The first wife of rebirth

Chapter 329 Lost and brittle

Leng Xuanrong returned to the yard arranged for her by An Pingzhi, holding a beautiful carved dagger that An Pingzhi had just been tightly stuffed in her hand.

Opening the door, Leng Xuanrong saw the anxious guard in the room. She hurriedly stuffed the dagger into the sleeve, frowned and asked, "Shouju, how do you..."

Leng Xuanrong wanted to ask why Shouju didn't go to rest, but as soon as her voice came out, Leng Xuanrong hurriedly stopped. At this time, her voice was not only hoarse, but also her throat was extremely painful every time she said a word, and her dry lips were torn out of the smell of blood.

This smell permeated his mouth, and Leng Xuanrong couldn't help gritting his teeth fiercely.

At this time, I saw Shouju standing next to the round table, looking at Leng Xuanrong with tears in his eyes. Suddenly, he fell to his knees and cried, "Miss! Miss! I'm sorry for you! Miss... Hurry up... run away..."

Leng Xuanrong was stunned when she saw this. She hurried over to help Shouju up, but no matter how she pulled, Shouju just knelt on the ground. He cried and shook his head vigorously, crying out of breath. Leng Xuanrong had no choice but to close the door first, and then squatted down to ask what was going on.

Shouju cried for a long time and finally stopped his sadness. He wiped his tears, took a deep breath, looked at Leng Xuanrong with red and swollen eyes, and said, "Miss, I'm sorry for guarding you. I didn't tell you the truth from the beginning. I... I don't call Shouju... It was not accidental to go to your house... Yes... Someone instructed me! That man has been asking me to monitor your actions. I... I... I can't help it..."

Shouju said this and cried again.

Leng Xuanrong listened to him and only felt a buzzing sound in her mind.

When Shouju calmed down again, he told the story.

"My surname is Zhao. When I was four or seven years old, there was a plague in the imperial city, and all my relatives died, leaving only me and a sister. My sister is young, and I can only take her to try her best to survive... Not long ago, someone asked me to do pocket work on the street. The man gave me a lot of money, but he didn't say what he wanted me to do. He asked me about my background and specially asked me to take my sister to his house, saying that he could let my sister also do some work in the house. At that time, we all thought that we had met a benefactor... Unexpectedly... Unexpectedly, the man threatened my sister's life and asked me to find a way to come to your side... My sister, who is only eight years old this year and has no parents, and she suffers with me. Now... I... I can't let her die in the hands of that villain..." /P>

Shouju cried and said. When he finished speaking, he looked up at Leng Xuanrong and said, "Miss, you are better than anyone else. I don't want to hurt you. In the past... I had no choice but to stay there, but this time... Miss, he wants to kill you! He is going to kill you! Shouju can't kill your daughter in order to save her sister's life... Run away! Run!"

Leng Xuanrong suddenly raised her head and resisted the tears gushing from her eyes. She never thought that the half-old child in front of her could tell herself these things regardless of the safety of her only sister. What's more, she didn't expect that the teenager she had always thought was carefree. These things are hidden in my heart.


Every shout made Leng Xuanrong heartbreaking. She also knelt down and reached out to hug Shouju. Listening to him cry on her shoulder, Leng Xuanrong's heart seemed to have been hollowed out little by little.

"Who..." Leng Xuanrong asked softly, "Who took your sister away?"

Shouju sobbed and held back his tears, gritted his teeth, trembled like a sieve, and finally said the man's name fiercely.

"It's Mr. Liang, and that little flower girl..."

Three sons of Liang! Little flower girl!

Leng Xuanrong let go of Shouju's body and stared blankly at the front. She seemed to see the cold eyes of Mr. Liang Sanzi and the smile of the little flower lady. Those two people... turned out to be those two people. Leng Xuanrong remembered the little girl with the little flower girl beside her. It turned out that she was the guard's sister... She should have thought that the third son of Liang had not done anything to her, not because he gave up his revenge on her. The third son of Liang was like a ghost hiding in the dark, waiting for the time to come. It will come to take her life.

The crying of Shouju gradually made Leng Xuanrong irritable, and her eyes gathered again on Shouju. The smell of blood in her mouth made her feel at ease. She stretched out her hand, patted Shouju's shoulder, and whispered, "Don't cry, guard Ju, don't cry. I won't die, and neither will your sister. We won't escape, the third son of Liang and the little flower girl, there is nothing to be afraid of.

As soon as Shouju heard Leng Xuanrong's words, he immediately stopped his sadness. He looked at Leng Xuanrong, and his eyes were full of fear and uneasiness.

"Get up and stay." Leng Xuanrong stood up, walked slowly to the table, sat down steadily, took the teapot, poured out a cup of cold tea, pushed it aside, and then poured another cup of tea and put it in front of her. She waved her hand, "Come and guard the house, don't be afraid."

Shouju hesitated for a long time, and finally obediently got up and sat next to Leng Xuanrong. He did not touch the teacup in front of him, but lowered his head and said nothing.

Leng Xuanrong drank the cold tea in one gulp, and countless thoughts flashed through her mind. The figure of Mr. Liang Sanzi and the figure of Xiaohua Niang kept flashing in front of her eyes, but the expression on her face became much gentler.

The third son of Liang is going to revenge. From the moment he escaped, he was destined to come to avenge himself.

Leng Xuanrong put down the teacup and asked Shouju softly, "You said that Mr. Liang and the little flower girl are going to kill me. When will they do it?"

Shouju bit his lips and dared not speak. Leng Xuanrong comforted her with a smile, "Don't be afraid of Shouju. I will definitely find a way to save your sister. At that time, you will live with me, and I will never let you suffer again in the future."

When he heard the words, his head drooped lower. After a long time, he raised his head and said, "All I know is that Mr. Liang raised a lot of people in his house... that is... those who kidnapped the young lady at the beginning..."

Qi Zongyan!

A cold light flashed in Leng Xuanrong's eyes, but she didn't say anything.

listened to Shouju continue to say, "They are going to enter the Prime Minister's mansion... Probably on the day of the Prime Minister's birthday... Those people seem to have a grudge against the Prime Minister, but Mr. Liang came for you. He asked you all about here in detail... I... I can only..."

Leng Xuanrong waved his hand and told Shouju not to blame himself for this. She didn't expect that after Qi Zongyan's deeds were exposed, they still unyieldingly wanted to come to the Prime Minister's mansion, but even if they wanted to come, they would not be able to enter the door of the mansion... Yes, yes, when it comes to enemies, the enemy of Mr. Liang San's son is not only Leng Xuanrong, but also the culprit and the father and son who want to rebel. Mr. Liang must want to stone two birds and take this opportunity to eradicate it together with Leng Xuanrong and the father and son of the An family! So, Mr. Liang's plan to use her power to come to the Prime Minister's mansion failed, so he found another way? What method?

Leng Xuanrong asked Shouju again, "Do you know how they want to get in here?"

Shouju shook his head, "They seem to have received some instructions from Mr. Haowei..."

"Mr. Haowei?" Leng Xuanrong's heart was cold and interrupted Shouju's words and asked, "Mr. Haowei went to see Mr. Liang Sanzi? When?"

Shouju looked at the dark outside the window paper and replied, "It's today... Mr. Liang asked the little flower girl to stop Mr. Haowei's sedan chair on the road, and then they talked for a long time at Mr. Liang's house..."

Leng Xuanrong felt her heart pounding and asked in a trembling voice, "What did Mr. Haowei look like when he left Mr. Liang Sanzi's house?"

Shouju sighed, "He looked a little depressed... After arriving at Xiaohan's mansion, he talked to the prince Xiaohan for a while, and then I went there... Anyway, Mr. Haowei's face was not bloody at all, and his whole body seemed to be haggard..."

Oh no.

Leng Xuanrong's heart completely fell to the bottom. She can guess what happened outside, why Dou Haowei did that, and what Liang Sanzi said to Dou Haowei...

Leng Xuanrong sat there in a daze, looking at the candlelight on the table, and his mind seemed to fall into a blank.

Unexpected, there is no heartache, no regret, or even impatience.


Leng Xuanrong looked down at her face reflected in the cup, where there was only a woman with empty eyes, an extremely ugly person.

Slightly raised the corners of his mouth, and Leng Xuanrong smiled with relief. In the end, it will still become like this. Even if she has always been most afraid of hurting Mr. Haowei, things will still become like this today. Since the two met in the Moge, Leng Xuanrong's lies have been one after another. There is no emotion in the world that can be piled up with lies, and there is no connection between "utilization" and "truth". In the end, it will collapse. You only need to touch it a little, and it will soon disappear.

When he sees Mr. Haowei again, will there be incomparable hatred and disgust in his eyes?

Leng Xuanrong stared straight at the candlelight in front of her and dared not close her eyes. It was not until the pain came from her eyes that Leng Xuanrong lowered her head and sighed gently.

I don't know how long it took, she suddenly raised her head, looked at Shouju coldly, and made a weak voice with her hoarse throat, "Shouju, do you hate the third son and the little flower girl who cheated you to use you?"

Shouju was asked and thought for a long time, then gritted his teeth and nodded.

Despair surged up, and Leng Xuanrong stretched out her trembling hand, took Shouju's arm, closed her eyes, and whispered to him, "In this case... Shuju... I will avenge you..."