The first wife of rebirth

Chapter 27 Black-hearted matchmaker, masked man

Chapter 27 Black-hearted matchmaker, masked man

The scene in front of her really made Leng Xuanrong at a loss. Before that, she was thinking about Brother Yan Liang and her father, but ignored the marriage.

In the previous life, this marriage continued because of what happened before. Leng Xuanrong thought that this matter would be solved after the previous things were solved, but who knew that things would become like this now.

She made a plan before the incident happened. Even if she was kidnapped by this group of people, she had already asked her father to go to Li Duen. Li Duen was thinking about his senior officials and would not ignore this matter. Instead, she could not only punish the mainland matchmaker through Li Duen's hand, but also be angry. Solve all the things involved. At that time, the trap she designed for Li Duen will also be completely laid, as long as he waits for him to run to death and wake up.

But the current thing is the key. If she is really tied up to be the dead man's wife now, it doesn't make sense what she has done before or what she has planned to do in the future.

Why did you make such a big mistake?

Leng Xuanrong really wants to slap herself in the mouth.

But now she doesn't even have a chance to do it.

As soon as the big men who came with Lu's matchmaker heard the instructions, they immediately rushed forward, grabbed Leng Xuanrong's arm and pulled it out. Two of them also took out the rope. If Leng Xuanrong didn't follow them out honestly, they would tie them with a rope.

Leng Xuanrong was full of regret and anxiety. She even forgot to ask for help and dodge.

But Leng Chengqi, who had been suffering behind her just now, seemed to have changed. At this time, he rushed forward like an old man and stood in front of Leng Xuanrong, roaring and pushing and shoving with the big men.

Leng Xuanrong saw his father suddenly rushing up and fighting with the big men with his weak and thin body. His nose was sore and tears suddenly fell down.

"Father!" Leng Xuanrong struggled hard and shouted to his father, "Father, be careful! Be careful! I'll be fine!"

Leng Chengqi burst into tears. He grabbed a big man's hand and choked and said, "Please... Please do well... Please let my daughter go... It's all my fault, it's all my fault! Please let Xuanrong go..."

But the big man was not moved at all. He frowned and waved his hand and threw Leng Chengqi far away.

Leng Chengqi was hummed and almost lost his breath.

Leng Xuanrong couldn't help screaming at this scene, "Father!"

She struggled desperately and wanted to see how her father was doing, but how such a thin little girl could earn more than those strong men with big and round waists.

Just as Leng Xuanrong was about to be dragged out of the door by these big men, the door of the inner room was suddenly kicked away with a bang, and a masked man rushed out of the room.

He rushed to the middle of those big men like a gust of wind, raised his hand and punched a few times, and his fists could hit the key points of those big men. He raised his legs again, and his feet were full of wind.

In an instant, the old house wailed one after another.

Leng Xuanrong only felt that her body was light. When she came to her senses, she found that she had fallen beside her father.

She didn't have time to think much about it. She reached out and felt her father's breath. Seeing that her father had just fainted, she turned her head to look at the man who ran out covered her face.

Brother Yan Liang!

Leng Xuanrong saw Brother Yan Liang's sharp-handed fight with those big men. Although those big men are strong, they are only slightly stronger bankers after all. When they really fight, they can't compare with Zeng Yanliang, who is dexterous.

Zeng Yanliang did it ruthlessly. In the blink of an eye, two people fell to the ground with their arms and screamed.

And when others saw this scene, they also withdrew from afar and dared not come forward to fight with Zeng Yanliang again.

Zeng Yanliang's whole face was covered with rags, only two eyes were exposed, and he stared at these people viciously. Seeing that they did not dare to come forward, he roared in a low voice, "Get out!"

This sound was like thunder. These big men only felt their scalp numb and their legs trembling. They hurriedly pulled up the two injured people and rolled and crawled out.

At this time, Leng Xuanrong's eyes suddenly fell on the mainland media woman who was scared and collapsed to one side.

She struggled to stand up and ran to the mainland media and shouted, "You black-hearted old woman! Don't get out of here yet!"

The mainland media woman didn't even dare to raise her head. She used her hands and feet and ran out.

In the old house, Leng Xuanrong and Zeng Yanliang stood side by side, and both of them gasped heavily.

Before long, they only heard a mixed sound in the distance. When the sound disappeared, Leng Xuanrong and Zeng Yanliang breathed a sigh of relief. I guess those people fled in panic.

"Brother Yan Liang..." Leng Xuanrong turned her head and looked at Zeng Yanliang, who was covered with a mask. There was a stir in her heart. She couldn't help jumping into Zeng Yanliang's arms and cried bitterly.

What happened today is really dangerous.

If Brother Yan Liang hadn't been here, and if he hadn't risked the danger of being discovered and worked against those big men, Leng Xuanrong really couldn't imagine what she should do.

It's all about not preparing in advance, it's all about being unrounded, and it's all about being careless at such a critical time...

The more Leng Xuanrong wanted to be, the more afraid she became, and the more sad she cried.

Zeng Yanliang pulled off the rag on his head and took a breath. He patted Leng Xuanrong on the back and comforted him, "Xuanrong, don't be afraid. Those people were driven away by me. It's okay. Don't be afraid..."

Although he said so, Zeng Yanliang's heart was also pounding.

Just now, he was angry on the forehead. At that moment, he almost wanted to take the guy and kill the men who pulled Leng Xuanrong.

Damn! Damn it!

If he is still a poor manor, he will take those people to the county government immediately without saying a word! Put them on shackles and throw them in prison for a year and a half to see if they dare to do this!

Leng Xuanrong's crying made Zeng Yanliang worried. Who would have thought such a thing would happen? Zeng Yanliang didn't even hear about it!

He has been holding Leng Xuanrong and making her cry in her arms. This is also the only thing he can do now.

Leng Xuanrong didn't know how long she cried. She seemed to have tried her best to turn all the pain accumulated during this period into tears and flowed to Zeng Yanliang's shoulder.

Tired of crying, Leng Xuanrong heard Zeng Yanliang's extremely soft voice.

"Don't be afraid... Don't be afraid..."

Leng Xuanrong took a deep breath and thought, not afraid, can't be afraid, I must not be afraid!

The lesson from this matter is unprecedentedly tragic. I didn't expect that even if I was cautious step by step, there would still be such a mistake. It's not that things change too tedious, but that you don't think too much.

In retrospect, in fact, it should have been considered before. Since we have known the existence of this marriage contract, why didn't we prepare early? Knowing that things in this life are different from those in the previous life, why didn't you investigate it properly? In addition, she saw the change of Li's gambling house yesterday, which is definitely something to pay attention to!

These key points should be well reflected on. If you think about it carefully, you will never make similar mistakes in the future.

It was not until this time that Leng Xuanrong found that after returning to this life, she had mistakenly thought that she had experienced enough. She was much more shrewd than herself at this time in her previous life, but now it seems that she needs more than a little cleverness. She needs a more detailed plan and she needs to think harder. She needs to be more cautious.

Relying on being smart, there will definitely be all kinds of mistakes in the future, which will harm others and yourself, and may even eventually die.

Thinking about this clearly, Leng Xuanrong gritted his teeth fiercely and secretly made up his mind.

She raised her head and saw that Zeng Yanliang's face was full of concern. She squeezed her mouth, squeezed out a smile, and said in a hoarse voice, "It's okay, Brother Yan Liang, don't worry."

The two met each other, and at this moment, their thoughts seemed to be conveyed to each other's hearts with their eyes.

Leng Xuanrong wiped away her tears and carried her father into the inner room with Zeng Yanliang.

Leng Chengqi closed his eyes tightly and kept talking. Although he was knocked down, the main reason why Leng Xuanrong felt that he fainted was not only because he was not only frightened, but also too worried.

Zeng Yanliang went out to boil hot water. The two raised Leng Chengqi's body, opened his mouth and filled him with some warm water. Leng Chengqi opened his eyes.

He was relieved to see that Leng Xuanrong and Zeng Yanliang were safe and sound.

But this time, his body can't stand it, and he is very weak when he speaks.

Leng Xuanrong made some porridge for Leng Chengqi to drink. After watching him sleep peacefully, she came out with Zeng Yanliang.

The two sat around the table without saying anything for a long time.

Finally, Leng Xuanrong opened his mouth first and whispered, "Brother Yan Liang, today's matter... Thank you for saving..."

Zeng Yanliang glanced at Leng Xuanrong and whispered, "What do you say..."

Leng Xuanrong took a deep breath and suddenly glanced to the ground, only to see that the marriage contract was still there.

She went over and picked it up, sat back at the table, put the marriage contract flat on the table, stared at it, and said quietly, "This is not my father's fault. The mainland media woman and the people in the gambling house set a trap together..."

Leng Xuanrong recalled that the mainland media woman pointed to her nose and scolded her in her previous life. At that time, she was helpless and could only endure everything with tears.

Zeng Yanliang glanced at the marriage contract, frowned and cursed angrily, "This damn mainland matchmaker!"

Leng Xuanrong stroked the rough paper with her fingers and repeated in a low voice, "Damn it... Damn it... This mainland media woman, damn it..."