The first wife of rebirth

Chapter 341 troubled times, the Lord of the world

Miss Dou San watched Dr. Li's body fall in front of her. The dagger she held with blood in her hand trembled slightly with her body, but Miss Dou San looked firm, because she knew that what she was doing now was right.

At this moment, under the colored lights of the corridor, someone suddenly flashed out. Miss Dou San was so scared that she almost screamed, but when she saw the face clearly, a hanging heart suddenly fell down.

"Little...Little Nineteen... How do you..." Although Miss Dou San knew that these people under Gu Zhiyi had unique skills, she still couldn't imagine that these people could shuttle through the Prime Minister's mansion at will when she remembered the light armored guards she had just seen.

Xiao 19 was dressed in a black night coat. He walked like a ghost without a sound. When he came to Miss Dou San, he first glanced at the body of the man who fell at her feet, and then respectfully saluted Miss Dou San.

"Miss Dou San, we have done what you ordered. If you go that way, someone will escort Miss San from the Prime Minister's mansion to a safe place." After saying that, Xiaojiu stretched out his hand to the distance and pointed a direction to Miss Dou San.

Miss Dou San frowned and said in a low voice, "An Longyi is not dead yet. I can't go."

Little Nineteen raised the corners of his mouth and smiled, "Miss San, please rest assured that the old thief An Longyi can't survive today. Please rest assured to leave the rest to our Kirin Camp to do." Speaking of this, Xiaojiu saw that Miss Dou San still seemed to be worried, so he had to take a step forward and whispered, "Only when he knows that Miss San is safe can Hao Wei feel at ease. Miss San, please."

After saying that, Xiao 19 cautiously took the dagger in Miss Dou San's hand and pointed to the direction just now.

Miss Dou San saw a faint figure flashing over there, and then looked at the expression on Xiaoshichi's face, so she had to sigh and follow the direction he pointed.

When Miss Dou San went far away, Xiao 19 frowned, bent down to wipe off the blood stains on the dagger with Dr. Li's clothes, and then put the dagger away. This is what General Gu gave to Miss Dou San. Xiao 19 dares not lose it anyway. After receiving the dagger, Xiaojiu raised his foot and kicked Dr. Li's body with a disgusted face and took a sip. Then he raised his head and whispered, "What happened tonight is messy enough. Don't cause any extra trouble for me anymore!" All follow the plan, otherwise I won't be able to forgive you! Especially you!" With that, Xiao 19 raised his hand and pointed to the shadow in the distance. The shadow shook slightly and seemed to have complaints, but Xiao 19's appearance was obviously real. Who dared to contradict a sentence? He really couldn't eat it.

At this time, there was another loud sound in the southwest corner of the Prime Minister's Mansion. Xiaozhu turned his head and looked over there. In the blink of an eye, he saw the fire on the sky. He pouted and thought to himself that the mountain thieves were really noisy enough, but thanks to their noise there, he could free his hands. Thinking of this, Xiaojiu waved his hand, his feet on the ground, and his figure disappeared into the night. Then, several shadows flashed through the corridor at the same speed.

The place where the loud noise was made was not far from the birthday banquet hall, and the whole hall shook a few times. The women have gathered together and shrank into the corner, and the court officials in the room have obviously gathered into two groups. A group of people gathered around An Longyi and An Pingzhi, while another group of people gradually stood behind Du Yilin.

When An Pingzhi heard the loud noise, his already tense nerves were suddenly stirred. He called his men and said harshly, "Go and see what happened!" No matter who makes trouble in the Prime Minister's mansion, there is no need to stay alive! Kill them all!"

But before these people came out of the hall, some people stumbled back outside. Everyone fixed their eyes and found that it was the soldiers and horses who were sent by An Ping to investigate and surround the Prime Minister's mansion.

When several people ran back to the hall again, there was no blood on their faces.

"Long... eldest son... big deal is not good!" One of them stammered back, "Outside... those people surrounding the Prime Minister's mansion, they reported their identities and said that it was... said it was..."

"What did you say!" An Ping took a step forward and grabbed the man's collar and asked sharply.

The man was so scared that his voice trembled, "They said...they were the emperor's secret camp... the prison camp...and the soldiers and horses of the camp..."

With that, the man took out something from his arms, and the man's hands kept shaking. After he took it out of his arms, it fell and spread it out.

Two bright yellow scrolls spread out in front of everyone. There is no handwriting on the scroll, only two blood-red marks, which are fine and cumbersome patterns.

Anping's death stared at the two scrolls on the ground, and he couldn't believe his eyes.

Anpingzhi has no official position, but he knows more than these officials present. There are three in the emperor's secret camp. Except for the Guzhiyi Kirin camp that he had seen before, the rest of the prison cattle camp and the Yaoyi camp have not even found their whereabouts. An Pingzhi, the two imprints in front of him, once saw the most confidential letter sealed by his father. Who would have thought that the two secret camps that had long existed would appear at this time!

How strong are they? How many soldiers are there? How did many eyeliners suddenly surround the Prime Minister's mansion inside and outside the imperial city? Can these people really fall from the sky?


An Pingzhi turned around and ran to his father, pulled away the doctors surrounding there, grabbed An Longyi's skirt, shook vigorously and shouted loudly, "Father! Father, wake up! Father! When the big thing is going to happen, how long will you sleep!"

However, at this time, An Longyi's face was already pale and his breathing became very weak.

An Pingzhi gritted his teeth fiercely and got up and roared, "Why hasn't Dr. Li come back yet?" Where is Miss Dou San?"

As soon as he finished asking this sentence, a light armored bodyguard ran quickly and said in a low voice, "The eldest son, someone found a body in the corridor of the inner house. After being identified by the servants, it was Dr. Li who had just gone to get the medicine."

This sentence hit An Ping's heart like a heavy hammer. He opened his eyes and couldn't say anything. After a long time, he finally stabilized his mind. An Pingzhi pulled the light armored bodyguard and asked in a low voice, "How did he die?"

The light armored bodyguard replied, "He was stabbed to death with a dagger from the front."

Hearing this, An Ping immediately closed his eyes, gritted his teeth and breathed a sigh of breath.

Miss Dou San. The person who killed Dr. Li was undoubtedly Miss Dou San.

An Pingzhi scolded himself in the bottom of his heart. Why did he believe that Miss Dou San at this time? Although the imperial palace has always been in a neutral position, her fifth uncle has always been against the An family, and the young master Dou Haowei is the one who stands completely on Du Yilin's side. Why did he believe that Miss Dou San would stand up to help their Dou family at this time?

Just thinking about this, An Pingzhi suddenly found something that was ignored by himself.

He opened his eyes and looked in the crowd for a long time. Sure enough, he didn't see Dou Haowei, the young master of the imperial palace!

An Pingzhi looked at the two bright yellow scrolls on the ground, looked up at Du Yilin, and looked at Du Yilin's indifferent expression. An Pingzhi finally understood why Du Yilin dared to break into the dragon pool tiger cave, and why he was so calm! An Pingzhi recalled that when his father sent more people to the harem, Dou Haowei hurriedly escaped from the harem. At that time, he thought that Dou Haowei was just afraid of death and wanted to return to the imperial palace to save his life, but now it seems that it was the cowardly emperor who handed over the two secret camps to Dou Haowei! At this time, Du Yilin wanted to use those two secret camps to make their royal counterattack!


Thinking of this, An Pingzhi suddenly raised his head and laughed loudly.

His laughter echoed in the birthday hall, which made people feel cold.

When An Pingzhi stopped laughing, he waved to the doctor and the ladies around his father and said, "Send my father back to the inner house for treatment."

Several doctors looked up at An Pingzhi and thought to himself that the Prime Minister was going to die. Now there is no antidote. Isn't it going to kill him to move him again?

But before these people could speak, An Pingzhi's light armored bodyguard had already carried An Longyi out of the hall.

Several ladies hurriedly followed and left the birthday hall with the servants they brought.

Du Yilin couldn't help smiling as he watched these people leave. The smile flashed, and Du Yilin said coldly, "Isn't you want to find someone to poison Prime Minister An by letting these people leave?"

An Pingzhi looked at Du Yilin coldly and snorted, "Who poisoned my father? I will definitely find out. At present, I still have more important things to tell the prince and the adults present. Please listen to me patiently. After we finish saying this, we will find the murderer who poisoned my father.

After saying this, An Pingzhi no longer paid attention to Du Yilin. He opened his arms and said loudly, "Gentlemen, today was originally a happy day, not only the birthday of my father, but also the day when our family wants to announce major events to the world. What I was going to say should have been told to you by my father, but now my father has been tricked by villains, so I can only make it clear to you.

With that, An Pingzhi raised his finger in the direction of the palace, looked at the eyes of the people in the birthday banquet hall, and said loudly, "My father has spent a lifetime of loyalty to this glorious country. Now the emperor is weak and incompetent and unable to govern this great mountain and river. The Du family has declined. From today on, we will settle down and do this magnificent world. Lord!"