Reborn Marquess Laziness

Chapter 8 Father

In Liu Yao's room, quiet dripping water can be heard.

King Jing sat by the bed and stared at Liu Yao coldly. After a while, he said coldly, "Not only did he almost lose his life, but also implicated others. Are you satisfied now?

Liu Yao stared at King Jing with red eyes and roared like a trapped beast, "You know that someone is going to kill me, but you still let those people do that! If you hadn't called Lord Jiang away at that time, how could we have encountered such a danger!"

" shut up! Did you talk to your father like this?" King Jing looked at Liu Yao with a sneer and said, "Well, if I hadn't called Jiang Yong away at that time, you would have died long ago!" With him, there must be more than two darts shooting at you! At that time, do you think they will give up their daughter to save you? That girl is so simple-hearted that she will give up herself to save you. But how could Jiang Yong? That girl is his life!"

Liu Yao stared at King Jing, and his congested eyes began to fill with fog. He still stubbornly said, "How do you know that Jiang Yong is not here, so they dare not die? That girl is younger than me. How did you know she could save me? It's you who want me to die earlier so that the bastard of the cheap life can be the son of the world..."


The crisp slap interrupted Liu Yao's hysteria. He couldn't help flowing down his eyes. This is his father! This is his father! He is his serious eldest son and the righteous son of King Jing's mansion. But he is not even as good as a bastard born to a humble concubine. His father doesn't take him as a son at all! Mother...if my mother is still there...

King Jing stood up and looked down at Liu Yao's eyes full of contempt: "The Jiang family, even if she is just a girl, her skills will not be bad! Even if she can't save you, you found it yourself! You'd better understand that if you don't even know how to save your life, then you are not qualified to sit in this world! I will never use a fool as an heir!"

When King Jing left, Liu Yao stared at the empty and open door like a fool. The painful and entangled expression on his face gradually became empty, and finally became full of powerlessness and desolation.

He was abandoned by his father.


The next morning, after watching Jiang Ting force herself and eating the same amount of breakfast as usual, Jiang Yong left her room with satisfaction and let her rest quietly.

But Jiang Ting hasn't fallen asleep yet, but an uninvited guest came. No one reported it, so Liu Yao opened the door and came in. Jiang Ting stared at the "little persimmon" standing in front of her bed and looked at his blue nose and swollen face. She didn't know whether to be annoyed or laugh. She still remembers spraying blood on his face when she fell down, and she doesn't know how he became disgusted afterwards.

After falling from the air yesterday, she buried her face in Liu Yao's shoulder in the spirit of love for beauty. So she hurt almost all over her body, but there was not even a scratch on her face. But he, although there was nothing serious because she was underneath, his face was scratched by stones and sand in several places. Well, the originally handsome little cute face is now broken. I don't know if I can raise it back?

Liu Yao quietly looked at Jiang Ting lying in **, and his heart was mixed for a moment. Now she is wrapped in bandages all over her body except her face. She looks like a zombie in the picture book, lying so straight **, which is really scary.

She was hurt like this, all to protect him. His father gave up on him and let him die, but she tried her best to protect him.

Thinking of the two intersections between himself and the dead girl before, Liu Yao didn't know whether to hate or be grateful. Although his life is bigger than the sky, this is not the first time he has encountered a murder since his mother's death. Although his father didn't take him seriously before, he would not let people kill him at will.

But this time, my father gave up on him. He can't survive without her. But when he survived, he was not very happy. He should be grateful to her, Liu Yao told himself. But he raised his hand and touched his heart, which seemed to be empty, but there was no gratitude at all.

She saved his life, and he was not grateful. Because he doesn't want to continue to live such a painful life in the depths of his consciousness. After his mother died, he had no one to trust. Therefore, he lives in pain. Now, even his father has given up on him, so living is more like a kind of suffering for him.

He doesn't appreciate her. But I survived thanks to her. So he still wants to thank her.

"Well, prince, what can I do for you?" Jiang Ting was embarrassed by Liu Yao. Although there is no mirror, she also knows that she is ugly now. It's really uncomfortable to be stared at like this.

Liu Yao turned his eyes to her clean face and asked abruptly, "Why is your face not hurt?"

Jiang Ting paused and didn't know how to answer. Can she say that she hid her face in his neck in order to love beauty at that time? Although everyone is a child now, it would be too embarrassing to say this.

"Cough, this... prince, are you coming to visit me?" Jiang Ting turned her eyes to avoid the doubtful sight of the "little persimmon" and saw the black bag in his hand.

"Well, thank you for saving my life."

"No, if my little flower horse hadn't been shocked at that time..." Jiang Ting smiled politely, but saw Liu Yao upside down the small black bag in his hand and poured out two black darts.

"Your horse was frightened by me. These two darts, one shot on your horse, is to make you have no time. And the other one should have been shot on me. Maybe it was just in time for me to slow down the horse and passed. So, you saved me this time." Liu Yao coldly put two darts on the small cabinet by the bed, and then said, "If you saved me, I want to thank you. If there is anything you want, say it."

Jiang Ting looked at the indifferent and arrogant face of the "little persimmon" in front of her, and her heart was so blocked that she wanted to curse. By the way, what's wrong with this child? She not only saved his life, but also was injured like this. Did he thank him with this attitude?

"Well, if I want the moon in the sky, can you get it for me?" Jiang Ting blinked her eyes and pretended to be stupid.

Liu Yao didn't expect her to ask this. She opened her mouth, but she couldn't speak anyway. This stinky girl asked him to thank him specially. How dare she mock him like this!

"You see, you can't get everything in the world." Jiang Ting closed her eyes, covered up the sarcasm inside, and said indifferently, "I have inadvertently humiliated you before. Presumably you are still holding a grudge. I saved you this time, so what happened before us will be written off and cleared up. How about it?

Liu Yao's blank little face began to turn red angrily. He stared at Jiang Ting, who was as calm as sleeping, and there was a trace of anger in his empty heart. Her indifferent and contemptful tone is the same as her usual father.

She looked down on him. How dare she look down on him! Liu Yao clenched his hands and endured so that he didn't lose his temper here.

"Okay, according to what you said, we are clear."


At noon, Jiang Yong came to visit Jiang Ting and told her that King Jing and King Qing had left first. Because the emperor's birthday is next month, they are going to the capital to celebrate their birthday. Jiang Ting's current situation will take six or seven days to get on her way. Naturally, they couldn't wait and had to go first.

Although Jiang Yong has now received the order to become the Marquis of Zhenbei, he has not yet received the seal. If you can't make it to celebrate your birthday, there is nothing rude about it. Therefore, he simply paid for the rent of this house and decided to wait until Jiang Ting's injury was almost healed before returning to Beijing to recover. As for the emperor, he earnestly asked King Qing to help him say some good words. In a word, it is impossible for him to let his daughter cultivate himself in this strange place.

Jiang Ting was very happy to hear that. Although there are more people who follow the two princes to protect their safety. But after all, a small family like her is still not used to get too close to high-ranking people, and she really feels a little stressed.

Well, in fact, she is a little tired of seeing people. Especially the persimmon master, she really finds it very annoying.

When Jiang Yong heard that the "little persimmon" promised not to pursue Jiang Ting's previous crime of "distreason", he suddenly relaxed a lot. He doesn't want to be like before anymore. He has been straight all day.

In the following days, he spent most of his time in Jiang Ting's room, chatting with her, telling jokes and so on, as if he had returned to Wanghong Pass.

However, Jiang Yong hasn't forgotten the book "Female Training" yet. Jiang Ting was enjoying the long-lost fatherly love, but it was very painful. She memorized those difficult sentences little by little.


A month and a half later, Jiang Ting finally saw the legendary North Gate of Kyoto. Under the majestic and heavy wall, there is a wide doorway leading to the city. Two rows of guarded soldiers stood on both sides of the doorway, with their straight bodies and sharp eyes, which made people afraid.

There was an endless stream of people coming and going in the door hole, but all of them were honestly inspected by the guards, and no one dared to show any incompetence. Jiang Ting saw that even some carriages or sedan chairs that obviously represented extraordinary status were still quietly waiting for inspection and interrogation, and there were no reckless people who relied on their identities. And those guards also looked at each other, carefully interrogated and inspected one by one, and could not see any contempt or contempt.

Is this the style of the soldiers of the Southern Tang Dynasty? Jiang Ting looked at it with some emotion. Today's emperor attaches great importance to the military, and the status of corresponding officers and soldiers has been further improved. The emperor once issued an edict that in front of the military law, even if he is a relative of the emperor, he will be treated equally and will never be tolerated.

Jiang Ting looked at her father in a blink of an eye and saw that his eyes were red. In those years, the Jiang family came out of the capital from here and went to death.

"Dad..." Jiang Ting wanted to say something, but she couldn't say anything. She has also felt such a life-and-death separation. What you say is in vain.

"It's okay. Let's go to the city." Jiang Yong raised his hand and wiped his face and said heavily, "Ting'er is at ease. Dad is fine. When I come back this time, I must revitalise my Jiang family!"