Reborn Marquess Laziness

Chapter 63 Difficult to Choose

In the Yueji courtyard, Jiang Ting leaned lazily on the low couch, holding a roll of travel notes in her hand, but her eyes looked through the page without focus and didn't know where she was looking.

"Alas." Jiang Ting sighed and put her hand down, allowing the travelogue to roll on the low bed.

"Girl, you have sighed for several days. Well, I dare not ask you what's bothering you. But isn't it a little inappropriate for you not to go to the main courtyard to say hello to the master these days? Zhihua, who was waiting beside him, carefully asked Jiang Ting.

Jiang Ting waved her hand and pretended to be relaxed and said, "It's okay. I just sighed because I read too many words in that book. As for my father, last time he told me that he would be busy these days, so I'd better not bother him.

Alas, she hasn't figured out how to face Jiang Yong yet. How dare she meet him? Jiang Ting sighed in her heart, got up from the couch and said to Zhihua, "Why don't I write for a while?" You can teach me to recognize some rare words again. I have met several people I don't know in that book.

Zhihua looked at his girl helplessly and had to bend his knees to answer, so he went to prepare pen, ink, paper and inkstone.

After writing for a while, Jiang Ting felt that it was still difficult to calm down. The words were more ugly, and I'm afraid it would be worse if she continued to write. She had to stop writing: "That's all for today."

Zhihua looked at Jiang Ting worriedly, responded respectfully, and began to collect things again.

"Love embroidery, ask her to accompany me to embroider. I haven't done needle and thread all day today. Jiang Ting said again.

"Yes, the maidservant went to ask Sister Lianxiu to come over." Zhihua went out and called Lianxiu.

With less than a lot of incense embroidered with love embroidery, Jiang Ting has already pierced three needles in her hand. When the fourth needle eye appeared, Jiang Ting couldn't stand the pain anymore. She lost the needle and thread embroidery in her hand and said, "If you don't embroider, you can't calm down.

Lianxiu, who was as worried as Zhihua, hurriedly put away all the things in her hand as soon as she heard Jiang Ting's words. Just now, she was really scared. Although the girl's talent in embroidery is poor, she seldom gets a needle in her hand. But today, she was distracted one after another, and there was a lot of blood left on her fingers. It's best not to embroider.

"Alas." Jiang Ting couldn't help sighing again and was stunned at her bleeding fingers. Now, she can't even stand being pricked with a needle in her hand. Why does she dare to save others when they are killed?

Jiang Ting finally decided to think about it seriously. Since her father has put on an uncompromising attitude on this matter, she has to seriously think about whether to be a selfish person as her father said. In fact, it's not that she doesn't want to see her father these days, but that she doesn't see her at all! She said that she had to figure it out and see her again. Alas, why does she think that her father's behavior is like an angry child?

Jiang Ting believes that she is not a virgin. She suffered a lot in her previous life. Although she was loved by her father in this life, she also lived a very hard life in the past ten years. Therefore, she is actually quite selfish. In her heart, nothing is more important than her and her father. So, why did she repeatedly sacrifice her life to save Liu Yao? Now think about it, when she fell off her horse for the first time, she only thought that she could not let a child die in front of her. But the last time, I took action without thinking about it.

If the protagonist in those two events changes, will she still be saved?

Jiang Ting tried to fantasize, and finally sadly found that the answer was that it varies from person to person. If Liu Yao changes to Sun Yun, she will definitely save her. But if it were Sun Zhongmin or Liu Ming, she probably wouldn't have been saved.

Sun Zhongmin has nothing to say. According to Sun Yun, he should be good at it. Naturally, he doesn't need her to save him. And Liu Ming, she doesn't seem to know him very well...

However, she was not familiar with Liu Yao at the beginning! Is it true that he can't bear to save himself because he saw his shadow in the past?

Jiang Ting fell on the low couch with her head in her arms and had to face the reality that she probably regarded Liu Yao as an acquaintance. Well, according to the repeated quarrels between the two, she probably regarded him as a bad friend. Is this whether we don't know each other? This is too ridiculous. That guy is a child! Although he occasionally shows pain that is not in line with his age, he is definitely a child! Is it possible that she has pretended to be a child for ten years, and even her personality has become childized? Even friends have children...

"Girl, what's wrong with you?" Lianxiu asked worriedly, "Do you want someone to go to the doctor?"

Jiang Ting quickly waved her hand and said, "No, no. I'm fine. I'm really fine."

"..." Lianxiu looked at Jiang Ting, who was almost rolling on the couch, and wanted to say that she really didn't look like nothing.

"Oh, forget it, I'll go to my father." Jiang Ting got up and said to Lianxiu, "Go and ask someone to tell your father that I have figured it out and want to see him."


Jiang Yong looked at Jiang Ting quietly with a blank face and asked faintly, "Have you figured it out?"

Jiang Ting looked at her father's stereotype appearance and couldn't help sighing, "Dad, to be honest, I haven't figured it out yet. However, since I can't figure it out, I decided not to think about it at all and listen to you.

Jiang Yong was amused by her words: "Yo, are you going to be a good girl?"

Jiang Ting blushed and replied with a little shyness, "Dad, when will I not be good?"

"Well, you are quite good, but you are so thoughtful that you even dare to take care of your father's marriage." Jiang Yong smiled at his daughter and said, "Told about it, what on earth do you think?" Don't fool me with those useless words. I know very well what your nature is.

"Well, Dad, it makes me so sad to say that." Jiang Ting pouted and said, "I have thought about it, and I am not the philanthropist who really saves lives and heals tens of thousands of people. If a stranger is in danger in front of me, I will be the first to avoid it. It's just that if an acquaintance is killed in front of him and can't be rescued, it's too..."

"Is it too ruthless?" Jiang Yong said for her, "Tinger, have you ever thought that if you put yourself in danger for saving people, you will hurt your father's heart. Isn't this ruthless? Don't you think it's more ruthless to make your closest relatives heartbroken and sad for an outsider?

Jiang Ting was stunned by his question and didn't know how to answer. She lowered her head and began to think seriously about her father's words. She felt that it was a quality that she was willing to sacrifice her life to save people, so she didn't want to throw it away. But Dad's words touched the deepest part of her heart. Who is the most important person to her in this life? Who should she respect and love the most? There is no need to ask this at all, and she can answer from her heart. In this life, the best for her is her father, and the person who puts her in the most important position in her heart is also her father. Naturally, her father is the only person she should respect and love the most!

Jiang Yong looked at Jiang Ting quietly, allowing her to think and never disturb her again. He must make her understand that no one in the world is more important than herself. If she doesn't have this perception, then he will let her understand this in other ways. If she doesn't learn to ignore other people's lives for herself, then he will let her learn this for him! People are selfish, and his daughter must live a safe and happy life. He will never allow anything that can threaten her to happen!

"Dad, I see. From now on, I will never sacrifice my life to save people, and I will never put myself in danger because of others! I will cherish myself more!" Jiang Ting was no longer confused in her eyes and finally made her own choice.