The first wife of rebirth

Chapter 288 In the Prime Minister's Mansion, the fog is heavy

Liu Mingchu heard that Leng Xuanrong promised to help him inquire about Enke's news. He hurriedly stood up, swept the floor at Leng Xuanrong and said, "Miss Leng's kindness, Liu Mingchu remembered it in his heart and thanked Miss Leng on behalf of all the students of Wuming County who remained in the imperial city."

Leng Xuanrong got up and returned the salute. She thought to herself that your Liu family was scattered and all her relatives were dead. Only you were left as a weak scholar. The enmity between your Liu family and me in the previous life was also over.

If it was only for Liu Mingchu, Leng Xuanrong would not take risks at this time, but now everything is complicated like several vicious recklessness entangled together. Leng Xuanrong put what she wanted to do first. On the other hand, Liu Mingchu's appearance helped Leng Xuanrong.

Leng Xuanrong subconsciously avoided Liu Mingchu's grateful eyes. She turned her head and said to Xiao Hua Niang, "Sister Hua Niang, I don't think it's too late to do this matter. I'll do it right away."

I don't know if Qi Zongyan and Chaoyangzhai have inquired about the whereabouts of Brother Yan Liang. It is not easy to find out the arrangement of An Longyi's birthday in the Prime Minister's mansion. Leng Xuanrong now wants to fly to the Prime Minister's mansion.

How clever the little flower girl is. As soon as she heard Leng Xuanrong say this, she immediately got up and nodded with a smile and said, "That's all up to Xuanrong's sister. Mr. Liu and I will go back to wait for the letter. If you hear the news, let your servants come to my house and tell you.

After saying that, the little flower girl squeezed her eyebrows and pulled Liu Mingchu, who was still a little confused, and left the cold house.

As soon as they left, Leng Xuanrong got on the soft sedan chair prepared for the guard. The soft sedan went all the way and soon arrived at the Prime Minister's mansion.

Leng Xuanrong was worried. She didn't know whether the promise An Pingzhi made to her really counted. If he just teased her casually, it would be troublesome.

The guard stepped forward and said a few words to the gatekeeper, and then ran back quickly. His expression was a little complicated, looking surprised and scared.

"Miss, the gatekeeper said that their parents specially ordered that if a young lady surnamed Leng comes, please ask her to enter the house directly from the corner door over there." With that, Shouju pointed to the west of the Prime Minister's mansion.

Leng Xuanrong frowned slightly, but she was very happy. Unexpectedly, An Pingzhi deliberately ordered the gatekeeper of the house. It seemed that he really kept that promise. However, this feeling of inviting you into the urn really makes people feel cold. Leng Xuanrong doesn't know what An Pingzhi is going to do.

After sending away the soft sedan chair, Leng Xuanrong and Shouju slowly came to a corner door to the west of the Prime Minister's mansion. Shouju knocked on the door and told the people who came out the situation. The man looked up and down at Leng Xuanrong, bowed his head with a smile, and said, "The eldest son did have an order. Miss Leng, please come in."

Leng Xuanrong secretly cheered herself up in her heart. Now what she has done is to hear the news of Brother Yan Liang. No matter what An Pingzhi thinks, she must be able to avoid danger.

She entered the Prime Minister's mansion and wanted to follow her as she deserved. But before he could step forward, the doorkeeper hurriedly stopped the guard.

"Miss Leng, this child can't come in." The family said with a wry smile and said, "There are many rules in the Prime Minister's mansion. If this child runs around and breaks the rules here, I'm afraid there will be unnecessary branches. I'm afraid it will be Miss Leng who will be embarrassed at that time."

Shouju looked angry and scolded, "Which eye saw me running around? Which eye did you see my bad rules? You..."

Without waiting for Shouju to scold enough, Leng Xuanrong hurriedly waved his hand to him and whispered, "Shouju, you go back first."

"But! Miss!" Shouju was aggrieved and wanted to say something, but Leng Xuanrong waved to him with a straight face, "Go back."

Shouju saw that Leng Xuanrong didn't mean to take him, so he had to withdraw from the corner door of the prime minister's mansion, stared at the keeper fiercely, and turned away.

After he left, Leng Xuanrong smiled and said to the family, "Please forgive me for the child's ignorance."

The family rolled his eyes and closed the corner door, and his attitude was much worse. He pointed casually and said, "The eldest son said that if Miss Leng comes, please go to him by yourself. The eldest son said that you know where he is. If he is not here, ask Miss Leng to wait for him to come back." After saying that, the family ignored Leng Xuanrong and turned around angrily and left.

He thought it would be difficult for Leng Xuanrong to leave here, but in fact, Leng Xuanrong was so happy that he couldn't believe it was true.

She stood alone in front of the corner door and looked around. No one came to guide her for a long time, so Leng Xuanrong dared to step forward and walk towards the Prime Minister's Mansion.

In her previous life, Leng Xuanrong was a subordinate in the Prime Minister's mansion for a long time. She knew the rules of the Prime Minister's mansion. Everyone in the whole mansion performed their respective duties. Even some of those ladies in the back house could not casually walk around in the Prime Minister's mansion. There are many more secrets and they are heavily guarded. Leng Xuanrong once heard that a subordinate accidentally broke into a place that should not have been visited, and was later killed as a spy. At that time, this incident made all the servants who followed He Ruiping to the Prime Minister's mansion tremble. Leng Xuanrong was also afraid of it for a long time, because she didn't know whether the barren courtyard was a place that should not go, let alone whether she would lose her life if she sneaked there to be caught.

Now that I think about it, the barren courtyard is probably the last place in the Prime Minister's mansion that needs to be guarded. Although there are many valuable guqin in it, there is no secret.

Leng Xuanrong deliberately took a remote path. Although this was not a place she was familiar with, she distinguished the direction and wanted to go as quickly as possible to the place where He Ruiping lived. Leng Xuanrong is most familiar with that yard. If she takes that yard as the origin, she is still confident that she can find the place she wants to go.

It's strange that Leng Xuanrong walked slowly in the Prime Minister's mansion. Although she walked in a remote place, she was inevitably found by the family members in the nursing home. However, as long as Leng Xuanrong said her name, the family members immediately avoided her like a plague god. They did not show Leng Xuanrong the way, and Leng Xuanrong gradually found the meaning of An Pingzhi. Could it be that he wants to see if he is familiar with the Prime Minister's mansion? Or do you want to know if you intend to come to the Prime Minister's mansion to find out the news?

Leng Xuanrong began to hesitate. If he wandered around the Prime Minister's mansion as he had thought before and then directly went to find someone who could provide himself with information, it would certainly make An Pingzhi doubt. But if he doesn't go now, can he have such a good opportunity in the future?

Leng Xuanrong frowned and looked embarrassed. She seemed to see An Pingzhi following her and looked at her with a smile.

What should I do?

Leng Xuanrong raised her eyes and saw the corridor in the distance, gave up the path in the courtyard, and slowly walked towards the corridor.

She distinguished the direction and found that the corridor seemed to lead to the inner house. If you walk along this corridor for a while, you will probably get close to where she wants to go. But it was not in the direction of the barren courtyard. Leng Xuanrong stood on the corridor and looked around blankly, not knowing where she should go.

At this time, Leng Xuanrong suddenly heard a call in his ear, "Ceng Xuanrong! Leng Xuanrong!"

Leng Xuanrong was shocked first, and then looked around to find where the sound came from. When she found the person who called her, Leng Xuanrong's heart suddenly sank.

"Cold Xuanrong! Come here!" In the grass, An Qiaoqiao waved hard to Leng Xuanrong and looked very afraid of being found.

Leng Xuanrong saw that there was no one else around, so she had to walk down the corridor and hide in the grass.

"Miss Ann, why are you hiding here?" Leng Xuanrong asked.

An Qiaoqiao stared at Leng Xuanrong with her big round eyes and said in a low voice, "This is my home. I can hide wherever I want! It's you, Leng Xuanrong, you are so bold. Why are you wandering around alone in this prime minister's mansion? How did you get in?"

Leng Xuanrong saw that An Qiaoqiao seemed to be about to plead guilty, and immediately stood up and said loudly, "Leng Xuanrong came to visit the eldest son. There was no one in the house to show me the way, so I had to..."


Before Leng Xuanrong finished speaking, An Qiaoqiao hurriedly pulled Leng Xuanrong back to hide, stared and roared in a low voice, "Don't you see me hiding!"

Leng Xuanrong also stared at her and said coldly, "I thought Miss An was going to blame me for messing around the house."

An Qiaoqiao looked at Leng Xuanrong, as if she was a little helpless. She waved her hand and said, "Oil, anyway, the eldest brother must have let you come." With that, she looked around and whispered, "I'm not afraid to tell you. Because of He Ruiping's incident, I was punished by my father. He asked me to stay in my yard to read and write, hum! It's as if I won't slip out."

Leng Xuanrong remembered that An Pingzhi did say that she wanted her to accompany this sister, but looking at the coincidence in front of her, Leng Xuanrong felt restless. This little girl looks like a little ghost, which is really confusing.

"Miss Ann slipped out and hid here for something interesting?" Leng Xuanrong asked impatiently.

An Qiaoqiao shook his head vigorously and sighed, "Isn't it just because there is nothing interesting that I hide here?" She glanced at Leng Xuanrong, sucked her nose, lowered her head and said, "Seeing that my father's birthday is coming, the whole prime minister's mansion is preparing for this matter, and no one wants to play with me at all. What's more, I'm sneaking out now. In case my father finds out, maybe the people who play with me will also be implicated. Those timid guys... Humph!"

As soon as Leng Xuanrong heard An Qiaoqiao mention An Longyi's birthday, he hurriedly took over the conversation and said, "An Prime Minister Huajia's birthday? This is a big deal."

When An Qiaoqiao heard the words, he patted himself on the thigh and raised his voice, "Isn't it! So I thought, how can I take this opportunity to please my father? As long as he is happy, I don't have to be so sneaky anymore. Speaking of this, she turned her head and looked at Leng Xuanrong and asked, "Reng Xuanrong, why don't you... think about it with me, what should I do for my father's birthday?"