The first wife of rebirth

Chapter 208 Strange Hermit, Mountain and Wild Forest

When Leng Xuanrong and others go to the place where they can see the peak of Zixia, they can occasionally meet one or two hunters who go up the mountain to hunt or woodcut wood. Zeng Yanliang went to inquire about Mr. Zhang's residence, but these hunter woodcutters were smiling and advised them to go back with a smile.

"There are countless people who come to see Mr. Zhang every year, but few people can really see him. If you are like this, I'm afraid you can't go up to the summer peak.

When the woodcutter or hunter said this, he couldn't help but look at the three old and young people opposite him. After more than a month of long journey, Leng Xuanrong and the three of them looked like refugees fleeing the wilderness. Although they are not unkempt, their clothes have long been ragged. Leng Xuanrong used a few pieces of animal skin to cover his whole body. They are really miserable.

"Father..." Leng Xuanrong looked at his father with a wry smile, thinking that we had come here and would not be right by the woodcutter hunters.

Unexpectedly, Leng Chengqi smiled and shook his head and said, "Xuanrong, Yan Liang, don't underestimate Mr. Zhang. If he only looks at people's clothes, how can he hide in this deep mountains and forests? Let's go!"

On this day, they finally came to the foot of Zixia Peak Mountain. The three looked up and saw that this not-thigh peak stood majestically, and some houses could be faintly seen among the lush trees. And under their feet, there are already bluestone steps. It seems that they can go up the mountain along this step. There is no need to worry about the difficulty of the mountain road.

Leng Chengqi looked at the bluestone steps that seemed to lead to the sky and sighed. At this time, Zeng Yanliang took a step forward and couldn't help carrying Leng Chengqi on his back.

After this month, Zeng Yanliang has known the problem of Leng Chengqi's legs and feet. There is no problem going up and down the mountain road, but I'm afraid he can't walk up such a step.

"Yan Liang, it's too hard for you, and I can still go..." Leng Chengqi really doesn't want Zeng Yanliang to suffer so much for himself.

But Zeng Yanliang smiled carelessly and said, " Uncle Leng rest first. There are many steps!" After saying that, Zeng Yanliang turned his head and said to Leng Xuanrong, "Let's go Xuanrong."

Leng Xuanrong looked at Zeng Yanliang gratefully, nodded vigorously, followed him, and the three walked to the mountain.

Without a few steps, I heard someone behind him laugh and say, "It's rare to go up the mountain like this!" Hahaha...good! Hahaha..."

When Zeng Yanliang and Leng Xuanrong heard this, they couldn't help but look back and saw a man in a short shirt behind them slowly walking up from behind with his hands behind his back.

The man's hair is neat and neat, looking about 30 years old. His eyebrows are heroic, and his eyes are full of astring light, which makes it difficult to face. He has a black belt around his waist, and two five-strands of long ropes fell below, and the end of the long rope are tied with walnut-sized jade balls. He wore simple black boots under his feet, and the surface of his boots was stained with dirt. It seemed that he had come here after walking through the mountain road.

After looking carefully, Zeng Yanliang and Leng Xuanrong only nodded slightly, but at this time, Leng Chengqi, who was carried on Zeng Yanliang's back, suddenly laughed as if he had seen some treasure and pointed down from Zeng Yanliang's back and pointed to the man, "Brother Yandong!"

The man opposite was stunned when he heard the call, but after he carefully looked at Leng Chengqi, he couldn't help smiling and ran two steps forward and arched his hand, "Isn't it Brother Chengqi?"

"It's exactly!" Leng Chengqi also bowed his hand to the other party.

"It's really you! Ouch! This is really unexpected!"

When the old friends met and the two hugged each other, they were indescribably happy.

"Brother Yandong, I haven't seen you for many years. You really haven't changed at all!"

"Brother Chengqi, I've heard about your period. It's really hard for you!"

At this time, Leng Chengqi pulled the Yandong brother to introduce to Leng Xuanrong and Zeng Yanliang, who were stunned, "This is my old friend. You should call him Uncle Dou." After saying that, he said to Dou Yandong, "This is my daughter Leng Xuanrong, and this is my future son-in-law Zeng Yanliang!"

Leng Xuanrong and Zeng Yanliang couldn't help blushing when they heard Leng Chengqi say the words "future son-in-law". Dou Yandong couldn't help laughing when he saw them like this.

"Quick! Go to the mountain! Mr. Zhang talked about you two days ago!"

On the way up the mountain, Leng Xuanrong and Zeng Yanliang listened to Leng Chengqi and Dou Yandong's old story. Only then were they were shocked to know that Dou Yandong was not in his early 30s on the surface, but in fact he was almost 50 years old! What surprised Leng Xuanrong even more was that Uncle Dou turned out to be Mr. Dou's own uncle!

Although it is not known why he is Leng Xuanrong in the deep mountain forest where Mr. Zhang lives in seclusion, Leng Xuanrong is very sure that this uncle Dou is definitely not an ordinary person. In the brief speech, Dou Yandong not only knew everything outside, but even knew very well what happened to Leng Xuanrong and others. However, he repeatedly mentioned Mr. Zhang in his words, and it could be seen that both Uncle Dou Yan and Leng Xuanrong's father, Leng Chengqi, were full of admiration for Mr. Zhang.

On the mountainside, several simple bamboo poles surrounded a small courtyard, and a slightly simple house in the yard stood alone, but not far from this house, you can see a few houses. Throughout this place, there seems to be a large scale that can accommodate many people. Zi.

Before Dou Yandong stepped into the courtyard, he shouted, "Mr. Zhang! Mr. Zhang! I'm bringing guests!"

His voice echoed in the mountains and forests. Soon, as soon as the door of the hut opened, an old man with white hair came out of the room with a smile.

The old man is kind-looking. He wears a simple snow-white shirt, with one hand on his back and a snow-white beard floating in front of his chest in the other hand. From a distance, he really looks like a fairy down to earth.

When everyone came to the courtyard, Dou Yandong said first, "Mr. Zhang is a wonderful calculation. Brother Chengqi and others are really here!"

Leng Chengqi hurried forward and swept the floor and said, "Mr. Zhang is all the same. It's a courtesy."

Leng Xuanrong saw her father's courtesy and hurriedly pulled Zeng Yanliang forward and was blessed. "Little girl Leng Xuanrong, I have met Mr. Zhang." Zeng Yanliang held his fist at the old man and said loudly, "The younger Zeng Yanliang, I have met Mr. Zhang."

Mr. Zhang looked at them, nodded with a smile, and said slowly, "It's good that you can come here safely. Stay here. There are many houses for you to live in."

When Leng Chengqi heard the words, tears suddenly flashed in his eyes. He didn't expect that when he was in trouble, the old gentleman of his teacher could still lend a helping hand to himself. Leng Chengqi suppressed his tears and thanked Mr. Zhang again with some choking.

Mr. Zhang just shook his head and went back to the house, while Dou Yandong took Leng Chengqi and others to find a place to settle down.

As Mr. Zhang said, there are really many houses for them to live in. All three of them arranged the room, and Dou Yandong told them that they could rest for the time being. After a while, a child-like man brought clothes for the three of them.

Because there is no female family here, it is also a man's clothes brought to Leng Xuanrong. After Leng Xuanrong washed her body and changed into clothes, she was in a much better mood. Almost when it was time to hold the lamp, a child brought dinner.

"Mr. Leng and Mr. Dou went to accompany Mr. Zhang. Please forgive Miss Leng and Mr. Zeng." The child was polite, put down the meal and left after saying these words.

After a month, Leng Xuanrong and Zeng Yanliang could finally have a decent meal. They sat around the table and chatted while eating.

When it comes to future plans, Zeng Yanliang has a lot of imagination.

"If Mr. Zhang allows, we will also build such a house nearby, so that Uncle Leng can often come to chat with Mr. Zhang. Or the place we walked before, I think it's also very good. There are mountains and water, and we can hunt and cut firewood. At that time, we won't have to worry about eating and drinking..." At this point, Zeng Yanliang looked up at Leng Xuanrong with some embarrassment, and then muttered while chewing rice, "When I have children in the future... ...You can follow me to practice martial arts hunting, follow... his mother's literacy...uh...many...that's great..."

Although Zeng Yanliang's words are vague, how can Leng Xuanrong, who is sitting next to him, not hear it? Leng Xuanrong blushed and couldn't wait to bury her face in the bowl.

Brother Yan Liang is really stupid...

Thinking of this in her heart, the picture that Brother Yan Liang just said has appeared in her mind. The corners of Leng Xuanrong's mouth tilted up slightly, and a sweet smile appeared in her eyes.

Although there were no more words, the two of them did not feel embarrassed. Sitting next to each other, even if it was just a simple meal, it was particularly sweet.

Time flies. In the blink of an eye, it has been more than half a month since they came to the top of summer. During this period, Leng Chengqi was with Dou Yandong almost every day. They didn't seem to dare to disturb Mr. Zhang every day. In addition to visiting Mr. Zhang, neither of them knew what they had done. Anyway, every time Leng Xuanrong went to see his father, he could not be seen.

Zeng Yanliang was also busy looking for a suitable place to build a house during this period. Although he didn't know whether Mr. Zhang allowed them to stay near here, he must not want to go far, so Zeng Yanliang simply walked around here and brought back a lot of prey by the way, which also made the people living here. They have improved their meals.