The first wife of rebirth

Chapter 6 Wake up from a dream and come back

Chapter 6 Wake up a dream and start again

Seeing the sun turn westward, Leng Xuanrong felt that if the county government came to search for Zeng Yanliang and others, it should have arrived at this time, but if Zeng Yanliang saw the people from the county government now, he would definitely follow them back. At that time, he will be said to be the traitor who colluded with robbers to rob the official bank, and he will be beheaded with such grievances.

What should I do?

Leng Xuanrong raised her head and found that Zeng Yanliang's eyes were full of doubts. She simply wanted to tell all the things about her past and present life immediately. At this time, let Brother Yan Liang know what kind of suffering she had suffered. But Leng Xuanrong also knew that she couldn't say it.

Those pains remain in her heart, and one day she will find a way to erase them, but if Brother Yan Liang knows, it will only increase her troubles.

"Brother Yan Liang." Leng Xuanrong looked at Zeng Yanliang and whispered, "Do you remember what I told you yesterday?"

Zeng Yanliang frowned and nodded, "I thought it was a simple escort mission this time, and I could go back before noon..." Thinking that he failed to keep the agreement to accompany Leng Xuanrong to go to incense, he almost lost his life here. Zeng Yanliang couldn't tell what it was like in his heart.

Leng Xuanrong was even more distressed to see Zeng Yanliang's face with an apologetic expression. I'm afraid that only her father and Brother Yan Liang will show such an expression to her in this world.

"I had a nightmare that day. After I woke up, I found that in this world, except for my father, only Brother Yan Liang was the best for me." Leng Xuanrong's voice trembled a little. Speaking of this, his eyes turned red again. "Our father and daughter have escaped here. Here, only Brother Yan Liang doesn't ask about our past and helps us all the time. If something happens to Brother Yan Liang, I really don't know what to do..."

Zeng Yanliang heard Leng Xuanrong's words, and there was also a colic in his heart. He has been lonely since he was a child. Since he met Leng Xuanrong, he began to understand the warmth of the world. Thinking that he almost died like this today, he couldn't help but be afraid.

"Xuanrong... it's all Yan Liang's fault..." Zeng Yanliang raised his hand to help Leng Xuanrong wipe away the tears from the corners of his eyes and comforted him in a low voice.

Leng Xuanrong lowered his head and continued, "Since I had that nightmare, I have been restless. I planned to go to the temple with Brother Yan Liang to worship the Bodhisattva and put on a stick of incense, so that the Bodhisattva and my mother could bless Brother Yan Liang in heaven. Unexpectedly, the nightmare came true in the end..." /P>

Yes, Leng Xuanrong clenched the white cloth stained with blood in her hand and thought to herself that the so-called previous life seemed to be just a nightmare.

"Nightmare?" Zeng Yanliang seemed to understand a little, but it was still a little strange that she was ready to come to find herself so carefully because of the nightmare.

Leng Xuanrong sighed and told her in detail about her visit to the county government in the morning when she heard about Zeng Yanliang's where to go.

"I was afraid that something would really happen to Brother Yan Liang, so I rushed here quickly. I didn't expect the nightmare to come true. This may be God's will."

Instead of lying to Zeng Yanliang, Leng Xuanrong hopes that he can accept such a statement.

If it hadn't been for God's will, she would have been cut off her head and died on the court. All this is indeed God's will.

Zeng Yanliang also sighed and thought that people often say that if you don't die, you will be blessed. This may be a disaster arranged by God, and Xuanrong is arranged by God to help me tide over the difficulties. Thinking of this, he looked at Leng Xuanrong and saw that her originally white little face was now full of mud, and her clothes were also scraped out by branches. It could be seen that she really suffered a lot in order to find herself.

Zeng Yanliang secretly made up his mind that after this matter calmed down, he would immediately find a matchmaker to propose marriage. He would marry Leng Xuanrong with a sedan chair, so that she could live a good life with him, have children and stay together for a long time.

"Xuanrong, since even God helps us, we don't have to be afraid." Zeng Yanliang comforted softly, "This is an accident, and you came to rescue me. This is why Zeng Yanliang's life should not be killed. It's okay. Don't worry about it anymore. After going back, I will ask the county magistrate for a few days off to recover from my injury. During this period, we will worship Buddha and give incense..."

Leng Xuanrong's face suddenly changed when he heard this.

"Brother Yan Liang, you can't go back to the county government. Never let them find out that you are still alive."

When Leng Xuanrong said this, Zeng Yanliang remembered that she seemed to have said so just now.

"Why?" Zeng Yanliang asked puzzledly.

Leng Xuanrong frowned and thought for a moment before saying, "In officialdom, the most important thing in everything is not to punish the real murderer, but to shirk responsibility and calm people. This time, the official silver was robbed, and the responsibility will all be shifted to our county magistrate of Yan County. At that time, in order to shirk the responsibility, he will definitely find a way to find the murderer.

"But you have also seen the current situation, Brother Yan Liang." Leng Xuanrong glanced around and then said, "The perpetrator of the crime has fled without a trace, and there is no way to investigate, and the government officials who escorted the official silver together and the light cavalry captains directly under the Criminal Division, except for Brother Yan Liang, are all dead. Then you are the only insider in this matter.

Zeng Yanliang found that Leng Xuanrong's eyes suddenly became much colder when he spoke. And Zeng Yanliang didn't expect what she said at all.

"So..." Zeng Yanliang thought along Leng Xuanrong's thoughts and suddenly shivered.

"I'm afraid that the county magistrate will put everything on Brother Yan Liang in the end. As long as he kills you, he can not only shirk the responsibility, but also clear all insiders. At that time, even if it is traced down, everything will be undocumented, and this matter will become a death case."

After Leng Xuanrong finished speaking, Zeng Yanliang's face became difficult to look.

After a long silence, Leng Xuanrong opened his mouth again and said in a low voice, "Brother Yan Liang, no matter what doubts you have now, in short, believe me first. You change your clothes and wait for me for a few days. If nothing changes after a few days, it's not too late to make a plan."

After saying that, Leng Xuanrong got up and took out those old clothes from the horse's bag and put them in front of Zeng Yanliang.

Zeng Yanliang felt that the pain of the wound and the throbbing in his heart just now made him unable to think. Although what the girl did and said in front of him were a little strange, he could feel that she really cared about herself and was really worried about herself.

In this case, what else do you have to worry about?

Zeng Yanliang got up with difficulty, took off his blood-stained government official uniform and put on an old set of old clothes. Leng Xuanrong helped him spread his bun and re-tied it up like ordinary people, sorted it out, and wrapped the wound on his face with a white cloth. In this way, it was estimated that no one would recognize him.

Leng Xuanrong wrapped the official uniform, found an inconspicuous place to be buried deeply in the dead leaves, and then rode on the horse with Zeng Yanliang and returned to Nayan County from the mountain path.

After entering the city, Leng Xuanrong sent the horses back first, and the two waited until dark before quietly returning to the old house.

Leng Xuanrong's father was a little anxious when he saw that it was getting dark and his daughter hadn't come home yet. When he saw her come back with a man, his father almost blocked Zeng Yanliang from the door.

For good, Leng Xuanrong's father also met Zeng Yanliang several times and knew that he had helped their father and daughter a lot, so he let them enter the house.

Leng Xuanrong hit a basin of clean water and lit the oil lamp to help Zeng Yanliang clean up the wound again. His father was watching the scary swords unbearable air.

"What the hell is going on?"

Leng Xuanrong's father couldn't help asking Zeng Yanliang.

Zeng Yanliang briefly described what happened today. He said that Zeng Yanliang was still a little embarrassed when Leng Xuanrong went to find him, so he took it with him.

After listening to this, Leng Xuanrong's father pondered for a moment and nodded, "Xuanrong is absolutely right. The robbery of official silver is a big case that will disturb the imperial court. Small officials such as the county magistrate of Yan County will definitely find ways to get rid of this major responsibility.

Zeng Yanliang looked carefully at Leng Xuanrong's father through the dim light of the oil lamp. When he saw the old man before, he always felt that he was sick and cowardly, but today he heard these words, which seemed to be very different from the previous impression.

Is the county magistrate of Ganyan County a petty official?

At this time, Zeng Yanliang remembered what Leng Xuanrong said. Their father and daughter fled here. Previously, he thought that the so-called escape should be a natural disaster in his homestead, but now listening to the two of them, there seems to be another secret. In this way, Zeng Yanliang was a little curious about their father and daughter's previous affairs.

At this time, Leng Xuanrong suddenly said, "Father, there is a big case in Yan County now, and I'm afraid the court will send someone to inspect it later..."

When his father heard this, his body immediately trembled, and his face also showed fear.

Zeng Yanliang was about to ask what was going on when Leng Xuanrong's father suddenly stood up and went back to his room silently.

Leng Xuanrong changed Zeng Yanliang's Jinchuang medicine, re-wraped the wound, and then got up and went to the inner room to find the bedding.

Zeng Yanliang looked around and knew that there were only three rooms in the old house. I'm afraid he could only sleep in this simple hall with only one table and a few chairs tonight.

After Leng Xuanrong held out two beds of bedding, Zeng Yanliang ran to the corner of the hall and laid it up. After watching Leng Xuanrong return to her room, Zeng Yanliang blew out the oil lamp and lay down.

The pain of the wound made Zeng Yanliang unable to close his eyes at all. He recalled what happened today, an unprecedented fight, the scene of his companions falling into a pool of blood, and his mood to regain consciousness and climb out of the gully to chase the robber...

Zeng Yanliang felt that all this was like a dream, and only Leng Xuanrong's face and what she said were the most real.

Today's Leng Xuanrong is different from the past. Although her face is covered with stains, these are the most beautiful decorations in Zeng Yanliang's eyes.

Although Zeng Yanliang still doesn't understand what she said, all her doubts are not as good as her words, "If something happens to Yan Liang, I really don't know what to do." Zeng Yanliang now thinks of this sentence as if there is a warm current slowly flowing through his heart.