The first wife of rebirth

Chapter 296 Burning in Fury, Hate Double

Leng Xuanrong finally escaped back to the house. As soon as she entered the door, she saw her squatting in the yard with an anxious face waiting for her to stay. Shouju stepped forward quickly, took out a piece of folded paper from his arms and gave it to Leng Xuanrong. He told her in a low voice that this was something quietly sent by Prince Xiaohan's Wang Jiawei, which was said to be very important.

Leng Xuanrong put away this paper and walked quickly to the backyard. At this time, Shouju found that Leng Xuanrong's face was bloodless and looked scared.

"Miss, what's wrong with you?" While guarding, he helped Leng Xuanrong walk to the backyard and asked in a low voice.

Leng Xuanrong couldn't answer Shouju's words. She just wanted to go back to her room quickly and calm down.

Entering the room, Leng Xuanrong waved her hand and sent out the guard house. After Shouju left, Leng Xuanrong fell on the bed and felt that the sky was spinning, and there was no strength in his whole body. After she closed her eyes, all she saw was the scene in the wooden building of Anping and the vivid nightmare. There was nothing she could do, Leng Xuanrong had to look blankly at the bed with her eyes open. It was not until this uncomfortable feeling passed that she reached out and took out the note she gave her.

The note was folded very flat. Leng Xuanrong unfolded the note with her slightly trembling hands and recognized it as her father's handwriting at a glance. Leng Xuanrong frowned and thought to himself, why did his father ask Wang Jiawei to send such a note? If there is really something important, why don't you ask someone to call yourself to the royal palace? Since their father came to the imperial city, their father and daughter have only met once...

While thinking about it, Leng Xuanrong looked at the note carefully, but before she finished reading the few lines written on it, Leng Xuanrong sat up from the bed.


Leng Xuanrong reread the note word by word. After making sure that she was right, she got up and walked out. However, as soon as she stood up, her feet softened and fell to the ground with a plop.

At this time, the door rang, and Shouju ran in with a small food box. Seeing Leng Xuanrong lying on the ground in confusion, he hurriedly put down the food box and helped Leng Xuanrong up and let her lie back on the bed. Leng Xuanrong struggled to get up, but she tried several times but failed. With tears in her eyes, she grabbed Shouju's arm, shook her head a few times, and then burst into tears.

She doesn't know what Du Yilin and Dou Yandong are planning, but she now knows that what they have done has put her father in extreme danger. The note left by Leng Chengqi clearly states that he has now left the imperial city for Wuming County.

Where is Wuming County now? That's a place where a big war can happen at any time! What's more, what kind of person is He Lijing? Although the two of them were born on the same list and had some friendship, how could He Lijing let their father and daughter live to this day if they didn't want to take advantage of Leng Chengqi when they were in Nyan County? What's more, Leng Xuanrong remembered what An Pingzhi had said to her. If He Lijing was well informed and inquired about what happened in the imperial city, then he was likely to suspect that his precious daughter He Ruiping was killed by Leng Xuanrong! Leng Xuanrong could imagine the anger in He Lijing's heart and what preparations he would make when he learned that Leng Chengqi went to Wuming County.

My father may have heard something about the situation in the imperial city from Dou Yandong, but he must not know anything about He Ruiping! Dou Yandong couldn't tell him so much. Leng Xuanrong even felt that Dou Yandong would not have thought of what An Pingzhi had told her.

Why did Du Yilin and Dou Yandong let their father go to Wuming County? Why put him in danger?

Another dizziness, Leng Xuanrong had almost no strength to cry. Only then did she hear the voice in her ear, which was whispering to comfort her. Shouju seemed to be scared. His voice trembled when he spoke, and his words were so incoherent that people couldn't hear what he was going to say. Leng Xuanrong took a deep breath, let go of Shouju's arm, and then let his extremely heavy body fall on the bed like a pool of mud.

Seeing that Leng Xuanrong stopped crying, Shouju hurriedly asked, "Miss... I... I asked someone to cook white porridge... You drink a little..."

Leng Xuanrong's eyes were blind. She turned her head and looked at the food box placed on the ground and nodded slightly.

Seeing this, Shouju hurried over and opened the food box and took out a small bowl of white porridge and a small porcelain spoon from it. He came over with white porridge, carefully picked up Leng Xuanrong, and then scooped a spoonful of porridge and sent it to Leng Xuanrong's mouth.

Leng Xuanrong opened her mouth and drank this spoonful of porridge.

There is only a blank left in Leng Xuanrong's mind. She can't figure out what she should do. In fact, she doesn't want to think about anything at all. Even if it was only for a while, Leng Xuanrong wanted to escape. She doesn't know where she can escape, but at this moment, she really wants to escape from the chaos. One thing is like a mountain in her heart, and she doesn't know how much she can bear. Perhaps if I hadn't fallen to the ground just now, if I had really rushed out of the house and ran to the palace of Xiaohan, I would probably have shouted at Du Yilin like a madman. But Du Yilin can't change casually. He will laugh at her, threaten her, and even let those guards kick her out of the palace. Leng Xuanrong knew that the most unlikely thing would happen was for Du Yilin to tell herself everything he knew, let her understand the current situation and let her know whether her father was safe.

Unlike Anping, Du Yilin will tell things and put everything in front of them, which makes people feel difficult to distinguish between true and false. Leng Xuanrong knows that many of what An Pingzhi said is to shake himself, and then make choices that he thinks are interesting. He enjoys it, so he never hides anything. Du Yilin hid everything so that Leng Xuanrong could not grasp any clues. Leng Xuanrong knew that she might be just a plaything in An Pingzhi's eyes, but in Du Yilin's eyes, she was not even a plaything. For Du Yilin, she may be just a tool that is sometimes useful, which is the same as in her previous life.

In order to achieve their goal, Dou Yandong was able to poison Leng Xuanrong. Leng Xuanrong did not know whether Dou Yandong was fully sure that she would not be poisoned at that time, but at least Leng Xuanrong knew that when he fell back into the deep fear of his previous life when he fell into a coma, the cold and pain could not be erased. Dou Yandong made her feel everything again when she was regarded as an enemy by Leng Xuanrong.

Now, this man doesn't know what to do to make Leng Chengqi leave the peak of Zixia, risk to come to the imperial city, and then go from the imperial city to Wuming County. What Dou Yandong has done to Leng Chengqi is the same as what he did to Leng Xuanrong at the beginning. He may have a way to let Leng Chengqi live, but he has no choice but to bring about the pain caused by this process, and he doesn't even know what this pain is like. He is the same, and so is Du Yilin. The two of them only have their families and the world in their hearts, only those enemies surnamed An. In order to achieve their goals, they will do whatever they can. They don't care about the sacrifice of others. They just want their victory.

"Miss?" Shouju looked at Leng Xuanrong with a porcelain bowl with half of the white porridge left. He had never seen anyone look so ferocious. Shouju has gradually understood this person during the period when he followed Leng Xuanrong. He knew that Leng Xuanrong was not exactly a rich lady, but he never thought that Leng Xuanrong would show such an expression. She gritted her teeth fiercely, not knowing how hard she bit, so that the skin and flesh on her face trembled. Her blood-filled eyes were full of anger, as if there was something in front of her, and she immediately wanted to jump in front of it to bite it away. Shouju bowed his head in fear, but found that blood had oozed out of Leng Xuanrong's tightly clenched fist.

She is not angry. What she has burst out now is incomparable hatred.

Even if Shouju doesn't understand these, he can still feel how dangerous Leng Xuanrong is now. Shouju quietly retreated until he was five or six steps away from Leng Xuanrong. He turned around and didn't have time to put down the bowl and spoon in his hand and ran away.

The sound of the door made Leng Xuanrong come to her senses. She looked at the door that was too late to close and sighed.

There was still the smell of white porridge in her mouth, and eating a little bit of it really gave her some strength. Leng Xuanrong lay down again. She slowly closed her eyes, and the scene of her previous life suddenly flashed in front of her. At that time, Brother Yan Liang was gone, and his father also passed away. Leng Xuanrong hid alone in the corner of the old house in Nayan County and trembled. Nowadays, how similar Leng Xuanrong's situation was at that time. Those who had been hard to protect left them one by one, and Leng Xuanrong somehow became alone again.

She couldn't even cry, let alone smile bitterly. She could only comfort herself, and there were some differences. At least Brother Yan Liang just disappeared. He would not die, and since his father was taken to Wuming County by Du Yilin and Dou Yandong, at least he would not be in risk of his life now.

Find him and save him. Leng Xuanrong beat the bed under her with her fist, as if she wanted to use all this power.

She had done such a thing once, but at that time, someone helped her and had the memory of her previous life as a reliable. What about now? What about now?

hit the bed board, and the bang sound sounded rhythmically in my ear, which seemed to calm down Leng Xuanrong.

Just as the sound of pounding the bed board began to accelerate, there was a sound full of fear at the door.

"Miss...there are...there are guests..."