Reborn Marquess Laziness

Chapter 15 The Joy of Housewarming

"Dad..." Jiang Ting wanted to say something to comfort her father, but she didn't know how to say it. Even if she hasn't met Li, she is still very grateful to her. But thinking about her greed before, Jiang Ting felt very selfish and ashamed!

"Oh, Dad is fine. Where did you say just now? Oh, by the way, the Li family sent this dowry list, saying that the things on it were all your mother's dowry, which was originally meant for you. Dad saw that they were quite sincere, so he left the list. Let's see first. If there is anything you like, let them send it. Jiang Yong came to his senses and his face returned to the gentle smile of the past.

Jiang Ting was a little stunned: "Dad, do you mean, we picked up this thing?"

Jiang Yong said with a smile, "Why don't you answer? This should have been left to you by your mother. However, we don't need them to send all the things above. It has been more than ten years, and everything must be incomplete.

Jiang Ting was still a little stunned. She just complained about her greed. As a result, Dad said that this thing should have been hers? No, this thing should have been Xiao Jiangting's. But little Jiang Ting was dead in those years, so it's really up to her to accept it. Yes, this is ancient. Most of the ancient rules are like this. Mother's dowry is generally reserved for her children! In fact, what she just thought is not wrong.

However, even if she defended herself in her heart, Jiang Ting still felt embarrassed to hear it. Because what she thought before was that if this was really Jiang Ting's biological mother's dowry, she advised her father to scare them and bring them back with the false name of the Hou family. It made them just think about the dowry. Now let them spit out everything they eat!

However, on second thought, Jiang Ting did not feel that she was wrong. In those years, the Li family was indeed at a loss. Even if she was greedy for them, they ignored their in-laws and their daughters.

When she figured it out, Jiang Ting felt that her whole body was transparent. She began to look fine with the dowry list. The front is full of jewelry, antiques, calligraphy and other things. To be honest, her appreciation level is limited, and she really doesn't feel anything about them, so she sweeps over those things. As for the cloth or something, there is no need to look at it. These things must have been almost used in those years.

After just looking at it, Jiang Ting finally saw what she was interested in. Land farms and shops! These are the things that can make real money. Can those dead things be compared?

"Dad, can you help me see which positions are better in these farms? We are going to come here to build some hospitals or something. When summer comes, it's convenient to go to relieve the summer heat or something!" Jiang Ting's eyes swept back and forth. No one is a big village with thousands of mu of land. These days, the amount of land really represents whether your family is prosperous or not!

Jiang Yong looked at Jiang Ting's excited appearance, pointed to the three Zhuangzi names very quickly and said, "There are many big trees in the south of the city that have been climbing for hundreds of years. It is the most cool and comfortable to live in summer. In the east of the city, there is a hot spring halfway up the mountain in Zhuangzi. Your mother asked someone to build a pool on the spring. We lived there once that winter, and it was very warm. And Zhuangzi in the southeast corner of the city has the best land and produces the most every year.

Jiang Ting looked at Jiang Yong with silver eyes and nodded repeatedly, "Then listen to Dad. Let's take these three villages! Dad is looking at which locations are better in these shops? We have to come here. If the business is good, we will continue to do it. If it is not good, we will close it and rent it out to earn rent!"

Jiang Yong looked at Jiang Ting, who was fascinated by Xiaocai, and asked with a smile, "Don't you want to have it?"

Jiang Ting waved her hand and said, "I'm in trouble! There are only two of us in our family, and no one cares about so many shops. Dad, just look at which position is good. If we want to come here, we will definitely only make money!"

Jiang Yong looked at Jiang Ting's eyes and paused, then lowered his eyes and said, "Do you want the shop? Dad has a way to help you manage it."


In the newly renovated Zhenbeihou Mansion, Jiang Ting is looking around and looking at the room, which is a little familiar, but the details are a little strange. After looking at it, her eyes were full of joy. She is very satisfied with this room!

The layout of the room pattern is similar to the room she lived in in the northwest, taking a simple and comfortable route. It's just that this room is bigger, and the furniture is much more expensive and exquisite.

In this room, it is obvious that Jiang Yong has been thinking about it. After ten years of relying on each other, Jiang Yong knows best what Jiang Ting likes. Everything in this room is according to her preferences. Let her feel home in an instant.

"I love this room so much! Dad, that's very kind of you!" Jiang Ting finished her room and ran back to Jiang Yong happily to express her joy.

Jiang Yong smiled gently, touched her head and said, "As long as Ting'er likes it. This will be your yard from now on. Dad didn't ask people to arrange more, so you can arrange what you want to add in the future.

"Well, thank you, Dad!" Jiang Ting happily took Jiang Yong's sleeve and responded, her eyes shining brightly and looked around. She secretly thought about how to clean up her room a little bit after a while. The current room is large enough for her to consider a small quiet room so that she can use to practice or read books later.

"Okay, Ting'er, I'm sure some acquaintances will come to celebrate the housewarming with us today. Yesterday, Lord Sun said that his daughter would come to you. I'll go to the front yard first, and you just watch them tidy up your things for you. Don't be treated badly when your good friends come later. Jiang Yong gently explained that when he saw Jiang Ting's response, he took people back to the front yard.

Although today is Jiang Ting's first day of living in Zhenbeihou Mansion, she easily accepts that this is her future home. Compared with living comfortably in the inn before, she actually felt that this first place made her feel more secure. This is how home feels.

Because she understands that this is her father's former home, and because she knows that she really has the blood of the Jiang family, she can be so simple and accept such a strange place to become her own home.

Jiang Ting took a deep breath and felt that tens of millions of pores were stretched out, and she was so happy that she couldn't be more happy.

When Jiang Yong came to the front yard, someone happened to go to him to inform him that Jiang Ting's ancestral family and Li's family came.

Jiang Yong quickly came to the main hall and found that the person who came was the second master of the Li family, whom he had just met a few days ago, as well as his wife Wang. Wang was followed by a 17- or 18-year-old girl who he didn't know. Jiang Yong looked at his eyes doubtfully and saw the girl lowering her head slightly, which could only make people see her smooth chin and rosy and plump lips. The girl was wearing a beautiful green soft satin skirt, and she was obviously not a servant girl.

Jiang Yong looked at the girl, and then looked at the restrained and flattering Master Li and Wang. He frowned imperceptiblely, and then smiled shallowly: "It turned out that the second master and second wife of his in-law are here. Please sit down and talk."

Master Li and Wang still insisted on saling. After Jiang Yong sat down, they sat down again. Master Li Er sat respectfully on Jiang Yong's side and said with a lot of smiles: "Today is the marquis's housewarming. Since the eldest brother was not in the capital, I came to congratulate the marquis on his behalf. Just in time, the marquis sent a message to his house last night. Those things were restored and maintained. I also brought them here and asked the marquis to have a look.

After saying that, Master Li took out a long wooden box from his cuff and opened it and handed it to Jiang Yong who was sitting there. The little man who followed Jiang Yong took the box and presented it to him.

Jiang Yong only glanced at it, motioned the boy to take away the box, nodded faintly, and said, "These things didn't need to be sent by you. However, He Tinger has not remembered the appearance of her biological mother since she was a child. I also thought that if there was something about her mother's life, so that she could see things and think about people on weekdays, hoping that she could remember her biological mother's kindness for a long time, so she let people spread the message. I just hope this won't cause too much trouble to the second master.

Master Li quickly waved his hand and shook his head: "No trouble, no trouble, it should be, it should be."

The second wife followed with a smile on her face and said, "We all know that the marquis loves his daughter's heart. Before Yuer got married, we also loved her very much. Now that she has left behind, we naturally miss and cherish her very much. Yuer used to love her younger siblings the most. When she got married, Pearl was just five years old and loved her the most. At that time, Pearl held Yuer's leg and didn't let her go... Alas, it's far away. I hope the marquis won't blame her.

With that, the second wife's extremely natural eyes turned red and shed tears. She quickly wiped her tears with a veil, with an awkward smile on her face: "For a moment, I remembered Yuer's voice and smile before her death, and I couldn't help but want to talk about it... Please forgive me."

Jiang Yong smiled indifferently: "It doesn't matter. I also miss Yuer very much."

The second wife shook her eyes and quickly covered the flashing annoyance on her face by lowering her head and wiping her tears. When she raised her head again, she changed her original smile, turned her head and let the girl behind her go to Jiang Yong and said with a smile, "This is my little daughter, Pearl. When she was a child, she liked Yuer the eldest sister the most, so this time when she heard that we were going to come to the Hou Mansion to pay homage, she insisted on following her to see Yuer's daughter... Pearl, why don't you meet the marquis.

The girl had a perfect curvature at the corners of her mouth and slowly raised her head, revealing her delicate face. She quickly glanced at Jiang Yong and then lowered her eyes very quickly, and then bowed her knees respectfully: "Zhu'er has seen her brother-in-law."

Jiang Yong narrowed his eyes, and then he still said indifferently: "In-laws, please get up. Since the second wife and her in-laws want to see Ting'er, Zhao Xi, you can ask them to lead them to the backyard to see Ting'er.