The first wife of rebirth

Chapter 19 Four people sit around, intellectually suppressing both sides

Chapter 19 Four people sit around and oppress both sides

Shopkeeper Han trembled when he heard this. He shook his head like a rattle, said vaguely, "No, no", and carefully returned the box to Mr. Liang.

Three Mr. Liang opened the lid of the box, looked at the brush through the moonlight, frowned and muttered, "Isn't it just a brush? It's all sticky hair on a pole. What's interesting..."

Hearing what he said, Leng Xuanrong rushed up angrily. This brush is his father's favorite. How can he allow him to talk like this?

Leng Xuanrong stared at Mr. Liang and said, "The little woman has little knowledge, but she also knows the name of Mr. Liang. Today, the little woman was brought to your house by the government office late at night. I don't know what happened?

Mr. Liang looked up at Leng Xuanrong, smirked his mouth, closed the lid of the box, and stuffed the small box into his arms.

"The little girl has a lot to say... Well, little girl, you can listen to me!" Mr. Liang stood up, pointed to Li Duen, and said, "This gambler said that your father owed them the money of the gambling house. Are you going to use this brush to pay off the debts? Is this?"

Leng Xuanrong glanced at Li Duen and thought to himself that this guy was less useful than expected. I'm afraid that the things he did in his previous life were dictated by the county governor He one by one.

Li Duen also seemed to find that Leng Xuanrong looked down on him. He stared and clenched his fist, but did not dare to stand up.

Leng Xuanrong knew that if he did not suppress him now, he might tell the secrets of his side at any time, and the same is true of shopkeeper Han. In the final analysis, that person is a profit-oriented businessman, and he will definitely find a way to solve the current dilemma in his best way.

Thinking of this, Leng Xuanrong said to Mr. Liang, "There is something that Mr. Liang doesn't know about this matter. In fact, there are other secrets."

Mr. Liang San sat down again and listened to Leng Xuanrong's detailed words, while the shopkeeper Han and Li Duen on one side also pricked up their ears to listen.

Leng Xuanrong tried to suppress the tension and whispered, "All three of them know that the little woman and her father fled here a few years ago. In fact, our Leng family was originally a big family, and my father liked to collect some things, so when we escaped, we also brought a lot of valuable things. Unfortunately, we had a lot of food and drink along the way, and we met robbers and robbers, so when we arrived in this Yanyan County, we had no money on us. My father was also depressed because of this, so he became addicted to gambling and went to Mr. Li's casino every day.

Say this, Leng Xuanrong took a look at Li Duen, and Li Duen nodded hurriedly, saying that it was true.

Leng Xuanrong continued, "The robbers took away the yellow and white things we brought, but they didn't recognize that the brush was also precious. So we left two brushes. One of them was called 'Qingyun'. That day, I wanted to see the shopkeeper Han, but I was lucky to meet Mr. Dou from the dyeing dust study, and 'Qingyun' was bought by Mr. Dou.

As soon as Mr. Liang heard the three words "Mr. Dou", his eyes lit up and he immediately became energetic.

"I was going to take the money Mr. Dou's gambling house to pay back to Mr. Li's gambling debts, but my father was sick at this time. Alas... I took the money Mr. Dou gave me to buy medicine. For the rest of the gambling debt, I can only find Mr. Li and want him to see if this 'night general' brush can offset the debt.

Leng Xuanrong shook his head and sighed, raised his eyes and looked at shopkeeper Han and said, "At this time, shopkeeper Han took the little guy to my house and mentioned that he wanted to buy this brush."

When Manager Han heard the words, he also nodded hurriedly and said to Mr. Liang, "At that time, I didn't know what gambling debts were between them. I just wanted to buy a brush. I just wanted to do business and do business."

Mr. Liang held his shoulders and squinted at Leng Xuanrong and whispered, "So, you are the culprit who caused so many troubles."

Leng Xuanrong had been prepared for a long time. She expected that Mr. Liang would say so, so she immediately shook her head and denied, "The culprit of this matter, what I want to say should be the thief who robbed our father and daughter."

With that, Leng Xuanrong stood up and slowly walked behind Li Duen. As he walked, he said, "If it hadn't been for the thief who robbed our father and daughter, we wouldn't have been so depressed as we are now. If it hadn't been so depressed, my father wouldn't have been addicted to Mr. Li's gambling house. If our father is not infatuated with gambling, we will naturally not owe anything to Mr. Li, and even more... it will not bring any benefits to Mr. Li.

Speaking of this, Leng Xuanrong raised her hand and gently patted Li Duen on the back.

Li Duen's body was shocked, and he only heard Leng Xuanrong whisper, "Although the gambling debt owed by my father will not bring any high-ranking officials and salaries to Mr. Li, this business should naturally only earn without losing money. Isn't that right, Mr. Li?"

Leng Xuanrong deliberately said the four words "high official Houlu" very heavily, and Li Duen's eyes were spinning around, and he was calculating something.

At this time, Leng Xuanrong walked slowly behind Shopkeeper Han and said as she walked, "If we didn't owe Mr. Li the gambling debt, then Shopkeeper Han naturally wouldn't say anything if he wanted to get this brush. However, if our father and daughter went to the county government to report the case, the county magistrate must be very happy to see his father. If our father and daughter still have some family assets and some face, maybe the shopkeeper Han will introduce them to their father..."

There was no expression on the swollen face of the shopkeeper Han, but Leng Xuanrong still gently patted him on the back and whispered, "I heard that our county magistrate is also a person who likes to make friends. If those things had not happened, the county magistrate might be furious now because the shopkeeper Han did not introduce his father... Han Shopkeeper, will you secretly hide something because of selfishness?

After listening to Leng Xuanrong's words, Mr. Han's breathing became rapid.

After saying these words, Leng Xuanrong walked back to her seat, saluted Mr. Liang and said, "But now, what Mr. Liang said is reasonable. My father was not feeling well. This matter was completely done by the little woman alone. There were many inappropriate things, which may have been misunderstood by Mr. Li and the shopkeeper Han. It's all wrong with me. Please be generous, turn the war into jade and silk, and discuss a way to make the best of both worlds.

Li Du'en frowned and looked at the shopkeeper Han, who also looked up at Li Du'en. Both of them know that there is no way to resolve the hatred between them now.

Both of them know that what Leng Xuanrong just said means that if they shake off the identity of old man Leng now, Leng Xuanrong will definitely bite back at that time, so that none of them will have a good life. In fact, both of them have bigger backs than the county magistrate of Quyan County. Now on this occasion, there is no need to take the cold old man out, which will only benefit Liang County magistrate for nothing. At that time, according to Liang Qiurong's personality, he will definitely take away all the benefits alone, and no matter who they are, they will get nothing.

Li Duen and Mr. Han have their own small calculations in their hearts.

Li Duen still remembers what Mr. Liang whispered to him in front of Nayan Moge. The so-called cutting grass and rooting must have hinted that he was going to kill the head of Han. Although Li Duen found out that shopkeeper Han and the adult behind him did not have the kind of close relationship he had always preached, there was still some uncertainty in it. Li Duen originally planned to drive this Han from Yan County, and it would be better to drive him out of Wuming County, but then he felt that what Mr. Liang San said was reasonable.

Both of them know about the cold old man, and this credit will only fall on one person in the end. Li Duen saw that Leng Xuanrong had no good impression of shopkeeper Han. If she was willing to give the benefits to someone, then Li Duen felt that she was now the closest person to this credit.

In this way, if the shopkeeper Han is not eliminated, his business will not go smoothly.

Li Duen has been living among a group of outlaws all day long, so now someone is blocking his way to "high officials". His first thought is to "kill". What's more, Mr. Liang said that, which shows that their county government does not have a good impression of this Korean shopkeeper.

Li Duen knew that this Korean shopkeeper had indeed been domiser for a long time by relying on the adult behind him.

Li Duen looked at the shopkeeper Han and thought to himself, Mr. Han, you are about to die. When you really get to Huangquan Road, you have to blame yourself first, and then blame this little girl of the Leng family.

At this time, Manager Han was also calculating.

Although he has been expecting the county government to solve the trouble for him, it seems that Mr. Liang's posture is against his wishes.

Shopkeeper Han noticed that Mr. Liang took the "night general" brush into his arms just now, and the little girl of the Leng family didn't say anything. He doesn't know what the little girl of the Leng family is going to do, but now he can't mention that he wants to buy that brush.

There is no hope for the brush. Manager Han just wants to get rid of Li Duen, who is cold-eyed in front of him.

Li Duen's reputation has always been scandalous in Nayan County. Mr. Han has also heard some rumors that someone owed the Li family money to the gambling house, and then he was found dead at home. In addition, the people who collided with Li Duen in business were both dead and injured in the end. Shopkeeper Han has been doing business all his life, but he has never done anything life-threatening. So he was really scared.

Shopkeeper Han endured the pain in his cheeks and tried to figure it out. Naturally, the first thing he thought of was the adult he had been talking about, but no one knew. For a long time, he actually had the feeling of selling dog meat with a sheep's head. How could he solve such a small thing for such a small man as him? Unless there is something important for him to attract the attention of that adult now...

Thinking of this, shopkeeper Han couldn't help turning his head and looking at Leng Xuanrong.