was because she didn't know that the Zhang family was still holding her family's marriage certificate. Now Chunbai also said that the old man was determined, and I'm afraid it was really difficult to deal with this time.

Thinking of Du Yinglian's headache marriage for no reason, Lin Huazhi thought that she and Du Yinglian also felt sorry for each other.

Alas, what should I do now? She can't be a Taoist nun like Du Yinglian. This method is not feasible. Her situation is different from Du Yinglian's situation. It's not that she can solve the problem by being a Taoist nun. The key is still Mrs. Zhang.

Lin saw that Lin Huazhi had been speechless for a long time, with a bitter smile and helplessness on his face. Lin couldn't help but feel sad. Lin said, "Huazhi, why did you suddenly ask about this? Isn't it the Zhang family... The Zhang family came to force you?"

Lin guessed right, but Lin Huazhi didn't dare to nod and only said, "No, how did the Zhang family come to force me? I think that if I'm ready to get married, it would be a troublesome thing to keep the wedding book at Zhang's house.

After listening to the first half of the sentence, Lin was shocked: "What? Do you have a good-minded person? Which son is it? Do I know him?"

Lin Huazhi shook her head quickly: "Mom, don't listen to the wind and rain. That's what I said."

From entering the door to now, Lin was completely ice and fire. At first, she was afraid that her carelessness would embarrass Lin Huazhi, but then she thought that Lin Huazhi had a confidant. Unexpectedly, before she could be happy, she was immediately denied by Lin Huazhi.

sighed quietly, and Lin looked at Lin Huazhi and asked seriously, "Huazhi, tell the truth to your mother, is there really nothing wrong?" When he suddenly asked about the marriage proposal, Lin was not confused, and his intuition was that something had happened.

The wet nurse sat aside and didn't make a sound. After listening for a while, she generally understood what had happened. Seeing that Lin Huazhi couldn't help shaking her head, she knew that the child didn't want Lin to worry. The wet nurse said, "Sister, Huazhi said that it must be okay. Don't think about it. Now that the girl is old, she has an idea.

Lin Huazhi hurriedly responded: "Yes, mother, the wet nurse is right. I'm fine. You don't have to worry about me."

Lin was skeptical. Although he saw that Lin Huazhi's face looked wrong, no matter how much he asked Lin Huazhi, he refused to tell what had happened. He sighed again and again and stopped saying anything.

Seeing that Lin Shi was temporarily stabilized, Lin Huazhi looked at the wet nurse, and a trace of helplessness quickly flashed on her face. After talking with Lin Shi for a few words, she left early.

Out of the room, Qing Suo was talking with Qingling in the courtyard well. Seeing her coming out, Qingling sent Qing Suo back to the room, and he came to Lin Huazhi.

"What's the matter?" Lin Huazhi asked when she saw Qingling's solemn face.

Qing Ling looked up at Lin's room behind her and said in a low voice, "That matter... Chunbai told me in the afternoon. Is there anything I can do for help?"

Lin Huazhi can't help but feel warm. This is the benefit of her family. She doesn't ask whether it's right or wrong. The first thing she thinks of is not to hurt you.

Lin Huazhi raised a smile and said, "You may not know the old man. He is an old fox. I guess he has something to tell me when he mentioned this matter at this jux, so he found such an excuse to let me come to see him earlier."

Seeing that Lin Huazhi was still in the mood to joke, Qingling was a little relieved. In addition, Qingling also had his idea. Even if Old Master Zhang really came to propose marriage, he should have made plans for Zhang Ziqing.

Qingling said, "If you have something to say, we don't have money or power, but we can't let people bully us for nothing."

Lin Huazhi nodded vigorously and then sighed, "Qingling, you are a good person. No wonder Chunbai's heart can no longer be moved from you. Chunbai really has a good vision. A man like you is really good."

There seemed to be a red cloud on Qingling's face. He stared at Lin Huazhi and said, "You have time to tease me, why don't you think about our next action?" The matter of Jiangdong City is basically settled. According to reason, Cui Yuan does not pose any threat to us at present. We should prepare well for this silk weaving conference and make no more mistakes.

Lin Huazhi put away a smile on her face and said, "Speaking of this, look at this thing." Lin Huazhi took out Cui Yuan's handkerchief from his arms and handed it to Qingling, "Take a closer look. Can we make such a fabric with our current ability?"

Qing Ling took over and looked at it carefully for a long time: "This material is soft and different from ordinary silk products. Something should be added to it when weaving. It is a little difficult for us to make such a material."

"When spinning, camel wool is added, and its weaving level is also the top of this dynasty, but..." Lin Huazhi pointed to the middle of the handkerchief and said, "But this material is also the same as cotton, easy to wrinkle, not as slippery as silk."

Qing Ling carefully pulled out a silk thread from the veil, took a bowl of water, put the silk thread into the water, and then added a little salt to it.

"It is not difficult to make the cloth smooth and soft. After boiling the silk pulp, soak it in rice pulp water, and then weave it together. It can also feel like brocade silk, but this color may be dark and easy to fade."

Originally, Lin Huazhi didn't pay attention to it. At this time, when he heard Qingling's words, he took the handkerchief in his hand and looked carefully. He said confusedly, "I feel like this handkerchief is not as bright as a few days ago." Lin Huazhi was not sure. Maybe it was because of Qingling's words that made her suspicious.

Qingling lifted the water bowl with silk thread, shook it gently, and said, "Well, it's discolored. Although it's light, it's still discolored. Maybe it's because the camel down is extremely thin and hairy in the water. Although it's not obvious, it's definitely not as bright as before.

When it comes to cloth coloring, Qingling is a master, and Lin Huazhi naturally believes Qingling's words. Staring at the water bowl in Qingling's hand, something flashed quickly in her mind. What is it?

After not seeing her for a long time, Qingling looked sideways at her and asked, "What's wrong?"

When he came to his senses, Lin Huazhi shook his head: "It's okay. Oh, by the way, let's go to Zhang's house with me tomorrow.

"Why do I have to go too?"

Lin Huazhi smiled and said, "I'll propose marriage to you. Let Mr. Zhang look at you at will."

Qing Ling's face is really red at this time.


The next morning, when he heard that Lin Huazhi was going to Zhang's house, Lin's eyebrows had never been loosened. He wanted to speak several times, but he swallowed it back to his mouth.

Lin Huazhi didn't find anything wrong until she went out. She turned her mind and seemed to understand what Lin was worried about. She hurriedly said, "Mom, don't worry. If the Zhang family wanted to embarrass us and took action early, they didn't have to wait so long. So, don't worry, I'll be back in the afternoon." After saying that, he blinked at the nurse.

The wet nurse was relieved and gave Lin Huazhi a reassuring look. She asked her to be careful, so she waved her hand to go out early.

Lin Huazhi prepared four-color pastries and some fresh fruits and went to Zhangfu in a carriage with Qingling.

Send a post on the porter, and after a while, Chunbai came out in a hurry. He laughed from afar and said, "I just heard the young master say, 'Why didn't Huazhi come to see me?' You're here. Sure enough, you have something to do with the young master. Come in quickly."

Lin Huazhi half squinted and looked at the spring white without saying a sound.

Chun Baiqi said, "Yo, what's wrong with this? Lin Huazhi, what are your eyes?"

Lin Huazhi said jokingly, "Chunbai, did the old master promise you any benefits last night? It's only been a few hours. Why did your words change? Chunbai just spoke so loudly. Are you afraid that the people in Zhang's family don't know her relationship with Zhang Ziqing?

Chunbai was stunned and laughed, but there was still a trace of embarrassment on his face: "Come in quickly. The old man is waiting early in the morning."

Lin Huazhi didn't say much and entered Zhang's mansion under the guidance of Chunbai.

At the gate of the old man's courtyard, Lin Huazhi didn't expect to meet Zhang Ziwei.

"Huazhi, here you are." Zhang Ziwei looked at Lin Huazhi, with deep meaning in his eyes.

Obviously, this is not a chance encounter. Obviously, it seems to be waiting for her. Lin Huazhi answered, "Has the second young master dispersed?" He asked, but he couldn't help sighing. Zhang Zi is really idle. Are the civil servants of Qingshui Yamen so idle?

Before Zhang Ziwei could speak, a person suddenly rushed out of the courtyard, ignoring the eyes of others, and hugged Lin Huazhi tightly.

Lin Huazhi only heard Zhang Ziqing say loudly in her ear, "Huazhi is my daughter-in-law. Second brother, don't think about Huazhi. She is mine."

With a bang, Lin Huazhi was struck by lightning, and today her face was greatly lost.


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