The first wife of rebirth

Chapter 21 Yanmo Pavilion, death disappears

Chapter 21 The Rock Ink Pavilion, the death disappears

Leng Xuanrong followed Mr. Liang San and walked out slowly along the corridor of the bamboo building. Mr. Liang San walked in front of him. Only then did Leng Xuanrong have the opportunity to take a closer look at the inside of the bamboo building.

The narrow bamboo building seems to have only this corridor. Both sides of the corridor are the same room as the small room just now, and the doors and walls of each room are very rough, and you can see what the house looks like from the outside. Leng Xuanrong can see very clearly on the other side of the moonlight. There seem to be only a few chairs in the row of rooms, and some of them have simple bamboo tables.

Leng Xuanrong looked at it and thought, I really don't know what this Mr. Liang San is thinking. Where is such a room for people to live in...

At this moment, Mr. Liang suddenly opened his mouth and whispered, "Miss Leng, are you afraid?"

Leng Xuanrong was stunned and looked up. He saw Mr. Liang slow down and walked to her. He smiled gently and said, "I was supposed to ask someone to bring you and your father, but I didn't expect you to come by yourself. This is not the time when the girl's family comes out alone in the middle of the night. Cold girl, are you afraid?

Leng Xuanrong felt that there was something in his words, but she couldn't imagine what he meant, so she bowed her head and whispered, "The government has arrived at the door, and the little woman has no other choice."

Mr. Liang laughed a few times when he heard the words, "Yes, yes, the government has come to the door. If you don't feel afraid, it's strange. Um... Speaking of which, Miss Leng, what you just said to Li Du'en and Han Zhongyi is neither humble nor arrogant, and it's really not like what a girl of your age can say. And a few of them seem to be worth one... strange, strange..."

Leng Xuanrong only felt a buzz in her mind, but she didn't expect that Mr. Liang Sanzi would be such a keen person. Does he know anything?

She turned her head to look at Mr. Liang Sanzi, but saw that he just shook his head with a smile and seemed to have no intention of asking anything more. Leng Xuanrong was slightly relieved. She dared not speak any more, lowered her head, and tried to control her footsteps so as not to make Mr. Liang Sanzi feel that she was eager to escape.

It's not enough to get out of the bamboo building. Mr. Liang San called a servant, whispered a few words, and then told Leng Xuanrong to follow the servant.

Leng Xuanrong thanked the third son of Liang and followed the servant to leave the county government's private house.

As expected, a soft sedan chair was prepared at the door of the private house, but Leng Xuanrong tried her best to escape and didn't sit on it.

What Mr. Liang said just now made Leng Xuanrong frightened. Now she dares not sit in the sedan chair he arranged.

Seeing that she didn't get on the sedan chair, the servant took the soft sedan chair back to the county government's private house, and Leng Xuanrong also breathed a sigh of relief. Looking up at the sky, it should be Yin time, and it should be dawn in another hour. I didn't expect things to develop like this. Leng Xuanrong felt that it was time to take time to think carefully about what to do in the future.

When she was just reborn, Leng Xuanrong thought that things would be almost as little as her previous life, but now that she thought about it, her idea at that time was really too naive.

Now Brother Yan Liang is involved in the robbery of the money, just like his previous life. He not only wants to clear his grievances, but also wants to clear his grievances for his brothers. In this way, he can only find out this matter to the end.

Leng Xuanrong knows that at this point, there must be no deviation in the memory of her previous life. Leng Xuanrong now knows the people they will meet in the future, or the people they should meet. Before that, as long as Yan Liang's brother could live safely, it would be enough for Leng Xuanrong.

What Leng Xuanrong didn't expect was that there would be such a big deviation in things on his father's side.

In his previous life, Leng Xuanrong's father died like grass and died at the hands of Li Duen, a cityman. At that time, Leng Xuanrong did not meet the shopkeeper Han, nor Mr. Liang Sanzi, let alone Mr. Dou. Now Li Duen and the shopkeeper Han have formed a grudge against each other. In the end, both of them must be defeated. Leng Xuanrong was not worried about these two people for the time being. What bothered her was how she should deal with Mr. Liang San in the future.

This person is more difficult to deal with than expected.

Leng Xuanrong smelled danger from him. Leng Xuanrong felt upset when she thought that she would be the enemy of such a person one day.

In her previous life, she was like a meat animal locked in a cage. What others did, she could only watch from afar. Whether others wanted to eat or kill her, she could only endure it. At that time, all she had to do was resentment in her heart. She never thought of it and could not "change" at all. She could not change her fate. What's more, it can't change the fate of others.

Now that she has such an opportunity, she has to change, and she has to change. For these changes, she can only spend more effort thinking and analyzing.

In such a short period of time after rebirth, Leng Xuanrong even felt that she was more tired than when she suffered in her previous life.

A long sigh spread out with Leng Xuanrong's footsteps. At this time, Leng Xuanrong suddenly saw the figure flashing in front of her.

She took a breath of cold air and stood still without daring to move.


With a gentle call, the man hiding in the dark showed his head. Leng Xuanrong fixed his eyes and saw that the man was actually Brother Yan Liang!

"Brother Yan Liang! Why did you run out!"

Leng Xuanrong was really surprised and happy. She quickly ran to Zeng Yanliang's side. Zeng Yanliang grabbed her sleeve, and the two dodged and hid in the corner.

"I'm not sure!" Zeng Yanliang said in a low voice, "I followed you quietly when you were taken away by the government messengers. I didn't expect them to take you to your private house... Xuanrong, are you all right?"

Leng Xuanrong was indescribably moved when she saw Zeng Yanliang sweating and looking worried. But she thought that Brother Yan Liang had taken such a big danger for herself and even ran to the county government, and she was a little scared again.

"Brother Yan Liang, don't worry, I'm fine. It's Mr. Liang who wants the brush in my hand. I gave him the brush, and he will be fine in the future. Don't worry. It's too dangerous to run to the county government. You can't go there again!"

Zeng Yanliang smiled when he heard the words, "If you hadn't been taken away by them, I wouldn't have gone..." Speaking of this, he restrained his smile and asked softly, "Isn't that brush the treasure of you father and daughter? Is that what you gave to Mr. Liang?"

Leng Xuanrong waved her hand to Zeng Yanliang with a smile and said in a low voice, "There will be a way to get it back in the future."

When Zeng Yanliang saw that Leng Xuanrong said this, he seemed to be confident and no longer asked. The two carefully crossed the streets and went back to the old house.

The incident of this night was soon spread by the people of Yan County, and many conjectures also spread about where the hatred between Lijia Gambling Village and Quyan Moge was.

However, Leng Xuanrong went out to inquire and found that the focus of everyone's attention seemed to be on how the shopkeeper Han was beaten and how he was beaten, and it had nothing to do with their father and daughter. In this way, Leng Xuanrong is also much relieved.

Two or three days later, amazing news suddenly came from the smashed shop of Nayan Moge. Han Zhongyi Han, the shopkeeper, actually belaid himself in the middle of the night alone in the night.

The body of the shopkeeper Han hung on the beam of the Moge and swaying with the breeze, and people stood on the street and could see it clearly from the broken window. Shopkeeper Han's swollen face has now become blue and purple. His eyes are wide open, as if they are about to crack, and a tongue sticks out of his mouth and drags straight to his chest.

After the incident, the little guy of Nayan Moge seemed to have taken away the silver on Nayan Moge's account and fled, and the family of the shopkeeper Han found someone to carry his body back after most of the day.

Although this matter was very strange, the family of the shopkeeper Han did not report to the official. It was said that they wanted to go back to their hometown to bury the shopkeeper Han, so they quietly took the body of the shopkeeper Han and the whole family away from Quyan County.

No one expected that such a Moge, which had been operating for decades, would cause disaster in just a few days and then disappear from Yan County forever.

Leng Xuanrong also sighed a little after hearing the news.

Leng Xuanrong did not go to see the death of the shopkeeper Han. She thought of her father in her previous life. At that time, she found that her father died in the old house. The tragic scene was deep in her heart, and she would never forget it.

Li Du'en is so cruel. For the sake of his high-ranking officials, he can eradicate everyone without scruples. Leng Xuanrong thought to himself that Li Duen had done all kinds of unconsensible things. Even if he didn't take action, God would not spare him.

But when she thought of this, Leng Xuanrong suddenly had a chill.

At this time, Zeng Yanliang came over with a dustpan. He put the dustpan in front of Leng Xuanrong and asked, "Xuanrong, do you think this is okay?"

Leng Xuanrong stared at the dustpan in a daze and came to her senses after looking at it for a long time.

The dustpan contains many bamboo poles of varying thickness and laughter. The thickest one is about the thickness of Brother Yan Liang's thumb, and the thinnest one is thinner than Leng Xuanrong's little finger. These bamboo poles have been cut along the bamboo joint by Zeng Yanliang.

Leng Xuanrong picked up a few to take a closer look, looked up and nodded to Zeng Yanliang with a smile, "That's fine."

Zeng Yanliang breathed a sigh of relief, sat down next to Leng Xuanrong and said, "The rest is to find some animal hair, right?"

"That's right." Leng Xuanrong looked at Zeng Yanliang and said, "But if you want to use these bamboos as pens, you have to dry them well. After ten days and a half, Brother Yan Liang, let's go to Fengquanling to catch rabbits.

Zeng Yanliang was stunned, "What? Didn't you let me go out?"

"In another ten days and a half months, the wind will almost pass. And..." Leng Xuanrong played with the bamboo pole in her hand and said thoughtfully, "At that time, we may have some adventure..."