The first wife of rebirth

Chapter 174 Lord Xiaohan, Master Dou

Dou Haowei listened to Du Yilin's words, and his expression suddenly faded. He knew that the Raven Green Ink Pavilion was just a pawn for Du Yilin, but for Dou Haowei himself, Leng Xuanrong there made him miss him very much.

Since he and Du Yilin returned to the imperial city, he has been shuttled between those dignitaries. Du Yilin's meaning is very obvious. He is constantly racing against time. He wants to be prepared to protect the country and the royal family before the enemy takes action. However, in this battle, Du Yilin seems to have Some are weak. Dou Haowei wanted to do his best to help him, so even if there was some stumbling between them, the two just fought and dealt with it. They are very busy. This kind of life has never been what Dou Haowei wanted. For him, the pressure is also very great.

Because of this, Dou Haowei had little time to take care of Leng Xuanrong and others far away in Wuming County. Since he received a letter from Leng Xuanrong that time, he has never heard from him. Du Yilin seemed to deliberately not want to mention the matter there in front of him, and the affairs of Wuming County and He Lijing seemed to have come to an end.

If it hadn't been for the three sisters sending this letter today, Dou Haowei probably wouldn't have known that Gu Zhiyi still had taken action in Wuming County.

The Kirin Camp of Gu Zhiyi will not listen to Du Yilin's mobilization, so their actions must be from the emperor's will. However, Dou Haowei is very clear that the emperor has now put almost all his hopes on his brother. The emperor's will is actually what Du Yilin means.

"Your Majesty, do you want to let Gu Zhiyi and others go out and bring down He Lijing?" Dou Haowei asked Du Yilin with some worry. In fact, this is definitely not a good way. As the saying goes, he moves his whole body with one hair. If Du Yilin pulls down He Lijing by force at this time, there will never be no movement on the imperial city. What's more... Dou Haowei's eyes lit up and asked, "Is it that the prince wants to catch Mr. An?"

"Anpingzhi?" Du Yilin seemed to be a little surprised. He stood up and patted Dou Haowei on the shoulder and whispered in his ear, "Hhaowei, you have learned badly. It's really a real mountain thief's behavior to tie up my son and threaten me. I won't be forced to that point, will I?

Dou Haowei was a little embarrassed, "Then... why did the prince let Qilin Camp go near Wuming County?"

Du Yilin raised his hands and sighed, "Haowei, do you know why Prime Minister An sent his son to Wuming County?"

Dou Haowei thought for a moment and replied, "I heard that Mr. An has already had a marriage contract with He Lijing's daughter. Presumably, Prime Minister An wants to appease people's hearts at this time, so let his son marry He Lijing's daughter back."

Unexpectedly, Du Yilin shook his head when he heard the words.

"If Prime Minister An wants his son to marry He Lijing's daughter, this matter will not be delayed until now." Du Yilin took Dou Haowei to the room inside and said as he walked, "Although An Pingzhi has been independent since he was a child, he always obeyed his father's words. His marriage has been delayed again and again. There are rumors that it is because An Pingzhi has no intention to get married, but in fact, it is all in Prime Minister An's plan.

Two people picked up the bead curtain and came to a warm pavilion inside. There were two warm couches in the north and south of the warm pavilion. There were small square tables on the warm couch, and tea sets and snacks were all available on the table. Both of them went to the warm couch in the north and sat cross-legged. Dou Haowei picked up the teapot and poured tea for Du Yilin. He asked softly, "In this way, has An Cheng already calculated the matter relative to Wuming County?"

Du Yilin took a sip of tea and frowned. It seemed that the tea was cold, so he put down the teacup and stopped drinking it.

"That old man is also a matter of expectation, otherwise we don't have to deal with him so hard now." Du Yilin sighed, stretched out, lay lazily on the warm couch, and whispered, "But Haowei, do you think there is really anyone in the world who is uncertain?"

Dou Haowei heard it inexplicably, "Unpredicted? What does the prince mean by this?

Du Yilin lay there and stared at Dou Haowei and said, "What I went to Nayan County was my improvised. In fact, I didn't plan to stay in Yanyan County for so long, and I didn't expect things to become like that. If it hadn't been for the cold Xuanrong, and if it hadn't been for the cold Chengqi, if it hadn't been for the coincidence that Zeng Yanliang hadn't died, those things might not have become so complicated. But after these things happened, Prime Minister An immediately responded, not only to He Lijing... Haowei, you probably don't know that Wuming County is very lively now. It is not only us who are mobilizing troops from all over the world, but also Prime Minister An and others can't help it.

"The prince said... Did Ancheng have a long-term expectation of what happened to Anyan County? So can he deal with it so quickly?" Dou Haowei was a little surprised. He sat at the table with his chin in his hand, frowned and thought for a moment, and shook his head, "I don't think Prime Minister An will be an uncertain prophet. It is more likely that he has been deployed in Wuming County for a long time, and what happened in Kunyan County was just an accident for him. After this accident, he made a transfer as soon as possible. This incident only shows that An Cheng has been together for a long time, and his strength has reached such a level..."

Du Yilin sighed again. He turned over and lay down, turned his head to the other side, turned his head to Dou Haowei, and shouted, "I'm not saying that the old man can be unpredictable, but I want to say... the one who arranged you to go to Nayan County... that's the prophet!"

"Are you talking about my master?" Dou Haowei's eyes widened and said in shock.

Indeed, so far, Dou Haowei has not figured out what his master was going to do to go to Nayan County, and he had written a letter to his master when he left Nayan County, but the master has not replied for a long time. This doubt had been left behind by Dou Haowei, but I didn't expect Du Yilin to bring it up again today.

Unpredicted prophet, that is the art of immortality. How many mortals can have such skills?

Although Dou Haowei thinks so, on second thought, his master may really be a mortal with fairy fate. Anyway, he is absolutely different. It is probably not impossible for him to be unpredictable. Thinking that he left a few words when he returned to the mountains and forests, these words seemed ordinary, but some people said that those words were predictions of what would happen in the future.

Dou Haowei has never asked Master about this, because he knows that even if he asks, Master will only laugh and say nothing, and will never tell him the correct answer easily. If he starts to guess, it will probably become endless.

"How Wei..."

A weak call interrupted Dou Haowei's thoughts, and Du Yilin was still lying there like just now, like a corpse.

"Your Majesty... If you feel tired, go and have a rest..." Dou Haowei said helplessly to Du Yilin. During this period, Du Yilin was sleepless. Dou Haowei was really worried that he would suddenly fall down.

But Du Yilin didn't seem to have any intention of moving at all, just lying down like a corpse.

"Ho Wei..." He made a sound, but still didn't move. "You said, how good it would be if your master could come out of the mountain to help..."

Dou Haowei sighed, "Your Majesty, you know it is absolutely impossible to invite my master out of the mountain. Didn't the late emperor invite him more than once in person? Didn't they all close the door?"

"Well...that old man is really stubborn..."

"Don't speak ill of the teacher."

For a long time, Du Yilin suddenly got up from the warm couch. His eyes were full of brilliance. He grabbed Dou Haowei's arm and asked happily, "Although we can't invite your master Mr. Zhang, if we invite another master, can we have a turnaround?"

Dou Haowei's strength from Du Yilin's hand can tell how excited he is now, but Dou Haowei is really not happy, because Dou Haowei knows more or less about the other master mentioned by Du Yilin.

"If the master mentioned by the prince is the master, I will also advise the prince to say... Please think twice..." Dou Haowei said with a black face.

Du Yilin laughed loudly and patted Dou Haowei on the shoulder. "It happens that your third sister is here to help me. Tomorrow I will enter the palace to ask for an order. Then you can take me to visit Mr. Dou and ask Mr. Dou to write a letter. In addition to your letter, Gu Zhiyi and I will take the whole Kirin Camp to do this matter. At that time, it is estimated that there will be ten 89 can succeed! Hahaha... When that master comes to the imperial city, the imperial city will be turned upside down!"

Dou Haowei covered his face and shook his head. He thought to himself that the master could indeed turn the imperial city upside down, but it must also make them anxious.

Du Yilin did things vigorously. In just one day, he collected the emperor's decree and everyone's letters. Dou Haowei rarely returned home, but he still had to be led by Du Yilin, but his grandfather and father seemed to support Du Yilin. Dou Haowei really felt that it was desolate.

For good, his third sister loved him the most. Seeing that he had free time, she pulled him to her study to comfort him alone.

"Hope, you have lost a lot of weight." The third sister touched Dou Haowei's cheek sadly and took out a small cloth bag from her sleeve and stuffed it in his hand.

Dou Haowei unfolded the small cloth bag, which contained nail-sized pine nuts. Dou Haowei took out one and put it in his mouth and asked with a smile, "Is it made by the third sister herself?"

The third sister nodded, "Is it delicious?"

"Delicious!" Dou Haowei ate another one and casually asked, "How did the third sister know that I was coming back today? He also specially made pine candy..." At this point, Dou Haowei's movements suddenly stopped. He frowned and turned his head to look at the third sister and asked carefully, "Three... Sister... Is this... What you want to give to General Gu? Let me try it?"

The smile on the third sister's face remained unchanged, "Only Haowei, you have eaten the pine candy I used to make. Does it taste the same as before?"

Dou Haowei suddenly became lost, nodded dejectedly, and wrapped the rest of the pine nuts and put it in the sleeve.