The first wife of rebirth

Chapter 200 Isolation, Between Life and Death

Leng Xuanrong knew that they were helpless now, and even Qilin Camp Guzhiyi could not follow them to Wuming County to protect them.

"Brother Yan Liang, do you know where Qilin Camp is going next?" Leng Xuanrong tried her best to suppress her voice so that it did not sound as trembling.

Zeng Yanliang frowned and said to Leng Xuanrong, "I heard that the emperor gave them a two-month vacation. It is said that they will disband on the spot and gather two months later."

"Vacation?" Leng Xuanrong could hardly believe her ears. Does the Kirin Camp under the emperor's jurisdiction still have a vacation? There must be something unusual about this! Although Leng Xuanrong thinks so, the matter of Qilin Camp has nothing to do with them. Now only finding a way to save his life is the most important thing. Kirin Camp has a lot of vacation. They must have something else to do, so I'm afraid they can't count on them. What's more, although Gu Zhiyi seems to be gentle to Leng Xuanrong and Zeng Yanliang, Leng Xuanrong is not familiar with him and has no reason to rely on him.

After thinking about it, Leng Xuanrong still can't think of a way. Now unless they stay here with the Kirin camp, they will not escape the palm of peace sooner or later.

The row of oil lamps on the table gradually became dim, and the two sat side by side without saying a word.

Late at night, Zeng Yanliang suddenly opened his mouth and said to Leng Xuanrong, "Xuanrong, why don't we go back to Wuming County, go straight to Yan County to pick up Uncle Leng, and then escape."

When Leng Xuanrong heard Zeng Yanliang's words, she slowly lowered her head.

They are now in a difficult situation, isolated and helpless, and suffering from enemies everywhere. There is An Pingzhi and He Lijing in Wuming County, and the King Xiaohan behind them is likely to abandon them. In this way, there is only one way to die. The method mentioned by Zeng Yanliang is probably the only way to survive. However, if she chooses to escape, the hatred of Leng Xuanrong's previous life can no longer be reported.

He Lijing is still living well, He Ruiping is also living well, and those who have made himself suffer in the imperial city are also living well.

What's more, if the things in this life are basically the same as the previous life, how will those who were killed by Leng Xuanrong in the previous life end? Will there be any unexpected changes at that time? Will King Xiaohan be defeated and make the country change its owner?


Leng Xuanrong turned his head and looked at Zeng Yanliang.

Whether the big hatred can't be avenged or the country may change its owner, it is not as important as Brother Yan Liang's presence by his side.

If we continue to develop according to the current situation, Brother Yan Liang may have many more dangers to experience, and he doesn't know how many more dangers he will experience. Give up now, at least they can live, and they can live by themselves. From then on, the three went to the deep mountains and forests to find a secluded place, regardless of hatred, scheming, and power. At that time, they only lived a comfortable life and did not need to be worried... Isn't this good?

Leng Xuanrong found that Zeng Yanliang had lost a lot of weight. Maybe the days of getting lost in the mountains are not as easy as he said, and maybe he has experienced many dangers. But Brother Yan Liang was afraid that he would be worried, so he would not tell himself. At this time, Leng Xuanrong suddenly found that all this seemed to be because of her persistence, so Brother Yan Liang worked so hard and was willing to take risks. Without her, Brother Yan Liang may return to the county government of Nayan County to be an ordinary government post after getting rid of his grievances? Or go far away, find a place where no one knows him, hide his name and settle down. Anyway, he won't take such a big risk. Maybe it's all my fault.

"Brother Yan Liang... I'm sorry for you..."

If there were no sufferings in the previous life, there would be no persistence and revenge in this life. Now it is not just a matter for Leng Xuanrong. If the price of revenge is to lose the most important person around her, Leng Xuanrong would rather forget everything in her previous life and only look at this life.

Zeng Yanliang frowned, raised his hand to wipe away the tears from the corners of Leng Xuanrong's eyes, and whispered, "Xuanrong, how can you be sorry for me... We rely on each other for our lives. As long as we live, we are better than anything else. What is happening now is getting bigger and bigger, so big that we can't control it. The grievances on Uncle Leng have passed for so many years. The dead brothers of the county government probably also know that we have tried our best. Xuanrong, you are not sorry for anyone. We are sorry for you... Don't force yourself anymore, let's go..."

Go. After leaving, you don't have to care about Xiaohan Wang or An Pingzhi. After leaving, you can live a peaceful life with Brother Yan Liang.

Let's go.

Leng Xuanrong slowly closed her eyes, but the memories of her previous life still wrapped around her like a poisonous snake. But Leng Xuanrong would rather let these poisonous snakes strangle themselves tightly than let them become the root cause of killing Brother Yan Liang.

"Brother Yan Liang, let's go. Tomorrow morning, we will leave this place of right and wrong and hide far away.

After making this decision, the two reconsidered what to do tomorrow. If it suddenly disappears like this, it is obvious to tell An Pingzhi that they are going to escape. So the two can't leave like this. Zeng Yanliang decided to go to Gu Zhiyi to discuss it first. It would be better to use the power of Kirin Camp to at least let them safely pick up Leng Xuanrong's father Leng Chengqi. You should know that Leng Chengqi is still in the county office of Nayan County. Although he is nominally a county magistrate, in fact, he is no different from the prisoner under the strict guard of He Lijing. It is not easy to save Leng Chengqi with the power of Leng Xuanrong and Zeng Yanliang alone.

On the other hand, they want to appease An Ping for the time being. If An Pingzhi knew that they wanted to escape, I'm afraid he would take action immediately. At that time, not only Leng Xuanrong and Zeng Yanliang, but also Leng Chengqi in Yanyan County will not escape death.

After the two discussed the specific method, it was already dawn.

Zeng Yanliang asked Leng Xuanrong to take a break. He left the house alone and went out to tell Gu Zhiyi about these things.

Kirin Camp will not stop daily training no matter where it is. Their training always starts very early. Zeng Yanliang is used to this. Zeng Yanliang tried to participate in their training when he was on the mountain, but soon found that he could not keep up with them at all. Both physical training and martial arts training are far beyond Zeng Yanliang's imagination. Zeng Yanliang is not surprised by the long diary.

These people did not gather together, but gathered according to their "team" group. Teams and teams are all competitive. According to Xiao 19, at a certain time of the year, they will have a situation similar to a game. At that time, it is the opportunity to win or lose. At that time every year, all teams will not show mercy, because the results of the confrontation will be directly related to the future allocation of generals to them. The task. The more important the task you can receive, the more important it is, and the more important the task is, the more it can train people. As long as you get good grades, you can smoothly enter a virtuous circle, and vice versa, it is difficult to have a chance to turn over.

Xiaojii will be more proud when talking about this topic, because the reason why his team can become the team at the forefront of the whole Kirin Camp is that they achieved the best results in the previous year's competition. That is to say, they are better than other teams in many aspects.

The sense of competition in Kirin Camp is much stronger than Zeng Yanliang imagined, so after following them for such a period of time, Zeng Yanliang has also changed.

In fact, Zeng Yanliang is not a person who will give up anything easily, but now their situation makes Zeng Yanliang have to give up the idea of revenge for those dead brothers. He can't drag Leng Xuanrong's father and daughter into the water for his own hatred. When Leng Xuanrong said "sorry" last night, Zeng Yanliang actually thought of the same sentence.

Even if he put away all the edges and corners, as long as he could make Leng Xuanrong safe, he was willing to be.

Zeng Yanliang sighed and accelerated his pace to find Xiaojiu.

Zeng Yanliang thought it would be better to ask Xiao 19 what his opinion was first. Because he knows more about General Gu's temper and can also come up with ideas for him. Although this little 19 usually looks like a monkey, in fact, he is a very experienced person. Whether it is a sudden situation or calculating others, Xiao 19 is very good at it. Otherwise, he would not have become the leader of the best team in the Kirin Camp.

After a period of getting along with him, Zeng Yanliang believes that Xiao 19 will not ignore him at this juncture of life and death.

Zeng Yanliang looked for half an hour in Chaoyang Village before he finally found Xiao 19 and the team he led in a wide round empty field behind. This empty field seems to be the place where the mountain thieves in Chaoyang Village usually train. Compared with the place occupied by other teams, it is the best. Zeng Yanliang knew that this must have been grabbed by the competitive little 19 again.

Sure enough, Xiao 19, who was originally training, saw Zeng Yanliang coming and smiled with great pride. He jumped over and patted Zeng Yanliang on the shoulder and asked, "How about Yan Liang? The place we grabbed is good, isn't it? Much better than others, right? Hahaha!"

Zeng Yanliang couldn't help laughing. He whispered to Xiaojio, "You are fighting so much. Aren't you afraid that other team brothers will come to treat you in the future?"

Little Nineteen raised his head when he heard the words, "Humph! They have to do that!" After saying that, Xiaoshii squinted at Zeng Yanliang, and his eyes seemed to see through Zeng Yanliang. "Brother Yanliang, did you come to me early in the morning? Is there something wrong?"

Zeng Yanliang nodded without hesitation and said in a low voice, "I have encountered a major event of life and death, so I came to ask Brother 19 to help me come up with advice."