The first wife of rebirth

Chapter 332 Flame to the Sky, County Taishoufu

In Wuming County, people looked up to the horse and the fire was shining. A group of strong men in people's clothes with sticks and blades roared and rushed into the door of the house that they had been abruptly opened. The county magistrate's mansion is full of servants who robbed gold and silver. The servants of the guard have long fled with the food they could grab. Now there is not even a grain of rice in the county magistrate's mansion.

However, the news heard by the people who rushed in was not like this. They kept searching in various rooms crazily. Both men and women were driven out. Their only purpose was to get something that could satisfy their hunger. The more they couldn't find such a thing, the more manic they became.

As the other group of people came in did not follow them to find any food, they went straight to the backyard with a big knife in their hands and rushed to the innermost yard. Seeing the house decorated with snow-white strips, these people suddenly stopped.

Take people's money to eliminate disasters. Even if the scene in front of them looks chilling, these people don't care. They are a group of outlaws. Not to mention knowing that there is only one corpse in the house opposite, even if they put the whole house corpses, they can persuade themselves to rush there with a knife. However, the key is that the person they are looking for is not in the house.

The scar-faced man led by gave his men a wince. His men nodded, strode forward and roared as he walked forward, "Lord County! Lord He!"

There was no response in the room. The group of people strode to the door, and the people walking in the front raised their feet and kicked the closed door fiercely, and kicked the door open.

As soon as the door opened, a stench came to their faces. These people who had wanted to rush in suddenly turned around and ran away. Even the scar-faced man couldn't help covering his mouth and nose with his sleeves. I'm afraid this smell is unbearable for anyone.

However, in the room, a man was gradually throwing sallow paper money into the mud basin in front of the dark coffin. After the paper money burned, pieces of black ashes rose, and the ashes slowly hovered over the man's head, looking extremely strange.

Everyone held their breath at this moment, and no one dared to step forward.

In the room, He Lijing looked at the red flame in the mud basin, and his eyes were empty.

The step-by-step development of things was beyond his expectation. He thought he could regain control of everything, but he put himself in the current situation. Unexpectedly, at the last moment, he, who had always been smart, was still used by others. After he gave up his dignity and waved his tail to beg for mercy, the other party not only did not give him a chance to breathe, but immediately pushed him into the bottomless abyss.

In the middle of the night, when the chaos in the county magistrate's mansion was just beginning, He Lijing got the hard news from outside the city, and the news of the sons he had been looking forward to. However, the news was desperate. Soon after An Longyi sent his daughter's coffin back, An Longyi's second son had seized the power of soldiers and horses in several counties outside, and all the fiefs also colluded with An Longyi. He Lijing's sons were nominally sent back to the imperial city for the court to be punished, but in fact, He Lijing I know that they must have died a long time ago. Maybe it will be abandoned in the wilderness, and there is not even a final place to settle down...

As soon as the news arrived, he came to this room gly. What happened in the front courtyard had nothing to do with him anymore. He knew that it would not be long before someone would take his life.

Now, He Lijing really regrets it. He remembered what Mr. Dou Yandong and Leng Chengqi said when they met him. Maybe that was his last chance to survive, but he chose the opposite path and chose to associate with the person sent by An Longyi. At that time, he thought that he could live as long as he obeyed, but he did not expect that he was worthless to An Longyi at this time. The 100,000 private army outside fell into the hands of the An family again. At this time, He Lijing found that An Longyi did not give up the intention of these people from the beginning, but because Chang Hongkai, an eye-catching thing, had been obstructing from it, so these things happened later. Now the imperial army is fighting hard with Chang Hongkai's former confidants outside, and I believe that those people will be completely eliminated soon. When those people are gone, those who are loyal to An Longyi among the 100,000 armies and those loyal to An Longyi in the army sent by the court will merge, and the two armies will become an army that completely belongs to the family. Among them, the dissidents were completely eradicated, which is the real arrangement of An Longyi.

Wuming County? This is just a cover, a cover that allows An Longyi to mobilize the imperial army.

Now, He Lijing has finally figured it all out.

When everything was lost, he thought about everything clearly and left He Lijing with only empty sadness.

The scar-faced man finally walked behind He Lijing and said in a low voice, "Lord He, you are the county magistrate of Wuming County. The order to eliminate mountain thieves is issued by your hand. Many of our brothers have died, and now we have to count them on you. You have a grudge against us, but that's not why I have to kill you today. We mountain thieves also have their own rules. They take people's money to eliminate disasters for others. If you still have resentment after you die, go find the person who has paid money to kill you.

He Lijing sat cross-legged in front of the mud basin and still kept throwing paper money into the mud basin. He raised the corners of his mouth slightly, sneered, and then asked, "If you have money to kill me... Who is the person you mentioned?"

He Lijing's voice was extremely hoarse. The scar-faced man frowned and clenched the big knife in his hand and replied coldly, "That man said that he wants you to understand. His name is Liang Muhan, and he said that he has an unsocreate feud with you.

Liang Muhan......

These three words came from behind, and He Lijing's hand finally stopped. He frowned and felt a little surprised. He originally thought that the person who sent someone to kill him must be from the family, but he didn't expect that it was Liang Muhan. Liang the third son of Liang Qiurong, the county magistrate of Kunyan County? Why is it him...

"You..." He Lijing stood up from the ground with difficulty and asked, "Did he arrange it for a long time... You killed me, but you can't get out of this Wuming County. Not to mention the money, aren't you going to die here in the end?"

The scar-faced man said impatiently when he heard the words, "Although this Liang Muhan is also the son of an official family, he has a lot of friendship with the mountain thief grass bandits in Fengquanling. The head of Chaoyang Village is like him, and even the Chang Hongkai who surrounded here has letters with him. We are all arranged by Chang Hongkai to come in. As for going out, we have a lot of response, and you don't need to worry about us.

He Lijing stood there, shaking his body. He closed his eyes and smiled bitterly, thinking that even a boy who fled everywhere was more far-reaching than He Lijing's plan. No wonder he died here today.

Think about it, he killed Liang Muhan's family, which made him lonely. How different is his situation from his own situation at present? It's just that he still has a chance to revenge, but he doesn't even have a chance to revenge. In fact, when he had the opportunity, he did not choose to revenge at all. Instead, he chose to give in to his enemies and pray for his life. If Liang Muhan had prayed to himself like this, would he have let him live?

It's really stupid. He Lijing secretly scolded himself in his heart, which was really stupid.

This is the result of weakness.

It doesn't matter.

He Lijing took a long breath, turned his head to look around, turned around and touched the dark coffin, and muttered, "Reiping, my father is coming to accompany you. Our father and daughter... Let's go on the road together..."

After saying that, a smile appeared on his face, shook his body and fell next to the coffin.

Even if he is not killed in the hands of these people now, the people sent by An Longyi will take his life. Instead of letting An Longyi beat himself again, it is better to die at the hands of the people sent by Liang Muhan. On the one hand, he can pay off his own sin, and on the other hand... let the person who has the ability to revenge...

He Lijing closed his eyes against the dark coffin, and someone said something in his ear, and then the cold wind blew up and a stream of blood splashed.

He Lijing's body fell to the ground like a pool of mud, and the white cloth under the black coffin was soaked with blood. The scar-faced man squatted down and looked carefully. After checking, he stood up again, raised his feet and rubbed the bloody knife in his hand with the soles of his shoes. He tilted his head at the desperate people behind him, and the crowd fished out.

The scar-faced man walked at the end. He closed the door again and took the crowd out of the yard.

The riot in Wuming County has been continuing. The people in the city soon knew that someone rushed into the county governor's mansion and killed the county governor He Lijing. They were looking forward to someone coming forward to solve their siege at this time. No one knows when the riot will end, and no one knows when they will Only then can we live a normal life again.

At this time, there is also no peace outside Wuming County. I don't know how long the war burned, and some of the 100,000 elites were sandwiched between the two enemies and were quickly swallowed up. Although the remaining two sides eased the war, they were still in a state of opposition. The soldiers and horses sent by the court camped on the outermost floor, and in their middle army tents, a group of armored soldiers were quarreling with red faces.

General Chi looked at the veterans who desperately opposed him and had a murderous intention, but at this time, a soldier came outside and handed over a letter to him. After General Chi read the letter, sweat suddenly flowed down his forehead.