The first wife of rebirth

Chapter 227 The Criminal Division's Discussion, Knowledge but No progress

Hu Qizhang was afraid that if he said a wrong sentence, he would offend the prince in front of him, who was famous for his fierceness and cruelty. Seeing that Du Yilin did not immediately make a statement, Hu Qizhang's heart pounded and sweat fell on his forehead.

In fact, Du Yilin did not mean to scare Hu Qizhang, but he weighed the advantages and disadvantages of this matter. Although Du Yilin agrees with what Dou Yandong said, if he does everything he says, it may not be possible to get the result he wants in the end. Du Yilin had the phrase "use no doubt, no doubt" in his heart, but also had the phrase "unforget the past, the teacher of the future". Dou Yandong's last fierce fight with the An family undoubtedly ended in defeat, so Du Yilin had to have another heart. Unlike Dou Yandong, who has been defeated once and can hide for a while and then rise again. If Du Yilin loses a wrong step now, his royal family will no longer exist.

According to Dou Yandong, Du Yilin came to the Department of Criminal Justice in person just to show an attitude, that is, King Xiaohan attached great importance to this matter. It was the people in his house who were poisoned. Whether this matter was related to Anfu or Wei Yulin, the Military Affairs Department, Du Yilin would not be exempted from investigating this matter at all because of them.

Du Yilin thought for a moment, looked at Hu Qizhang with cold eyes, and said in a low voice, "Lord Hu, the woman who was poisoned has a special status. She is Leng Xuanrong, the daughter of Leng Chengqi, the former four-grade servant of the Military Affairs Department, and Leng Chengqi abandoned the official. Now his only daughter has returned to the imperial city and has been poisoned. You have to check it carefully."

After saying this, Du Yilin stood up, threw down another sentence, "I will send someone to inquire about the investigation at any time" and then strode away.

Hu Qizhang stood there in a daze and even forgot the basic etiquette of sending Du Yilin.

His mind buzzed and his heart was dull. He never thought that the poisoned woman would be the daughter of Leng Chengqi, the fugitive officer. In this way, her identity is more than special. If he continues to investigate, he may be careless and involve the affairs of the Military Affairs Department in those years, which is more likely to involve the reason why Leng Chengqi abandoned the official...

The cases that caused a sensation in the whole Huangqi Kingdom in those years were all done by Hu Qizhang, and he knew best about the dangers!

This is more complicated than I thought! What should I do... What should I do... A little carelessness, my life is insurable...

Hu Qizhang only felt dizzy and fell to the ground with a plop.

Du Yilin returned to Xiaohan Palace immediately after coming out of the Criminal Division, and did not return from the Imperial Palace until Dou Haowei took the lamp. The imperial palace tossed around for the whole afternoon. After all the letters were written and the old man thought it was appropriate, they were sent out through a special channel of the imperial palace.

After explaining this to Du Yilin, Dou Haowei came to the door of the house where Leng Xuanrong lived.

There was a candlelight in the room, and Dou Haowei hesitated for a long time before he raised his hand and knocked on the door. After a while, the door opened, and Zeng Yanliang's figure appeared in front of Dou Haowei.

Zeng Yanliang's eyes were dissatisfied with blood. He seemed to consciously stretch his expression, but the folds of his eyebrows still did not unfold.

"Mr. Dou...please come in."

Dou Haowei lowered his head into the room and went straight to the bed to take a closer look at Leng Xuanrong.

Leng Xuanrong's face is still not bloody, but from the perspective of breath, she should be much better than last night. Dou Haowei is also familiar with medical books and pharmacopoeia. He knows that if a person is poisoned, he will recover slowly. If he is heavy, he may leave some diseases. They can't find the poisoner now, so they don't know what poison Leng Xuanrong has been poisoned. Dou Haowei didn't know what method the imperial doctor Yan used to detoxify Leng Xuanrong, but if you think about it carefully, maybe he just tried his best to expel the poison from Leng Xuanrong's body and didn't really let the poison resolve it in Leng Xuanrong's body.

Dou Haowei couldn't help sighing when he thought of this. I hope that Miss Xuanrong will not leave any symptoms.

"Mr. Dou..."

Zeng Yanliang's voice suddenly came from his ear, which shocked Dou Haowei. He hurriedly turned around and looked at Zeng Yanliang.

Zeng Yanliang couldn't hide his worried look and asked softly, "Is Xuanrong really all right?"

But anyone who knows medical skills knows that this is the most impossible question to answer.

Dou Haowei knew that if he told his worries truthfully, it could only make Zeng Yanliang more worried, so he said, "Doctor Yan is the best imperial doctor in the palace. He is proficient in all kinds of poisons. When the former emperor was alive, there were several poisonings in the harem, and finally it was solved by Dr. Yan..."

These things were very big in the harem, but few people knew the reason. The reason why Dou Haowei knew these things was that Dou Yandong had participated in them, and the doctor Yan Yu met Dou Yandong at that time. Later, when Dou Yandong told Dou Haowei a story, he mentioned these unknown things by the way, and Dou Haowei remembered them all.

When Dou Haowei saw Zeng Yanliang's sad face, he pulled him to sit at the table and simply told him what had happened in the palace. After listening to these stories, Zeng Yanliang couldn't help sighing and said, "Royal things are really difficult to think about. It's really unpredictable..."

Dou Haowei smiled bitterly and thought to himself that the imperial city was full of people's hearts and bloody wind. He whispered to Zeng Yanliang, "Msang, relax. This doctor Yan can even solve those strange diseases. Miss Xuanrong will be fine."

After a long sigh, Zeng Yanliang nodded.

In fact, he has no other way now. He doesn't know medical skills, so he can only watch Xuanrong here and wait for her to wake up.

"Mr. Dou, has the murderer... been found?" Zeng Yanliang actually also knows that if this matter is not done by An Ping, then the whole matter may become complicated and confusing, and whether the truth of the facts will come out or not, Zeng Yanliang has no bottom in his heart now. Isn't the case of the official silver robbery on his own at the beginning the best example? So when a big case comes to Du Yilin, they can end it with a few scapegoats, doesn't this prove that they never care about the so-called truth?

What they want is just a statement that is beneficial to them, and Zeng Yanliang saw through this.

"The prince went to the criminal department in person, and he must have tried his best to investigate." After saying this, Dou Haowei suddenly found that there seemed to be a sarcastic smile in Zeng Yanliang's eyes. Dou Haowei had a hunch that Zeng Yanliang would not agree with their current behavior.

"Mr. Zeng, this incident has involved more people than you think, and although we think that Miss Xuanrong should not have enemies in the imperial city, in fact, Mr. Leng alone was enough to make some people restless. What's more... Mr. Leng has something in his hand... Mr. Zeng may remember what Mr. Leng said in the lobby of Nayan County that the thing in his hand is fatal to many people, so whether this matter is related to that thing... It's hard to say."

Zeng Yanliang suppressed the impatience in his heart. He really didn't want to get angry in front of Mr. Dou in front of him.

"Who does Mr. Dou think is most likely to have done this?" Zeng Yanliang looked at Dou Haowei and asked.

Dou Haowei suddenly felt that Zeng Yanliang's eyes were like two sharp knives. He couldn't help sweating in his hands and became nervous.

There is no clue about this matter, and what Dou Haowei just said was just mentioned casually. If he really had a clue, he would have said it long ago.

"After the investigation by the Criminal Division, you will probably have an eye..."

"Who is included in this circle of criminal investigation?" Zeng Yanliang came from a government office, and he knows the process of handling the case best. If the Department of Criminal Justice already has a candidate to be questioned, then these people must be suspected. Zeng Yanliang knows better that if he wants to know the truth of the matter, he must follow up in advance, otherwise after the government intervenes, nothing will be wrong.

Although Dou Haowei felt a little embarrassed, he finally decided to tell Zeng Yanliang what he knew. On the one hand, Dou Haowei still feels guilty about this matter, and on the other hand, he also understands Zeng Yanliang's current mood. After the robbery of Guanyin was suppressed like that, Dou Haowei also felt that it was really wrong, but at the moment, Dou Haowei was also unable to recover. Now if the investigation of who poisoned Leng Xuanrong is just waiting for the criminal department to investigate publicly, the final result will probably be after weighing the pros and cons. Dou Haowei also wants to know who the real murderer is.

After he told Zeng Yanliang what he knew, he also specifically told Zeng Yanliang to be careful in everything.

"When things happen in the imperial city, I don't know how many people will be involved from time to time. These people have some reliance, especially the powerful, who have more or less people who can risk their lives to work for them, so... Mr. Zeng, don't be impulsive and never do anything uncertain. Dou Haowei turned his head to look at Leng Xuanrong lying on the bed and whispered, "I heard from my fifth uncle that Mr. Zeng originally wanted to find the leader of the private army, but he was also afraid of major events, so he postponed it. Since this is the case, I believe that Mr. Zeng can also understand what I mean... Even if you withdraw 10,000 steps and say that Miss Xuanrong hasn't woken up yet, Mr. Zeng, you'd better try to stay with her. When Miss Xuanrong wakes up, let's talk about it in the long-term..."

Zeng Yanliang listened to Dou Haowei's words and knew that on the one hand, he was worried about Du Yilin's big things, afraid that he would ruin their affairs without permission, and on the other hand, he was worried about Yan Liang.

Zeng Yanliang sighed and nodded, "Mr. Dou, don't worry..."