Reborn Marquess Laziness

Chapter 45 Recognize Identity Issues

After only struggling for a while, Jiang Ting threw aside the matter of "how to return the life-saving kindness". It's not that she doesn't know how grateful, but since it's a life-saving kindness, she can't return it with something. After all, she will remember Liu Yao's kindness. If one day he needs her help, she will try her best to help him. Now I'm so entangled about how to return the kindness, but it's a little pretentious.

"Girl, you can't take this medicine. This is too irregular!" Zhihua, who finally reacted from the matter of Liu Yao's entry into the inner courtyard, began to be shocked again after seeing the medicine box in Jiang Ting's hand. She really had a psychological shadow on the son of King Jing, and she couldn't help thinking about what happened to him.

"Why can't you accept it?" Jiang Ting looked at Zhihua unexpectedly and thought that this was the medicine from the royal palace, which must be much better than what she uses now. If she uses this medicine in the future, maybe the scars on her arm can be eliminated!

"Girl, you are 11 now, and the son of King Jing is also 13 years old. It's not right for him to rush into the inner courtyard like this. Now he still gives you something. This... will be regarded as a private gift!" Zhihua mian explained anxiously. Looking at the blue porcelain medicine box like a flood and beast, he only thought that Jiang Ting could throw it back quickly.

Jiang Ting was stunned, looked down at the medicine box in her hand, then looked at the impatient Zhihua, and said, "This is just a box of medicine. How can it be related to private teaching? Besides, I'm only 11 years old. Besides, weren't you also on the side just now? Why is this not a private grant?"

"The medicine doesn't work either. If the son of King Jing really wants to send you medicine, you have to send it to the master according to the rules. What's wrong with him stuffing it directly to you? Girl, although the prince saved your life, from the few times we met him before, he must be a grumpy and strange person. Such a person is not a good match. Zhihua persuaded Jiang Ting with a serious face.

Jiang Ting couldn't help rolling her eyes at Zhihua. Aren't they discussing whether this medicine can be accepted or not? Why is it a good match? She simply ignored the painting and turned her head to ask Lianxiu, "You said, this is just a box of medicine. Girl, I really can't accept it?"

Lianxiu looked thoughtful and stared at the medicine box for a long time before saying, "If the girl is not interested in the prince, it's better to send it back."

Jiang Ting jumped with anger. What on earth are they thinking about? It's just a box of medicine. Why did it involve it intentionally or unintentionally? Every time that guy sees her, he looks like someone owes him 500 taels. No matter how you look at it, it's impossible to be interested in her, right? Moreover, one of them is ten years old and the other is less than twelve years old, and they are not at the age to be emotional at all! Well, she is a little hypocritical at the age of ten, but the "little persimmon" is a real little teenager. Does he know what he likes?

She stuffed the medicine box into the nervous and entangled Zhihua's hand and said to her in an aggressive tone, "Now the Lord is talking to his father inside. It's really not good to give it back to him directly. Just go ahead and wait in the courtyard. When the persimmon man leaves, you can go to your father and give him the medicine to see what he will do.

"Girl, maidservant..." Zhihua held the medicine box like a hot potato, and seemed to want to throw it out.

Jiang Ting stared and curled her lips and said, "What? Didn't you say that this medicine can't be taken? Girl, I told you to wait here for a while and you won't want to?"

"I dare not. I'm going now." Zhihua closed the medicine box with a sad face and went to the main courtyard honestly. This matter can be done as long as you tell a little man in the courtyard. There is no need for her to wait here. But since the girl has said something, she has to go no matter how reluctant she is. Alas, we can't be as impulsive as today. Their girl is not a soft-hearted and weak girl. How can she talk too much?

"Huh, isn't it just a box of medicine? Why can't you accept it? Well, where can I find such a good medicine?" Jiang Ting complained in a low voice, took out the thick gift list from her arms, and a flowery smile bloomed again: "Forget it, it's just a box of medicine. Compared with these things, what is it? Love embroidery, let's go back quickly and carefully study what good things are listed in it. Well, when Uncle Zhang comes, I have to discuss with him what to leave and what to sell. What was left, as my father said, was put into my small library and kept for me as a dowry. The money sold will be put into the big account book in the house for Dad!"

At this moment, the red color on Lianxiu's face has receded, and she lowered her eyebrows and followed Jiang Ting, allowing her to mutter some inappropriate words, but she dared not say another word. The girl is not in a good mood now. If she is annoyed again... The experience of Zhihua is right in front of her!

After Jiang Ting returned to her moon season courtyard, she really pulled the embroidery and began to study the gift list with hundreds of pages. Although there is only one or two things listed on each page, followed by detailed annotations to let people understand where this thing is good or how expensive it is. But hundreds of valuables still made Jiang Ting's eyes shine with golden light and full of joy!

In the final analysis, she is used to being poor in her past and present life, so at first sight of so many good things, she will be unreasonable if she is not a money fan. It's just that Jiang Ting reacted a little more. As soon as she finished reading the gift list, she reflected it in her heart for a while and figured out that these things had been her own since then, so she was no longer in the mood to continue to wait. She had to see the real thing quickly.

Therefore, she waved her arm and ordered Lianxiu repeatedly, "Lianxiu, please let someone find Uncle Zhang quickly. I want to see the real thing. It's really not fun to just look at this gift list. I have to see if this list is so well written that it really matches those words of praise! No, it's a little slow to find him. In this way, I will also go. Let's go directly to Uncle Zhang. If he is not free, I can directly ask him for the key to the warehouse and go to see it by myself!"

Lianxiu looked at the excited Jiang Ting with a dull face. She really didn't know whether to listen to her words and then go to Zhang's housekeeper together, or should she follow her heart to dissuade her. Well, she didn't find her girl so rich before. Although the things on the gift list are all good, there is no need to worry about this. If the girl wants to see it, she will go and tell the housekeeper Zhang. She will definitely let people carry everything into the Yueji courtyard and let her see enough.

"Girl, or the maidservant will go to General Manager Zhang and ask someone to bring things to our yard for you to enjoy." Lianxiu finally pulled Jiang Ting, who was about to run out. The main reason is that if she really rushes out like this, her image in the hearts of the people in the house will definitely be damaged in the future. She is the big maid in front of the girl. The girl's honor is her honor. Don't let the people in this house feel that the girl is shallow!

Jiang Ting was stunned and asked bluntly, "Can you let someone carry us here and let me see?"

Lianxiu replied seriously, "Of course, the girl is the only girl in our house. Besides, the master loves the girl so much, not to mention that these masters have promised the girl's things. If the girl wants to see the account book on our house, as long as the master nods, the general manager will have to send it to the girl.

Jiang Ting was stunned again, and then realized that her identity had long been completely different from before. She is now the legitimate daughter of Hou's family, and she is the only beloved daughter of her father. Isn't she the object of all the servants? She is so stupid that she hasn't fully adapted to her new identity so far. She thought that she had to get the consent of the specialist to do anything. Now think about it carefully, isn't it just that others have to do it perfectly for her?

Jiang Ting suddenly felt that the sky was bluer, her mood was more comfortable, and her life was more complete. She suffered 18 years in her previous life and experienced ten years of hardships in this life. Now she has finally tasted the sweetness of her noble status!

Since she knew that things could be delivered to her, Jiang Ting was not in a hurry. She lazily put the gift list in her hand on the coffee table and sat on the low couch and gave a new order to Lianxiu: "Love embroidery, find a quick hand to take this gift list to Uncle Zhang and tell him that his father has promised all these things to the girl. Now I want to enjoy the real thing and ask him to send a few people to deliver all the things.

Lianxiu secretly suppressed herself and didn't laugh. She only respectfully cooperated with Jiang Ting to salute and went out to arrange the little girl running errands to do things.

Now Jiang Ting is happier and happily re-experiences her current identity. Then I came to a conclusion that she is now the second generation of ancient officials! No, if she counts from the older generation of the Jiang family, she doesn't know how many generations she is an official. But in a word, she has a good position in this house. As long as she doesn't do those things that violate the rules, it is obvious that she is above everyone under one person in the Beihou Mansion of this town!

But after being happy for a while, she felt quite boring. Because she is not an arrogant person. Even if she is the second child in this house, she will not indiscriminately. And although it's good to enjoy other people's services, she feels that it may be more interesting if she can go to the warehouse to see things.

Moreover, she suddenly realized that she could no longer act so casually in the future. After all, she is the second child. She has to keep her image and can't lose her face as the eldest father! Well, is this a good or a loss?