The first wife of rebirth

Chapter 362 In the past and present life, which is not

The anger soared to the sky seemed to burst out from Leng Xuanrong's body. She never expected anyone to understand what she had experienced. She could say everything in her previous life, but Leng Xuanrong knew, and she knew! Even if she told those things, no one would believe it.

Previous life? Maybe it's just a nightmare. Did she do so much for that illusory past life? It's simply unreasonable.

Leng Xuanrong's previous life seemed to belong to her own life. Those people, those things, those hatreds, looking back now, it's really too far away.


Cold tears flashed in Leng Xuanrong's eyes. She looked at Mr. Liang San and the fiery hatred in his eyes. Leng Xuanrong suddenly raised the corners of her mouth and smiled.

Tears crossed Leng Xuanrong's cheek, and she laughed unscrupulously.

When Dou Haowei saw Leng Xuanrong like this, he felt as if he had been cut out fiercely. He understood some of what Leng Xuanrong said just now, and some didn't understand it. As before, there are deep things hidden in Leng Xuanrong's words, like something that she dares not touch and even she is afraid of herself. It was because of what was hidden in her heart that made her do those incredible things over and over again. As Mr. Liang said, she hid in the dark and manipulated many things. If it hadn't been for the appearance of Mr. Liang San, Dou Haowei might not have known what Leng Xuanrong had done in his life.

Why? What on earth is she hiding?

Even if Dou Haowei is talented and intelligent, he can't figure it out.

He has known Leng Xuanrong's background for a long time. As she said, a weak woman, where did she get so much hatred...

Thinking of this, Dou Haowei couldn't help sighing.

At this time, Leng Xuanrong also stopped laughing. She wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes and opened her mouth again, but changed her soft tone and whispered, "Three Liang, you probably know that the first person to quarreled with Leng Xuanrong in Yan County was the Korean shopkeeper. If he hadn't coveted his father's only few precious brushes left, he wouldn't have end up with that. There is also the mainland media woman who lied to my father and intended to sell me to the dead son of the Liu family as a happy daughter-in-law. Later, it was Li Duen who had been following He Lijing's instructions and almost killed my father. After them, it was your father Liang Qiurong's turn.

Leng Xuanrong spoke indifferently, as if the previous Mr. Liang San, all this came out of her mouth as if it had nothing to do with her.

"You, Mr. Liang, are a smart man. Think about it carefully, others are worthy of death. Why did your Liang family die unjustly? Humph." Leng Xuanrong snorted coldly, "At the beginning of the robbery of official silver, your father Liang Qiurong, in order to avoid the rebuke of the court, blamed the irrelevant Zeng Yanliang and framed the county magistrates of colluding with bandits. Now that the truth of the matter has come out, I would like to ask you, is it wrong for these people to leave a stigma after death? He couldn't harm people and set himself on fire, which was also found by himself. Leng Xuanrong and Liang Qiurong have a deep hatred. This hatred is left from the previous life, and I don't mean to kill your whole family in this life. Unfortunately, God's will is so. Your Liang family is too guilty, so they end up like this.

"Previous life?" Mr. Liang's eyes are like fire, but he still looks very comfortable. He played with Leng Xuanrong's words and said coldly, "What did you say about your past life and this life? If my father really owes you any debts in his previous life, then if he dies in your hands this life, he will pay it back. But except for your father, those other lives, Leng Xuanrong, you can start to bear them from this life and wait for another evil reward in the next life.

Leng Xuanrong's body trembled slightly with Mr. Liang's words, and every word Mr. Liang said was nailed to her heart.

Mr. Liang closed his eyes, took a breath, opened his eyes again, and looked a little confused.

"It's valuable to dare to say that there is hatred. Leng Xuanrong, Leng Xuanrong, even if you hate it with reason, you are so timid that you don't even dare to say the reason. Mr. Liang looked a little disappointed. He stood up and walked to Leng Xuanrong. Suddenly, he bent down and stared at Leng Xuanrong's eyes and said coldly, "You might as well admit that you are just a devil who crawled out of hell. You only take pleasure in harming others. Why bother to find so many reasons and excuses for yourself to feel at ease? "

With a crisp sound, Leng Xuanrong's hand hit Third Prince Liang in the face.

Leng Xuanrong had never been so angry. She didn't even expect that she would be so angry. She also stood up from her chair, looked at Mr. Liang fiercely, and said in the same cold voice, "Even if Leng Xuanrong is really a devil crawling out of hell, even if I really enjoy harming people, I What has been harmed are also those who have harmed me! Reason? Excuse? I am looking for excuses for myself every night, but the reasons and excuses I make are not to reassure me, but so that I can live around these people who should not live, so that I can wait for those damn people to go to Huangquan Road!"

Several red marks appeared on Mr. Liang's cheeks, and his indifferent smile disappeared. He and Leng Xuanrong looked at each other, and Mr. Liang's expression became more and more ferocious.

All patience and all reason seemed to be extinguished by the ashes burned by the eyes of the little girl in front of him. Mr. Liang suddenly stretched out his hand to hold Leng Xuanrong's arm and said angrily, "Why on earth! Why on earth! Why can you do these things? Why don't you say what's hidden in your heart now? Leng Xuanrong! Say it! Say it!"

Leng Xuanrong's arm was clenched by Mr. Liang San as if it was about to break. In a hurry, Leng Xuanrong was ruthless and pulled out the scissors hidden in the sleeve tube and hit Mr. Liang San's chest.

I only heard a crisp sound, and a red blood stain splashed out.

Mr. Liang suddenly stepped back a few steps and reached out to cover the wound on his chest.

A scratch scratched Mr. Liang's clothes and skin, but it was not fatal.

Looking at Leng Xuanrong, he tightly grasped the sharp scissors in his hand and strode towards Mr. Liang.

Leng Xuanrong's eyes seemed to have a bloodthirsty red light. The cold expression on her face was daunting. The pain on Mr. Liang's chest was unbearable, but he still stood there gritted his teeth and looked at Leng Xuanrong.

"Liang Muhan, I said I would tell you." Leng Xuanrong was fearless. She stood in front of Mr. Liang and whispered, "I, Leng Xuanrong, am a person who has experienced two generations. In the previous life, your father killed my dearest, abused me in every way, and pushed me into the abyss of endless pain. Not only him, but also He Lijing and An Pingzhi are the same. Leng Xuanrong, I will avenge them in this life. These people can't repay my hatred! I have avenged all my previous life!"

Leng Xuanrong's voice was so low that he stood aside and watched these things in an instant without hearing it clearly, but Mr. Liang heard it clearly, word by word, and he heard it clearly.

Two generations? Resentment in previous life?

Mr. Liang looked at Leng Xuanrong and saw her extremely cold expression at this time. Mr. Liang suddenly took a step back.

Is there really a past and present life in the world? If not, the woman is crazy.

But recalling the beginning, one thing after another, Leng Xuanrong seemed to have insight into water and fire and was able to predict. Otherwise, how could she get to this day with her weak daughter?

Previous life...previous life?

What did she say about her previous life? What did she look like in her previous life? If she has a previous life, then does Liang Muhan and their family have a previous life?


Dou Haowei's call suddenly sounded in his ear, and Mr. Liang San suddenly came to his senses and turned his head to look at Dou Haowei in a daze.

"Muhan, you are still bleeding. I'll ask someone to find a doctor!"

"No need..." Mr. Liang looked down at the wound on his chest with a wry smile and shook his head, "The skin injury will be cured in a few days." After saying that, he looked up at Leng Xuanrong, with a smile and a little relieved, "Ceng Xuanrong, I, Liang Muhan, am different from you. Life and death are just a momentary. You killed my whole family, but I don't want to kill you. Today, you left another scar on my body, Liang Muhan. When I see this scar again in the future, I will definitely think of you. After decades of life, you may not be able to fight for a lifetime. If it's true as you said..." In his previous life... Mr. Liang shook his head, "I don't know if you can see the future of Zeng Yanliang."

Sen's cold words and cold smile reminded Leng Xuanrong again of what Mr. Liang San had just said.

What did he do?

Dou Haowei helped Mr. Liang sit down, and then he called Shouju and asked him to find the doctor. After Shouju ran out, Dou Haowei came to Leng Xuanrong and whispered, "Miss Leng, I'm afraid that the feud between you and Mu Han can't be resolved. I just want to persuade Leng girl that if people harm people, they will eventually lose. No matter what Miss Leng has done before, in the future... please calm down her anger and avoid getting angry. Burn..."

Is this advice? No, this is a warning.

Leng Xuanrong held scissors and looked at Dou Haowei, smiled bitterly, bowed his head and whispered, "Mr. Haowei only said that Xuanrong should not be harmful, but he doesn't know that I am not harmful to people's hearts. People have the will to hurt me. I, Leng Xuanrong, can survive to this day... Don't Mr. Haowei know how difficult and dangerous it is?"

In a word, Dou Haowei was speechless.

He once saw with his own eyes that Du Yilin, the king of Xiaohan, was furious and wanted to kill Leng Xuanrong. He once sacrificed his life to save him. He once saw Leng Xuanrong dying and struggling, and his heart was like a knife.

For Dou Haowei, what Leng Xuanrong did was to deceive him and hide something, but think about it carefully, she did it to survive...