The first wife of rebirth

Chapter 259 Where does the letter come from, a hill

Leng Xuanrong followed An Qiaoqiao out of the side hall, and the two ran to a place where there was no one before An Qiaoqiao let go of Leng Xuanrong's hand.

Leng Xuanrong finally gasped and looked up again, but saw An Qiaoqiao holding her shoulder and looking at herself coldly.

There was no one else around, and An Qiaoqiao showed his original face unscrupulously as if he had let go of something. She looked up and down disdainfully at Leng Xuanrong, snorted, and said, "Ceng Xuanrong, do you really think you can be on an equal footing with the people in the room by changing your clothes and dressing up well?"

Leng Xuanrong was stunned when she heard the words, and then thought that An Qiaoqiao probably said that she had just helped the empress dowager. Leng Xuanrong smiled indifferently and shook her head and said, "I've never thought so. I'm afraid Miss An is misunderstood."

"It's okay if there is a misunderstanding. Humph!" An Qiaoqiao glanced at Leng Xuanrong and said angrily, "Tell you, Leng Xuanrong, my eldest brother likes you more than the crazy woman in the house. Although Miss Dou San said that you already have a good-minded person, Leng Xuanrong, let me tell you that if you want to make a crooked idea on my eldest brother, what He Ruiping looks like now and what you will be like in the future.

An Qiaoqiao not only said harshly, but also the fierce light in his big eyes was even more frightening.

Leng Xuanrong frowned and thought to herself, what does it have to do with this little girl's sudden crazy thing?

In a word, it's better to avoid it for the time being. Leng Xuanrong smiled and said to An Qiaoqiao, "Miss An, you don't know anything about it. Brother Yan Liang and I have already agreed to stay with each other. Mr. An is noble. How can he like me, the daughter of a fugitive officer?"

"The daughter of a fugitive officer? Hahaha..." An Qiaoqiao nodded with satisfaction, came over and patted Leng Xuanrong's arm and said with a smile, "Leng Xuanrong, I really like you a little. You know more than that crazy woman. My eldest brother can't be wrong to look at people, and naturally the people he likes will not be much worse. Now that you understand what I mean, I will tell you what the eldest brother said. An Qiaoqiao said this and looked left and right. After making sure that there was no one around, he pulled Leng Xuanrong and whispered in her ear, "My eldest brother said that he had found out that it. It was none other than Dou Yandong, the fifth gentleman of the Imperial Palace, who poisoned you that night."

After saying this, An Qiaoqiao straightened up, looked at Leng Xuanrong contemptuously, and smiled, "Originally, my eldest brother asked me to tell you a little, but I couldn't say it so bluntly. But Leng Xuanrong, you are a smart person. My eldest brother is sincerely helping you without saying secret words. He would rather take the blame for this matter than point it out to the criminal department. Think about why.

Although she had this idea for a long time, Leng Xuanrong was still stunned when she heard An Qiaoqiao say this matter.

Why didn't An Pingzhi break after he found Dou Yandong? Leng Xuanrong tried to calm down and think about it carefully. Is it because he felt that there would be greater danger for me to live in Xiaohan Palace after this matter was broken? Is it true that An Pingzhi wants to protect me because he likes me?


Leng Xuanrong looked at An Qiaoqiao and knew that her idea must be like this, but Leng Xuanrong knew that it was absolutely impossible. If in her previous life, even if An Pingzhi showed a little such meaning, Leng Xuanrong would be very angry, but in this life she has a deeper understanding of An Pingzhi's character, and she knows that this person must have another purpose to do such a thing. Maybe he wanted the criminal department to point the finger at the general's mansion and hide the truth for the sake of major events, or maybe he felt that the time had not come to confront the king of Xiaohan and the imperial palace head-on. Both explanations are possible, and the only impossible is that An Pingzhi wants to protect her, Leng Xuanrong.

"Leng Xuanrong, you are lucky to have my brother help you." An Qiaoqiao proudly poked Leng Xuanrong's shoulder with his index finger and said quietly, "You live in the Xiaohan Palace. You should have been the enemy of our family. But my eldest brother doesn't care. He can get what he wants. But I also tell you that he doesn't like anything my eldest brother gets. If you don't believe it, go and see his guqin. After trying hard to get it back, they were finally left in the barren courtyard. Guqin is placed in the barren courtyard, and it will still be taken out later, but if this woman is left in the barren courtyard, she can only wait to grow old and wait for the day of death. Leng Xuanrong, don't blame me for not persuading you. If you know the current affairs, find your lover and leave the imperial city quickly after you go back. If you practice for a few more lifetimes, you are not worthy of my eldest brother.

After saying this, An Qiaoqiao snorted coldly and walked leisurely behind his back, leaving Leng Xuanrong standing in the empty palace and thinking alone.

Leng Xuanrong stood there motionless like a wood carving clay sculpture.

She wanted to escape before the palace banquet began.

Duo Yandong, what on earth did he do? Is it poisoned by him?

Nine out of ten... Leng Xuanrong clenched her fist fiercely and thought to herself that although An Pingzhi's words could not be fully believed, there was really no other explanation for this matter. Nine times out of ten were done by Dou Yandong.

The pair of jade bracelets on both hands were still well worn by Leng Xuanrong, and an anger rose in her heart. She took off the jade bracelets fiercely and fell to the ground hard.

The jade bracelet was smashed, and Leng Xuanrong's heart seemed to lack something at once.

Why does his father's old friend want to harm himself? Aren't you on the same side as him? I can't even believe the people who swear to take care of me. Leng Xuanrong really doesn't know who else she can trust and what she should do in the future.

What Dou Yandong did may have been discussed with Du Yilin. So, even Du Yilin acquiesced in this matter? Fortunately, they can still pretend to be ignorant in front of themselves! Fortunately, they can still act like they care about themselves!

A hill! They and An Pingzhi are the same!

Leng Xuanrong closed her eyes, and her trembling body gradually returned to calm. She knows that she can't be angry now, especially Dou Yandong and Du Yilin. She is now under the shelter of others, and what she has to do still needs their help. If she breaks her face at this time, how can she revenge? Thousands of miles away, He Lijing is still a member of that side. A short distance away, An Longyi is unscathed. If these two people are not removed, won't he live again for nothing?

"Yo! Why did the good bracelet break?

Miss Dou San's voice suddenly sounded in Leng Xuanrong's ear. Leng Xuanrong suddenly opened her eyes, and the anger in her eyes shocked Miss Dou San.

Miss Dou San looked around and didn't see An Qiaoqiao's figure. She sighed, came over and took Leng Xuanrong's arm and comforted her, "What did An Qiaoqiao say to you? Did she drop this thing? Don't be angry with that girl. She looks at her eldest brother like a wild dog looking at bones. If anyone wants to get close to Anping, she has to bite her. I didn't tell you about this because An Pingzhi was going to marry He Ruiping. I thought An Qiaoqiao would definitely restrain herself. Unexpectedly, she not only did not restrain herself, but became worse. Miss Dou San looked at the smashed jade bracelet on the ground and said, "It's okay. Later, I'll ask the store to send you a better pair. The fifth uncle must not pick as well as what I chose..."

Leng Xuanrong took a deep breath, stabilized her mind, and asked Miss Dou San softly, "Miss San, you said that He Ruiping was crazy, isn't it..."

Leng Xuanrong didn't finish her words, and Miss Dou San hurriedly covered her mouth.

"Stupid girl, how can you say this casually?" Although she said so, Miss Dou San still sighed and said to Leng Xuanrong in a low voice, "Can a good person say that he is crazy and goes crazy? There is a cause and a result. He Ruiping is also a person who doesn't know the depth of heaven and earth. I can't finish this matter. Sister Xuanrong, please don't get involved anymore.

Leng Xuanrong was a little hesitant, as if she didn't understand what Miss Dou San meant.

Miss Dou San looked at Leng Xuanrong and thought to herself, are you still pretending to be confused with me at this time?

"Sister Xuanrong, third sister, I have said sweet words to you. Mr. An is not an ordinary person. Besides, I think Zeng Yanliang is single-minded with you. At that time when you were poisoned, Zeng Yanliang looked distressing like that. Whether it is glory, wealth or fame and wealth in this world, it is not as good as a sincere heart. Zeng Yanliang is sincere to you, but peace is not necessarily the best. Do you understand?"

Leng Xuanrong suddenly realized and said to Miss Dou San with a wry smile, "Why did you even say that about Miss San? Don't you know that An Pingzhi almost killed me in Wuming County?

"The times have changed..." Miss Dou San looked at Leng Xuanrong and whispered, "In a word, you have to see who is trustworthy and who wants to take advantage of you. Only when you know this can you make a decision.

After Miss Dou San said this, a little eunuch suddenly came behind her to inform her that the palace banquet was about to begin.

Leng Xuanrong walked with Miss Dou San and still thought about these annoying things in her heart.

Miss Dou San is right. The most important thing now is to see who has been using herself. Leng Xuanrong gritted her teeth, reached out and touched her empty wrist, and a cold light flashed in her eyes.

In the Jingcheng Palace, everyone with enough status to attend this palace banquet has arrived.

When the royal family came to today's emperor, his bloodline was withered, but many of the courtiers' families came. Jingcheng Palace is rare to be so lively. The eunuchs are busy, but they are also in good order.

Mother Yan Ling came early with several other concubines. With them, the hall seemed to be a little more grand. However, the most lively place is to arrange seats for the family. Many people specially went to greet them. This palace banquet is also a rare opportunity for them to settle down.