The first wife of rebirth

Chapter 321 Cat and Mouse Game, it's too late to repent

Leng Xuanrong looked at the letter and buzzed in her mind. She seemed to understand the meaning of An Pingzhi's words, and she suddenly understood why An Pingzhi just said that he begged him to find Brother Yan Liang as the first request. She now has to ask for peace again, and she has to make a second request.

Leng Xuanrong doesn't know how long An Pingzhi and his father An Longyi have planned all this, and Leng Xuanrong doesn't know how far these people can predict, but Leng Xuanrong now finally understands why at this time in his previous life, such a shrewful Wang Du Yilin will be forced into a desperate situation and think Leng Xuanrong, such a little girl, has poisoned An Longyi. The father and son of the An family were really too difficult to deal with. They did not compete step by step and did not oppress people everywhere, but in the end, they unconsciously got everything they wanted.

Leng Xuanrong naturally didn't know what Dou Yandong planned to do, but Leng Xuanrong knew what he was holding in his father's hand. That is the evidence that An Longyi can be sentenced to death when necessary, and it is the only remaining truth in the injustice that killed many people in those years. Dou Yandong wanted to take advantage of his father. Naturally, he took a fancy to the truth and evidence in his hand. However, those evidences were not their life-saving gold medals, but would kill them. No matter what Dou Yandong plans, it is obviously impossible for him to attract others with the benefit of his words.

Du Yilin, the king of Xiaohan, may trust Dou Yandong very much, but Leng Xuanrong also feels that Du Yilin did not put all his hopes on them. He just had no choice but to gamble. Dou Haowei said that they were a little caught off guard by the placement of people in the harem two days ago. Under such circumstances, Leng Xuanrong felt that Du Yilin must have begun to prepare his backup plan.

Du Yilin's backup plan in his previous life was probably Leng Xuanrong, and how he did it in this life. Leng Xuanrong doesn't know at all. No matter what he has done and what he is going to do, it is not what Leng Xuanrong cares about now. Leng Xuanrong is concerned about her father's safety.

She had to beg Anping, because now everything is in his hands. If there is another person in the world who can help her in this matter, that person must be Anping.

"The eldest son..." Leng Xuanrong found that his voice was also trembling, "My father...please... spare his life..."

Anpingzhi couldn't help laughing when he heard the words, "What did you say? Hahaha... Leng Xuanrong, did you say you beg me to forgive your father?" After saying this, An Pingzhi's laughter suddenly stopped, and the expression on his face suddenly became gloomy. There was a cold light in his eyes, and there was a sound from the corners of his lips, "Your father is trying to kill us all. Why should I spare him?"

There seemed to be a bitter cold wind behind Leng Xuanrong. All the sense of security accumulated by herself before suddenly collapsed. She looked at An Pingzhi in horror, her lips trembled, and didn't know what to say.

Yes, these people have been standing opposite the An family from the beginning, enemies of life and death. Why did they feel that they were safe here before? It's all because of An Pingzhi. He used his strange means, his impenetrable attitude, his rhetoric, and even his confusing piano sound to swallowed up Leng Xuanrong's guard against him little by little, and even made Leng Xuanrong feel that there would be no danger in staying with him. It made Leng Xuanrong feel that he is the one who can protect her safety.

is stupid.

Leng Xuanrong scolded herself like this in her heart.

You can think about it carefully. Everything is so natural, and nothing seems to have been deliberately made by Anping. From the time he met her again in the wasteland, from the time he took her to He Ruiping to make a bad breath for her, from the time he leaned against her ear and whispered, from the time he smiled at her, maybe even when he saw her poisoned with his own eyes, from the time she escaped from his palm with Zeng Yanliang. All of this has come naturally and logically to this day.

So far, Leng Xuanrong still feels that An Pingzhi will not hurt her. I don't know why she feels like this, even if he looks at her now full of sarcasm, even if he looks proud and crazy, Leng Xuanrong still feels that he will not hurt himself.

"Brother Yan Liang and my father, I want them to be safe..." Leng Xuanrong lowered her head and whispered. She clenched her clothes tightly with her hands, and the brocade was clenched with folds. This material was given to her by An Pingzhi. Leng Xuanrong stared at the luxurious patterns on the brocade and couldn't help smiling bitterly. All this should not belong to her, and indeed, nothing should not belong to her. Maybe God didn't give her a favor to live again. Now she is in such a situation again. Father, Brother Yan Liang, are they going to disappear in their own lives? Once again, disappear again.

What death looks like, Leng Xuanrong is not clear. Although she seems to have experienced it, she still doesn't know. But the pain of losing a loved one is unforgettable for her. It may be easier for her to die again, as long as the two people she care about are still alive.

"As long as they are safe... I'm willing to do anything..."

Leng Xuanrong does not believe that An Pingzhi will do those things to himself for no reason. Even if it is for fun, he will not deliberately spend so much energy. What did he have for himself? Leng Xuanrong only has this feeling now.

What kind of intention? I can't guess.

Leng Xuanrong raised her head blankly and looked straight at An Pingzhi's nearly transparent eyes. Those beautiful eyes were embedded in the strange pink eyes, looking like two bottomless cold pools. When she stepped in with one foot, the bones were gone.

"Zeng Yanliang, and your father, are these two requests from you?" An Pingzhi did not avoid Leng Xuanrong's sight. His words were extremely light and fell on Leng Xuanrong's ears, like the sound floating up from the hell.

"What about yourself? Have you ever done that just to protect those two people? Leng Xuanrong, what will happen to you?"

Leng Xuanrong almost forgot to breathe. She felt that she had never thought what would happen to her, but this was wrong. She thought about herself all the time. If she hadn't thought about the sufferings she had suffered in her previous life, would she have revenged in this life? Is it for the life of Brother Yan Liang? Is it for my father's innocence? No, she is angry for her heart. Why did she feel that she could give up revenge later? Why did she waver after coming to the imperial city? Is it because Brother Yan Liang's life is worry-free? Is it because the grievances on my father have been washed away? No, it's because Leng Xuanrong felt that her life was comfortable, because she had people around her who could support her and help her and had a rich life. Although she didn't want to admit it, because she lived a difficult life far away from her previous life, she didn't want to destroy it. She didn't want to revenge.

How stupid.

Leng Xuanrong scolded herself in her heart. Was the peace around her true at that time? Was the sense of security in my heart real at that time? At that time, the comfort, the prosperity at that time, everything was just the illusion she saw, as if someone was setting fire around her, but she thought it was a warm summer sun.

How stupid!

Leng Xuanrong is too late to repent.

I, everything starts because of myself. Should everything end by myself?

Leng Xuanrong still looked at those beautiful eyes. She saw herself from those eyes. The embarrassed woman once cut her neck and did not cut off her life. Once again, she should have done what she didn't do well.

"If I beg you..." Leng Xuanrong muttered, and the voice heard by An Pingzhi opposite at this time was no longer the confused fear just now. "If I beg you, can you let me go?"

"I can't."

The cold words came with a bitter chill, and Leng Xuanrong slowly lowered her head.

An Pingzhi took a deep breath, and somehow felt the pressure condensed in the air. This does not appear often in him, and An Pingzhi does not think that this oppression has anything to do with the stupid woman in front of him.

A big event is about to happen. Excitement and happiness are the source of oppression. What else can stop him? No.

Leng Xuanrong is smart and ridiculous. An Pingzhi was in a very good mood, as if a cat had caught a mouse and played enough, just waiting for a bite to enjoy the taste of fat.

An Pingzhi raised the corners of his mouth and smiled slightly. He stretched out his hand, picked up Leng Xuanrong's chin with his index finger, and forced her to look at herself. Seeing that her eyes became a little lax, An Pingzhi shook his head.

"Ceng Xuanrong, you shouldn't give up. There are still things for you to do."

Yes, there are still things I should do.

"As long as you do what I said, your life, your father's life, and even if Zeng Yanliang is not dead now, I will save his life for you in the future."

Three people, three lives, are in my hands.

"You are a smart woman. You should know how to choose at this time."

There is only one way to live, and I have to take this way to live.

"Ceng Xuanrong, listen to me, what I want you to do..."

What I have to do...

Unconsciously, An Pingzhi had pinched Leng Xuanrong's cheek. He was so excited that his hand trembled a little. He stuck it to Leng Xuanrong's ear. The ink cloud temples seemed to be a little in the way. He tried to lower his voice and whispered to Leng Xuanrong, "Reng Xuanrong, I want you to... kill the Xiaohan Wang Du Yilin."