Reborn Marquess Laziness

Chapter 17 Encounter

Jiang Ting was embarrassed, Mrs. Li Er was annoyed, and Li Zhuer was stunned. No one expected Sun Yun to suddenly say such a sentence. Not to mention Wang and Li Zhuer, even Jiang Ting doesn't know what to reflect on her.

Sun Yun didn't realize that she had said something wrong. Although this matter is quite famous in the women's circle in the capital, it is still rude to say it in front of others. What's more, Jiang Ting said that it was the girl of her ancestral family. She hurriedly made up for it and said, "I was wrong. It's the son of that family who is not in good health. It's normal for you to withdraw from marriage..."

Jiang Ting directly patted her head and withdrew her booked marriage because she was in poor health. It was really not much better than withdrawing from the marriage because of her ugliness. She hurriedly grabbed Sun Yun and smiled and said to Wang and Li Zhuer, "Don't take the second wife and aunt to heart. Sister Sun is straightforward and always says anything. There is no malice in her heart.

After listening to Jiang Ting's explanation, Wang's face became darker, and Li Zhuer directly covered her face and rushed out. Jiang Ting quickly asked someone to chase him and secretly scolded herself as a fool. Why did she talk like Sun Yun? She shouldn't have explained just now. It's good to change the topic directly!

"Miss Ting'er, Miss Sun, I have something to do at home, so I left first." Mrs. Li Er nodded slightly to the two with a black face and chased after Li Zhuer.

In the room, Jiang Ting and Sun Yun looked at each other in con's respect and didn't know what to do for a moment.

"Sister Ting, I..." Sun Yun wanted to apologize with a shame, but she couldn't speak for a moment. Finally, she blushed with shame, overflowed with tears, and cried.

"Oh, why are you crying? It's okay. I just think they're annoying. Let's go. Stop crying. Aren't you usually a good person? Why are you so cowardly now? Although you really shouldn't have said it, you didn't lie, did you? Jiang Ting has no time to worry about the two women in the Li family. At present, it is more important to understand Sun Yun.

"I didn't lie, woo..." It's okay if Jiang Ting didn't say it. When she said Sun Yun, she cried directly: "But... But they are from your ancestors... I really shouldn't have said that kind of thing that makes it difficult for you, woo."

Jiang Ting now understood that the reason why she felt guilty for a long time was not that she said such unpleasant words in front of others; but that she made it difficult for her good friend to be a man. Jiang Ting really doesn't know whether to be angry with this girl for not remembering, or to be moved by her to treat herself sincerely.

"Oc's it, just don't lie. At least they dare not go out and spread that you are a talkative person." Jiang Ting sighed and said, "Don't cry. You have said everything. Is it too late to regret it now? If you have the heart, don't be as reckless as before. If you have something in your heart, go through it first and feel that you can talk about it, you know? Well, haven't you been thinking about our martial arts arena for a long time? My father said that it was exactly the same as when my grandfather was there. I'll take you to have a look..."

Jiang Ting asked someone to twist the cold handkerchief to help Sun Yun apply her eyes. After she couldn't see that she had cried, she pulled her all the way to the martial arts arena. Normally, she should not have taken Sun Yun to the martial arts arena today. If people come and go, this is too unconform to everyone's style. However, the people who come to congratulate today are probably all my father's colleagues and friends. They should stay in the main hall to talk and chat, and will not go to the martial arts arena.

Sun Yun is a single-minded person. She felt guilty and sad just now, but after seeing that Jiang Ting didn't seem to care much, she put aside those unpleasantness and began to look forward to it.

The two were only followed by Sun Yun's eldest girl Chunman and Jiang Ting's newly appointed eldest girl Zhihua. Zhihua was specially picked by Jiang Yong in the supply house a month ago, and has been placed in this house for people to be trained, so he is more familiar with the town's Beihou Mansion than Jiang Ting.

The leader of Zhihua led several people and turned left and right to pick up the unsightly path. When they arrived at the martial arts arena, they miraculously did not meet anyone. Jiang Ting and Sun Yun were a little excited when they saw the door of the martial arts arena. This is the place where the Jiang family has experienced decades and bred several generals.

The two quickly rushed to the door of the martial arts arena, but found that the door was open. Jiang Ting was a little puzzled that her father should not be guarded in such an important place. What about the gatekeeper?

Sun Yun didn't care about those. When she saw that the door was open, she couldn't stand it and directly pulled Jiang Ting into the door. After entering the door, you can see that the whole yard is a wide and empty martial arts arena. The floor of the martial arts arena is covered with bluestone floors, and the floor is very smooth. Close to the inner wall, there are dozens of bluestone hammers neatly arranged from small to large, which are obviously used to train strength.

Sun Yun rushed over with a cheer, but he didn't even lift the smallest one. However, Jiang Ting tried to lift it, but she could barely lift the second hammer head.

In addition to this huge empty yard, there is a whole row of large houses behind the martial arts arena. There was really nothing to see in the yard, so Sun Yun took Jiang Ting and ran to a room that had opened the door.

Jiang Ting suddenly realized that something was wrong. The door was open and she could barely think that the gatekeeper was dishonest, but the door of this room was open... Someone must have come here! She rushed over and was about to pull Sun Yun back, but she was still a step late. It's not that she didn't hold Sun Yun, but someone came out of the room.

"Ah, it's you! The son of King Jing who robbed us of our seat that day! Hey, why are you here?" Sun Yun asked in surprise.

Jiang Ting listened to Sun Yun's bold question and looked at Liu Ming and many little men who followed Liu Yao. For a moment, she regretted it. She knew that she should not come to the front yard today, so why did she come here with a fluke mentality? Who is it bad to meet? Do you want to meet this monkey child?

Sister Yun, let's go back quickly. Two princes, let's leave first. Jiang Ting lowered her head and didn't want to say anything more. She directly pulled someone to leave.

"Miss Jiang, what are you running for?" Liu Yao stepped over the two and blocked them. He stared at Jiang Ting with a smile and asked, "Why do you just want to escape every time you see me?" I won't eat you. Besides, we came to your house today to congratulate you on your housewarming today. As a master, shouldn't you do your best as a landlord?

Jiang Ting stopped, took a deep breath and then took a deep breath to calm down the evil fire in her heart because she saw someone she didn't want to see. She kept implying that she was a child, and it was too unmeaning for her to care about him like this. Well, she is now the master's house. Calm down!

Unfortunately, after Jiang Ting looked up and saw Liu Yao's sarcastic face with a smile, the string controlling reason in her mind broke again.

"Master Persimmon is really interested. Since he came to congratulate me, he didn't talk to my father in the main hall. What did he come to this martial arts arena? Is it possible that he is as weak as a persimmon and also very interested in practicing martial arts? Or is Mr. Persimmon scared by the previous accident and wants to learn martial arts and self-defense from now on? Jiang Ting became more and more sharp. It was not until Liu Yao's whole face darkened that she felt more comfortable.

Liu Yao knew what she was mocking. But even so, he resisted and did not fight back. This made Jiang Ting look a little impressed. Has the monkey child begun to cultivate his mind?

Anyway, if Liu Yao does not fight back, there is no need for Jiang Ting to continue to mock. At least what he said just now is not wrong. She is now the master, if she doesn't see it. Now that we have met and are acquaintances, we naturally have to treat each other well.

However, she is a girl, and even if she wants to be a landlord, she is not suitable to accompany them. Therefore, she called several gatekeepers beside her and told them, "These two masters are distinguished guests of our family, and they must have told them. I'll say a few more words and listen to me. This is the eldest son of His Royal Highness King Jing in Lingnan, the son of King Jing; and this is the son of His Royal Highness King Qing's family. You must serve them well and try your best to meet their needs. The weapons in this martial arts arena are played with them. It's just that these two have never practiced martial arts. You must take care of them so that they don't get hurt. Do you understand?"

Jiang Yong has sent someone to tell these words before, and Jiang Ting is just to make these gatekeepers pay more attention to it. In fact, as she said, many of the weapons in this martial arts arena are very heavy. If these two children play and accidentally get hurt, it will be a bad thing.

Jiang Ting said these words kindly. But how harsh it sounds in Liu Yao's ears. She is so sarcastic about him!


Liu Yao's cold hum made Jiang Ting come to her senses. She looked at Liu Yao, whose face was as dark as the bottom of the pot, and then at Liu Ming, who was obviously not very happy, and immediately realized that she had said something wrong. She sighed in her heart that she was really confused. It's okay to spread some words. Why did she say it? Is it true that she has been with Sun Yun these days, and she has also been unable to talk?

Jiang Ting looked at Sun Yun in a blink of an eye, but saw that her round eyes were full of gossip. Jiang Ting was stunned, and a layer of goose bumps suddenly appeared on her arm. She quickly turned her head and said to the girl behind her, "Zhihua, you go and arrange a few girl to prepare some melons and fruits and tea, and send them to the two persimmon masters."

"Yes, girl." Zhihua is the most obedient. After salute, he has to arrange someone to go.

"No!" Liu Yao's cold voice stopped the footsteps of Zhihua. He stared at Jiang Ting with a cold face and slowly said, "As Miss Jiang said, I am weak and impatient to play with those laborious things, so I won't stay here any longer. However, I heard that the back garden of Zhenbei Houfu has been rebuilt. I wonder if Miss Jiang, as the host, can you take me and my cousin to play?

Jiang Ting wants to say no. Unfortunately, after listening to what Liu Yao said, she couldn't tolerate her saying no at all. She repented again and scolded herself why she couldn't resist just now. Now, he used her sarcastic words to block her. How can she refuse?