The first wife of rebirth

Chapter 121 Where to go

Chapter 121 Where to go

He Lijing obviously felt the rapid change in Du Yilin's attitude. Before, when he went to the dyeing studio, Du Yilin spoke in a very gentle tone, but now it is so cold that people dare not speak back.

He was more sure that Du Yilin had no scruples about him.

He Lijing's heart sank little by little. He stepped back and said respectfully, "I dare not."

Seeing that he retreated, Du Yilin snorted and continued, "After I arrived in Yan County, I also immediately began to investigate the robbery of the official silver. Although there was some progress, I have not been able to find the culprit of the silver. Those people had a plan. I once sent his guards to the mountains to search, but I didn't find them.

Liang Qiurong and He Lijing were shocked when Du Yilin said this.

They all knew that the prince sent his guards to go over the mountain, but they didn't know what was going on with what he said was "some progress".

Liang Qiurong was confused. When the prince reinitiated the robbery of the official silver, he immediately thought that it must have been a plan set by his third son Liang Muhan, but he had no way to know whether it was a good effect or a bad effect. After hearing Du Yilin say that there was some progress in investigating that matter, Liang Qiurong was even more uncertain.

Du Yilin saw that the people standing in front of him looked nervous. He slowly stood up and said coldly with his hands behind his back, "Just when I thought I would return in vain, I heard new clues from Liang Qiurong's third son. Just tonight, Liang Qiurong's third son broke into the dyeing dust study to see me and told him in detail what he found.

Speaking of this, Du Yilin looked at He Lijing coldly. He continued, "But on the way here, I saw that many people's homes in the city had been inspected. After asking, I knew that Lord He, the governor of Wuming County, sent people to search for Liang Qiurong's third son in the whole city. Lord He, is that so?

He Lijing was shocked. He immediately thought that the third son of Liang would not be hidden by Du Yilin, would he?

"Your Majesty..." He Lijing took a step forward again and arched his hand and replied, "The subordinate was just handling the case of Liang Qiurong, the county magistrate of Quyan County, embezzling the funds of the river industry and related cases. Liang Qiurong's second son and his third son are important relevant people in the case, so the subordinate..."

Before He Lijing finished speaking, Du Yilin waved his hand and interrupted him and asked coldly, "I only ask you if you have found Liang Muhan."

He Lijing frowned and replied in a low voice, "Not yet."

"In this case, Lord He can continue to look for it." Du Yilin nodded and continued, "But Lord He, if your men find Liang Muhan, they will bring him here immediately. Because he is also an important witness in the case of the robbery of the official bank. I still have something to ask him."

When He Lijing heard this, his face became more gloomy.

He was shocked to find that the little trick of Mr. Liang, which had not been noticed by him, had actually worked.

Is it possible that Du Yilin is going to take Liang Qiurong from him? He Lijing gritted his teeth and thought to himself that if Liang Qiurong spit out the secret he knew, it would ruin the big thing. At that time, not only He Lijing, but also the adult above him will be implicated.

If Du Yilin really intends to dig away Liang Qiurong, He Lijing can only fight to the death.

He Lijing thought in his heart that although he looked at a disadvantage now, tens of thousands of people outside the city surrounded several gates, but with these strange sergeants that Du Yilin got from nowhere, I'm afraid it would be difficult to resist tens of thousands of people. If there is a real war, He Lijing will still have an advantage!

He Lijing pressed his uneasiness and comforted himself like this.

Du Yilin walked slowly with his hands behind his back. In fact, the corners of his eyes had been observing He Lijing's reaction. Seeing his fierce face, Du Yilin was so hateful that his teeth were itchy. If it hadn't been for many scruples, he really wanted to order immediately and immediately tie him out to behead him.

But the court can't act lightly. Du Yilin knows the reason. The more annoyed he is, the calm he will be.

"Liang Muhan is not here, and he will not delay the handling of the case." Du Yilin sat down again and said loudly, "Some people have made it clear about the cause and effect of the incident. Why don't you let him come out in public today?

After saying that, Du Yilin waved to Zeng Yanliang, who had been hiding among the guards, and shouted, "Zeng Yanliang, come here."

Half of the people present widened their eyes when they heard the name.

Liang Qiurong couldn't even believe his ears.

Zeng Yanliang?

Zeng Yanliang?

Isn't that the only one who didn't find the body in the government office that went to transport the official silver?

Isn't that the person he said was colluding with the robber?

What's wrong with him...

Why is he still alive?

How did he appear at this time?

Before Liang Qiurong could react, Zeng Yanliang had separated the crowd and walked to Du Yilin. He knelt down to salute, and then stood up and rushed to Liang Qiurong behind him and held his fist.

"Lord Liang, I haven't seen you for a long time."

Liang Qiurong stared with his big mouth and trembling fingers pointing to Zeng Yanliang. It took him a long time to squeeze out a sentence, " are still alive..."

Zeng Yanliang snorted coldly, "Lord Liang, I am not only alive, but also I have never done what you said to collude with robbers. At that time, I and the brothers of the county government fought desperately to protect the official silver. They were seriously injured and accidentally fell into the gully. Fortunately, they were rescued later. But when the matter came out, you actually said that I colluded with the robbers! You even deducted the money of those dead brothers with many excuses! Lord Liang, you have done so much!"

Liang Qiurong's face was pale. Hearing Zeng Yanliang say this, he couldn't think of a rebuttal for a moment. His mouth trembled for a long time and said nothing. The second son of the Liang family supported his father and felt that his father was getting heavier and heavier, as if he had no bones at all.

At this time, Du Yilin said, "Zeng Yanliang, don't rush to talk about Liang Qiurong. Tell these people in detail what you know about the robbery of Guanyin.

Zeng Yanliang clenched his fist, sorted out his thoughts, and then began to describe in detail the official silver before and after the robbery. When he said that he had been rescued, he deliberately mentioned Leng Xuanrong's name.

Then he immediately talked about the fact that a mountain hunter went to the county government office to beat drums, and Mr. Liang took people to Fengquanling to verify it.

"When I got there, the bodies had been taken care of by the officials of the county government, and there were still several large pots of melting silver in the forest." After saying that, Zeng Yanliang punched Du Yilin again, "Your Majesty, if you send someone to investigate now, those things and bodies should still be still there. Zeng Yanliang is willing to lead the way.

Du Yilin nodded. He was not in a hurry to ask people to investigate this matter, but quietly asked Zeng Yanliang, "You just said that someone saved you from Fengquanling, who was seriously injured. Who is that person?"

Zeng Yanliang was stunned when he heard the words. He looked at Du Yilin and turned his head to look at Leng Xuanrong hiding in the distance. He saw that Leng Xuanrong bit his lips and frowned very nervously. Zeng Yanliang turned around and asked Du Yilin in a low voice, "Your Majesty...this..."

Du Yilin said impatiently, "I ask you, just tell me the truth!"

There was no way, Zeng Yanliang had to say in a low voice, "That man's name is... Leng Xuanrong..."

As soon as the name was said, Liang Qiurong only felt a "buzz" sound in his head. His body shook, but it was stabilized by his second son.

Leng Xuanrong, that little girl... that little girl who made a deal with herself...

Liang Qiurong's mind turned into a pot of porridge.

There are too many things he doesn't know!

I didn't expect Zeng Yanliang to appear. I didn't expect Leng Xuanrong to hide him, and I didn't expect that these two people were related to this deadly prince!

Liang Qiurong has deeply felt that this matter, not to mention him, even if Liang Muhan is present, I'm afraid he will only be surprised.

And Liang Qiurong was not the only one who was shocked at this time.

not far from him, He Lijing only felt that his hands and feet were cold, and cold sweat appeared on his forehead.

He saw a teenage-like little girl slowly coming from the crowd, and He Lijing was even a little breathless.

Cold Xuanrong.

This little girl's name is Leng Xuanrong.

He remembered that he seemed to have seen the little girl somewhere.

By the way, it was in the dyeing study. At that time, the little girl stood with Dou Haowei.

At that time, he didn't seem to pay much attention to her, but now when he heard her name, He Lijing had an ominous feeling in his heart.

What's the name of Leng Chengqi's daughter?

Leng Xuanrong moved forward step by step, and his heart pounded faster and faster.

She was a little panicked. She didn't know what Du Yilin meant by deliberately asking her to go out at this time.

She could clearly feel He Lijing's sharp eyes, and she even felt that as long as her identity was exposed, He Lijing would rush forward and chop her throat.

In his previous life, it was easier for He Lijing to kill her than to kill an ant.


Leng Xuanrong frowned and closed her eyes and told herself that it was wrong.

You can't be afraid.

Even in her previous life, He Lijing finally died at her hands.

There is no need to be afraid of him!

When Leng Xuanrong opened her eyes again, her eyes became much firmer.

She strode forward in front of Du Yilin and was blessed.

Du Yilin still did not speak immediately, but Gu Zhiyi, who was sitting next to him, narrowed his eyes slightly.

He obviously felt that there was a strong murderous intention beside the little girl who came in front of him!

The little girl is only a teenager, and her face is still a little young. She seems to be just an ordinary woman, but the resolute light in her eyes and the murderous spirit on her body are so obvious.

If she hadn't experienced life and death, and if she hadn't killed someone with her own hands, Gu Zhiyi felt that she could not have brought such a breath.

Looking at Leng Xuanrong, Gu Zhiyi thought to himself, who is this little girl?