The first wife of rebirth

Chapter 360 Where to go, weird light

Although the old man in the imperial mansion is old, his memory is still very good. He still remembers the name Leng Chengqi. The handsome young man who talked extraordinary at the beginning has now become a middle-aged man. The old man smiled indifferently and said, "Leng Chengqi, I heard that he has been to the top of Zixia, and he must have gained something. It would be a good thing if he could take up the position of prime minister. However, I'm afraid it's not so easy to achieve this good thing.

The latter sentence was left in his heart by the old man and did not say it.

Du Yilin nod his head and retreated and took a deep breath.

Out of the old man, Du Yilin saw Dou Haowei dodging outside the courtyard at a glance. Du Yilin didn't care about the prince's face. He strode over and grabbed Dou Haowei's wrist and asked in a low voice, "Haowei, you know I came to the imperial palace, but I didn't go out to greet him?"

Dou Haowei pulled Du Yilin to a secluded place with a bitter face and said in a low voice, "Grandpa, they know that the general situation has been achieved, and they are afraid that I will enter the court as an official. Since I came back, I have been taught by them."

Du Yilin couldn't help laughing when he heard the words. After laughing, he couldn't help sighing. Dou Haowei is the young master in the imperial palace. Even if he wants to enter the court as an official, the imperial palace will definitely stop him. What's more, Dou Haowei didn't mean it in the first place. Du Yilin knew that he had helped himself for so long. It was all because the imperial palace was afraid that the family would fall and make their imperial palace also involved in turmoil. Now that this worry is gone, Haowei is afraid that he will be sent elsewhere by them.

"What did the old gentleman say?" Du Yilin asked worriedly, "Do you want you to stay here or go somewhere else?"

Dou Haowei took a long breath, "In a word, I will go to the top of Zixia to visit my master first... As for the future..."

Dou Haowei didn't say the following words, and Du Yilin naturally understood. They have so many identities that they can't help themselves.

The two came to the yard where Dou Haowei lived and sat down. Only then did Du Yilin tell Dou Haowei his real intention this time.

"Mr. Wu and Leng Chengqi are going back to the imperial city, and with the incident on Zeng Yanliang, I guess Haowei, you can't help going to Leng Xuanrong, right?"

Dou Haowei blushed when he heard the words and couldn't help sighing.

In fact, Dou Haowei had long thought of going to Leng Xuanrong, but he repeatedly cheered himself up in his heart, but he still didn't know what expression to use to see Leng Xuanrong. He wanted to ask Leng Xuanrong what she had hidden from him for such a long time, but Dou Haowei was afraid that after asking this question, the answer he got was the last thing he wanted to hear.

Such a contradictory mood really makes Dou Haowei at a loss.

Du Yilin knew what he was thinking when he saw Dou Haowei's sad face. He raised his hand and patted Dou Haowei on the shoulder and said, "This time I came to you to give you a reason why you have to find Leng Xuanrong. Haowei, listen carefully. This matter is not only about you and Leng Xuanrong alone, but about the future safety of the whole Huangyu Kingdom.

Du Yilin deliberately put a heavy load on Dou Haowei's body, and Dou Haowei's expression looked much more relaxed at this time. Du Yilin thought to himself that Haowei was really afraid of knowing that Leng Xuanrong had deceived him. Such a temperament was really not suitable for an official.

After Du Yilin explained what he wanted Dou Haowei to do, he left first.

Dou Haowei walked around the house alone for several times, and finally gritted his teeth. Then he got on the soft sedan chair and went straight to the Leng family's house where Leng Xuanrong lived.

However, before Dou Haowei arrived at the Leng family's house, another soft sedan car had stopped in front of the Leng family early.

Leng Xuanrong was anxious like a group of ants on a hot pot, but she also heard Shouju say that now the streets of the imperial city are everywhere arresting the lieutenants of the riot party and the Jiucheng government. At this time, it is undoubtedly very dangerous for young women like Leng Xuanrong to go out. Even if Leng Xuanrong ignored this danger, she couldn't figure out what she could do for a while.

Only in a hurry, Leng Xuanrong went around the hall, hoping that nothing would happen to Brother Yan Liang and his father's early return.

At this time, I heard a light knock on the door outside, and Shouju ran to open the door. As soon as the door opened, Shouju's face suddenly became ugly.

" did you get here?" Shouju's voice trembled a little, but the person standing opposite him just squinted his narrow eyes and smiled indifferently.

"Please also ask the child to report to Miss Leng of the family, and say that his old friend Mr. Liang specially came to visit."

Shouju was stunned for a long time, and then turned back and ran to the hall and said to Leng Xuanrong in a panic, "Little...Miss! The big deal is not good... Liang... Mr. Liang San is here! He also said that he came to visit Miss... Miss, run away quickly!"

As soon as Leng Xuanrong heard the words "Three Prince Liang", his back was also chilly. She remembered what she heard from the little girl's words before. Presumably Mr. Liang still wanted to avenge her. Did he really come to kill her? Leng Xuanrong hesitated for a moment, gritted his teeth fiercely, and said to Shouju, "It's a blessing, not a curse, but a curse that can't be avoided!" It may not be so easy for Mr. Liang to kill me. Guard, go and invite him to the hall.

Shouju looked at Leng Xuanrong incredulously and saw a sudden chill in her eyes. Shouju couldn't help shivering.

Waiting for Shouju to run to invite Mr. Liang Sanzi, Leng Xuanrong hurried to the side room behind the hall and hid it in the sleeve sleeve with a handful of palm-sized scissors from the bamboo basket she usually used to needle and thread.

Although the scissors are small, they are extremely sharp. Leng Xuanrong took this small scissors as her own reassurance, took two deep breaths, and then pretended to return from the side room to the front hall as if nothing had happened.

While Leng Xuanrong came out, she also saw Mr. Liang San coming from the courtyard.

At this time, Mr. Liang's third son is completely different from the unkempt boy Leng Xuanrong saw in Nayan County. He was wearing a plain white gown, covered with a plain dark-flowered robe, and his hair was neatly tied with a jade hairpin. If it hadn't been for the unrestrained man't on his face. Smiling, Leng Xuanrong was afraid that he was the third young master of the Liang family.

"Three Mr. Liang came specially, and the little woman failed to go out to welcome him. Please forgive me." Leng Xuanrong was blessed, and then gave up his seat to Mr. Liang.

Mr. Liang San was also rude. He sat down casually on the chair in the direction of Leng Xuanrong's drooping hand, raised the corners of his mouth and smiled, "This house looks very spacious, but why is it deserted after coming in?"

Leng Xuanrong replied with a wry smile, "My family has been in trouble. I can live here and are all taken care of by King Xiaohan and Mr. Haowei. How dare I ask for anything else?"

Mr. Liang nodded when he heard the words.

At this time, the little girl entered the hall with a tray tremblingly, carefully put a cup of hot tea in the hands of Mr. Liang San, refilled the tea for Leng Xuanrong's cup, and then quickly left as if she had escaped.

Mr. Liang looked at the little girl's figure and smiled, "Isn't this little girl the girl brought back by the little flower girl? I thought the little flower girl had found someone for her... It turned out that she came back to you.

Leng Xuanrong was stunned when he heard the words. Could it be that Mr. Liang San didn't know that Xiaohua Niang let Shouyan go?

However, this matter did not seem to matter. Leng Xuanrong hesitated for a moment and finally decided not to ask more questions.

Mr. Liang sat there leisurely and took a sip of tea, and then whispered, "I heard that Zeng Yanliang also came back from Wuming County. Why didn't I see him? Could it be that he was called to do something by King Xiaohan?

When Leng Xuanrong heard that Mr. Liang asked Brother Yan Liang, she couldn't help but be vigilant. She nodded disbelief and didn't say anything.

"Oh?" Mr. Liang looked at Leng Xuanrong, and his smile became more unpredictable. He sighed and said quietly, "If Zeng Yanliang is really called away by King Xiaohan, I'm afraid you should cry more in the inner house now. Humph. Zeng Yanliang ran away? Yes, he is no better than before. Even without your help, he can escape.

Mr. Liang's words were obviously pointed out. Leng Xuanrong frowned and asked in a low voice, "Mir Liang, what do you mean by this? How did you know that Brother Yan Liang had escaped?

Mr. Liang San smiled and said, "Zeng Yanliang is the third son of An Longyi. Although he is an illegitimate son, he is more or less half of An Longyi's blood. Leng Xuanrong, you poisoned An Longyi, that is, you poisoned Zeng Yanliang's biological father. The hatred of killing his father is not commensurate. Even if Zeng Yanliang can escape from this disaster and marry you to Leng Xuanrong, in case he thinks of these things one day... Do you think he will hate you?

When Mr. Liang said this, his tone became colder and colder. Leng Xuanrong suddenly opened his eyes and his back felt cold.

What she thinks has always revolved around her hatred and the future of her and Zeng Yanliang, but she never thought that the person she killed with her own hands may really be Zeng Yanliang's biological father...

In case he thinks of these things one day... Do you think he will hate you?

This sentence is like a sharp thorn, which suddenly penetrated deeply into Leng Xuanrong's heart.

When Mr. Liang saw Leng Xuanrong's face, he instantly turned pale and couldn't help laughing loudly. His laughter was extremely harsh, making Leng Xuanrong's whole body like falling into an ice cave. She looked at Mr. Liang San and didn't understand why Mr. Liang San knew these things so clearly, let alone why Mr. Liang San deliberately came to tell her these words today...


Is it that he came to avenge himself?

When the word revenge was used on herself, Leng Xuanrong couldn't help fighting a cold war. There was a trance in front of her, and the enemies who were carefully designed and killed by her appeared in front of her again, as if the nightmare had become a reality overnight. The strange light in Mr. Liang's eyes at this time... Could it be the same as before...