The first wife of rebirth

Chapter 109 There is no way out, visit and explore

Chapter 103, there is no way out, visit and explore

As Leng Chengqi said, He Lijing was waiting to get all the evidence he wanted and kill Liang Qiurong, who made him unable to eat and sleep at once.

The people he sent below searched day and night, and finally found all the deadly evidence.

Liang Qiurong looked at a letter on the table to reply to the investigation, and he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

With these things, Liang Qiurong must die. As long as he dies, the person who knows the secret will be left with Leng Chengqi.

As for Leng Chengqi, He Lijing can't think of a way to deal with it now. He also heard a lot about Leng Chengqi's current situation from Li Duen. He Lijing feels that such a person who is willing to degenerate may not pose any threat to him now. At least it is not the time to think about him.

It's not too late. He Lijing sent people to start summarizing the evidence in his hand. The people he brought lived in Guanyi. That night, the Guanyi was brightly lit, and everyone stayed up all night to sort out all the river work they had found in Nayan County, especially for Liang Qiurong, the county magistrate.

When the sky was bright, people dressed in night clothes came to report that the group led by Mr. Liang had entered Fengquanling.

He Lijing frowned and thought for a moment, and suddenly felt something was wrong.

According to what his men reported before, Mr. Liang San took those people away very slowly. It's a long way from Yan County to Fengquanling. Why did it arrive so quickly?

The man who came back explained that maybe Mr. Liang was in a hurry. On the way, he suddenly took the two mountain hunters away from the walking yamen and divided them into two teams. The front team entered the mountain, and the back team moved slowly. The people sent by He Lijing did not ride horses, so they could only follow the back team. The news they received was also conveyed between the two teams.

He Lijing obviously felt that Mr. Liang was plotting, but he thought about it carefully that even Liang Qiurong was helpless now, and his son could stir up any waves. So He Lijing just let people continue to stare there, come back to report at any time, and then put all his energy on dealing with Liang Qiurong.

They carefully sorted out the evidence obtained, and Liang Qiurong naturally heard the news.

Liang Qiurong is really helpless now. He was so tired that even his second son panicked.

"Dad, think of a way, tomorrow at the latest, tomorrow at the latest!" The second son of the Liang family kept turning around the house and muttered.

Liang Qiurong sat there with despair in his eyes.

He also knows that at the latest tomorrow, He Lijing will come to plead, but so far, he has thought of all the ways he can think of and done everything he can do. There is no strong backer behind the Liang family, and now it has become the target of public criticism, not to mention finding someone to help them, even if he wants to find There is no one who can give them an idea.

There are also some resentment in the past, but now they all take this opportunity to stab the back of the Liang family. Liang Qiurong originally planned to send his aunts away in advance, but he didn't know who smelled the news. He Lijing was notified early in the morning. For this reason, He Lijing ordered to transfer officers and soldiers from neighboring counties and guard several gates of Nayan County.

What Liang Qiurong couldn't figure out most was that such an obviously unreasonable thing did not seem to attract the attention of King Xiaohan. The prince has been closing his door these days. The only person he has contacted is the cold girl who made clothes for his men.

According to Mr. Liang San, the girl surnamed Leng was entrusted by him to do things. No matter how Liang Qiurong asked, Mr. Liang San didn't say anything.

"Dad, what on earth did Lao San do?" The second son of the Liang family asked with a frown.

Liang Qiurong sighed and said feebly, "Mu Han said that he had a dangerous way. Even if he can't solve the immediate crisis, he may be able to buy us a little time. It's just... What's the use even if you buy time? The matter of the river worker... I'm afraid..."

The second son of the Liang family was also dejected when he heard this. He took charge of everything on the river worker's side. He can't absolve himself from the blame for the matter to this point.

Both both know that it is useless to say anything about regret now. They can only look forward to a turning point that can let them get through this crisis.

"Dad, the prince is now in the county of Quyan County. Why don't we beg the prince..." The second son of the Liang family had no confidence when he said this. At the beginning, Liang Qiurong motioned him to approach Mr. Dou, but after two closed doors, the second son almost took people to smash Mr. Dou's dyeing studio. If it hadn't been for the scene at that time, the Liang family and Mr. Dou would have been enmityed. Now that he wants to beg the prince, the second son knows that he must step on Mr. Dou's favor.

"When Lao San comes back, let Lao San beg Mr. Dou, even if the money is gone, as long as he save his life..." The second son of the Liang family muttered in a low voice.

Liang Qiurong raised his head and stared at his second son and said coldly, "Don't say that Mr. Dou and your third brother are not in Nayan County now. Even if they are here, they can't solve this matter with the two of them. Prince, who is the prince? If he wanted to take care of this matter, he would have taken care of it. What is our little Liang family in the eyes of the prince? What is our little wealth in the eyes of others?

When the second prince saw that his father was a little angry, he hurriedly waved his hand and explained, "Dad, don't shout at me. At this time, a dead horse has to think of a way as a living horse doctor, right? Who else can we count on besides the prince?

The words of the second son of the Liang family have been lingering in Liang Qiurong's mind. He sat there and thought about it for a long time, and finally stood up and walked out tremblingly.

As soon as the second son of the Liang family saw that his father was going out, he got up and asked, "Dad, where are you going? Did you think of any way?"

Liang Qiurong did not answer and left.

Leng Xuanrong felt as if she had just fallen asleep and suddenly heard a knock on the door from outside. She tried to open her eyes and saw that the window paper was gray outside, as if it was not yet dawn. She got up in a hurry and her heart was full of trembling.

If you come to her home at this time, it will naturally not be a neighbor, let alone Brother Yan Liang. Brother Yan Liang can come in directly without knocking on the door.

Leng Xuanrong dressed and went out to open the door while thinking about who would come.

Out of the yard, Leng Xuanrong looked up at the sky. It should be time for the sun to rise, but today it is cloudy and thick dark clouds are pressing on the top of the head, which makes people feel a little suffocating.

Leng Xuanrong was not in a hurry to open the door. She asked softly, "Who is it?"

After waiting for a while, I only heard a hoarse old voice outside, "Excuse me...does the cold girl live here?"

The sound was like a sharp blade, which suddenly pierced Leng Xuanrong's heart.

Before she could respond, the sound outside sounded again.

"I'm... I'm here to visit the cold girl."

Liang Qiurong.

No matter how this person's voice changes, Leng Xuanrong can still distinguish it. Even if she and Liang Qiurong have not seen each other several times in this life, Leng Xuanrong will never forget how he roared in front of him in his previous life, how he shouted at him, how he spoke coldly, how he pretended to be concerned, and finally how he sent her from this Yanyan County to another forest hell. Leng Xuanrong will never forget everything in his previous life.

When she came to her senses, Leng Xuanrong found herself trembling.

She tried to calm down, walked to the door and opened the dilapidated door.

Looking up, I saw Liang Qiurong's eye sockets sunken, his cheekbones protruding, and his beard and hair turned white. Although he is still wearing good-quality clothes, he seems to have been picked up from elsewhere and put on his body. Even Leng Xuanrong didn't expect that for a short time, Liang Qiurong would be so sad.

The tension in Leng Xuanrong's heart just now seemed to dissipate because of Liang Qiurong's appearance, and it was replaced by the pride bursting out from the bottom of her heart.

Yes, it's just proud.

Leng Xuanrong almost wanted to ask Liang Qiurong if he knew why he had fallen to this point, and asked him if he knew the so-called consequences of his previous life and future generations.

This question flashed through Leng Xuanrong's mind, and she fought a cold war.

The cause of the previous life, the result of the next life?

Leng Xuanrong dares not think much about this statement now.

Liang Qiurong seemed to be relieved to see the cold girl coming out of the door. Seeing that the cold girl had been looking at him, her expression was uncertain and silent, Liang Qiurong was a little uncomfortable.

He arched his hand to Leng Xuanrong and said, "I'm really sorry to disturb the girl so early."

When Liang Qiurong opened his mouth, Leng Xuanrong immediately reacted and hurriedly returned the salute, "Lord Liang... Forgive the little woman's rudeness, I don't know that Lord Liang has arrived..." After saying this, Leng Xuanrong asked with a doubtful expression, "Lord Liang, why did you... why did you come here?"

Liang Qiurong sighed when he heard Leng Xuanrong's question. If someone had told him before that he would one day be forced to visit a teenage girl early in the morning, he would never believe it.

"Leng girl, I don't know if it's convenient to talk about it in the house?" Liang Qiurong asked in a brazen whisper.

Leng Xuanrong hesitated for a moment, but still opened the door and invited Liang Qiurong to come in.

When Liang Qiurong saw the shabby old house where Leng Xuanrong lived, he couldn't help but turn over.

If you had known today, why didn't you take care of this little girl before? It's strange that how did such a little girl from the family get the prince's appreciation?

Liang Qiurong can't forget the way he saw the prince looking at the little girl in front of him on the day of the celebration.

"Miss Leng, I heard that there is a sick father in your family? Alas... I'm an official, but I haven't been able to let the people live and work in peace and contentment. It's really... Alas..."

Leng Xuanrong silently looked at Liang Qiurong and sighed, with more doubts in her heart.