Reborn Marquess Laziness

Chapter 68 Identify the wrong person

"I've met the prince." Jiang Yong frowned slightly when he saw Liu Yao. Although he was unwilling, he still saluted him respectfully first. Although he is also a serious second-class marquis, he still needs to keep a low profile in front of the serious prince.

"Lord Jiang is polite." Liu Yao lowered his eyes to cover the resentment in his eyes and asked with a smile, "Is Lord Jiang here to find Miss Jiang?"

Jiang Yong's face remained unchanged, but he was already angry and said bluntly, "That's right. I don't know if the prince has ever seen the little girl?"

Liu Yao had completely restrained his anger, looked up at Jiang Yong with a smile on his face, nodded and said, "Just now, I was separated from my cousin. When I was looking for him, I saw Miss Jiang and Miss Sun. They are strolling over there. Lord Jiang, come over quickly. If you wait a little longer, maybe the two will go somewhere else. There are too many people at this temple, and it's easy to miss it if you don't pay attention.

Jiang Yong took a deep look at Liu Yao, arched his hand with a smile and said, "Thank you for your guidance. Say goodbye."

Liu Yao looked coldly at the direction in which Jiang Yong had disappeared, and his heart was heavy and wanted to go crazy. Jiang Yong looked at him just now, and he was simply disgusted. My cousin is right. He has guessed his mind for a long time and has no intention to let the girl intersect with him again...

"Sir, where should we go?"

"Go back and meet your cousin first." Liu Yao said feebly to the bodyguard beside him, and there was no longer any idea of looking for Jiang Ting.

Now that Jiang Yong has come, although he is pointing in the wrong direction, it is difficult to guarantee that he will not find her. If he still provokes the girl at this time, he is not only looking for death, but also making trouble for her. Now that I think about it, that girl hasn't gone out for more than half a month, which is the punishment given to her by Jiang Yong. Isn't it boring if she doesn't go out with such a lively nature? He didn't want the girl to be wronged, let alone her to be wronged for herself. As long as he doesn't go to find her, Jiang Yong will not lock her up for more than half a month.

Jiang Yong hurriedly walked into the crowd, and his sharp eyes swept over the range of his eyes, looking for his daughter's figure. He remembered that Tinger seemed to be wearing a pink and blue dress when she went out. But he has long forgotten what style it is. At this temple fair, there are countless men and women. The young men all have a romantic appearance and don't have to worry about them. But most of the girls wear hats and cover their faces, which is difficult to recognize. There is really no good way to recognize it by clothes.

Jiang Yong knew that Jiang Ting was embroidered with her paintings and love, and the two girls would not wear hats when they went out, so he simply didn't care about the girls whose faces were covered by the hats, but only looked at the girls dressed as girls, hoping to find their daughters quickly.

He is tall, so he can cross many people and see farther. As the saying goes, hard work pays off. When Jiang Yong finally turned his face, he saw the embroidery and Zhihua walking together on a road next door. Far from them, there happened to be a girl in blue and a white veil hat, and a girl in pink, with her back to him picking things on a stall.

Jiang Yong looked forward, and the road was just coming to an end. He hurriedly accelerated his pace and detoured. However, when he came to the stall he just saw, Lianxiu and Zhihua had already left. Naturally, Ting'er and the second daughter of the Sun family are no more.

However, Jiang Yong has settled his mind at this time. As long as he speeds up to catch up, he will definitely catch up with them soon. But just as he accelerated his pace and rushed forward, he saw a riot ahead.

Jiang Yong's heart sank and he couldn't care about anything else. He pushed the people in the way one after another, and he squeezed into the crowd. When he squeezed into the crowd, he saw a stall seller seeming to be scolding his daughter and the Sun family. Jiang Yong was furious and didn't have time to think about anything else. He squeezed directly into the circle, pulled his daughter in his arms, and said harshly to the seller, "If you have any losses, just report them. I'll compensate you!"

At this moment, suddenly there was a surprised cry from the opposite side: "Dad!"

Jiang Yong was stunned and looked down to find that his "daughter" had grown more than half a head tall. He hurriedly let go of his hand and looked at the girl who called himself father, but saw that she had squeezed through the crowd, came straight over and took his arm and took two steps back, and shouted to him in a low and worried voice, "Dad, why are you here?"

Jiang Yong was stunned. He looked at his daughter holding his arm. Yes, it was a pink and blue dress. Then he looked at the girl who had just been hugged by him, who was also in a pink and blue dress. Except for the dark embroidery and style on them, the color of the two clothes is the same.

Jiang Yong held his dizzy head, took a deep breath, and then calmed down. He was really scared just now and thought his daughter had been scolded!

"Dad thought you were scolded. Fortunately, you are fine. Oh, it scared me to death." Jiang Yong raised his hand and pressed Jiang Ting's hat and laughed.

Jiang Ting looked at Jiang Yong, who had completely relaxed, and glanced at the crowd around him who had begun to whisper. She was very worried about her father and said, "Dad, do you have to apologize to that sister? Well, you just recognized the wrong person. But in public..."

Jiang Yong closed his eyes, and a suspicious trace of embarrassment flashed on his face. However, when he opened his eyes, he was completely calm, smiled at Jiang Ting and said, "Okay, Dad will apologize to your sister."

"This girl, Jiang just mistook you for my daughter, so there is a lot of offense in her behavior. Jiang made amends for you. I hope you have a lot of girls and don't care too much about it. In addition, after going back, Jiang will definitely send a heavy gift to your house and apologize to your family. Jiang Yong bowed deeply and really saluted a little girl whose name was just wrong.

"Lord Jiang is really joking. The little sister is wearing similar clothes to your beloved daughter, which makes you recognize the wrong person. This is just a misunderstanding. You can't be so polite. Ran'er, hurry up and return the gift to Lord Jiang. The tall woman in pink replied to Jiang Yong with a smile and pushed the girl in blue next to her to salute Jiang Yong.

The girl in blue seemed to be very shy to hide behind her sister. At this time, she was pushed out, and then reluctantly saluted Jiang Yong and retreated back. Obviously, Jiang Yong's Meng Lang's behavior left a psychological shadow on people.

"The little sister is shy, which makes Lord Jiang laugh." The woman in pink said again.

"It's Jiang who made a mistake just now, and I can't blame this girl." Jiang Yong hurriedly arched back.

"Ha ha, Lord Jiang is really modest. Speaking of which, we should worship Jiang Dacai first. Lord Jiang, I hope you can forgive me for your rudeness. The woman in pink smiled and said, "Oh, I've been busy greeting Lord Jiang, but I forgot to inform my family's name. It's really rude. Lord Jiang, we are the daughters of Liupin Hanlin Wen Jun. My husband is Zhao Pu, a teacher in Guozijian.

Jiang Ting looked at the tall woman in pink, turned her head and looked at the bitter father who flashed in her eyes, and suddenly felt a burst of anger in her heart. What does this sister of the Wen family mean? Nowadays, everyone is wearing a hat and can't see their appearance at all. After going out, everyone will discuss the origin carefully, and then Dad will ask someone to send a gift to apologize. Isn't it over? Why did she have to break her sister's identity in public? In this way, won't the reputation of the little sister of the Wen family be ruined? Although Dad didn't mean to, he did actually hugged her. A woman who has been touched by a foreign man, who will marry...

Jiang Ting seemed to have flashed a flash of lightning in her mind, and she understood it in an instant. This eldest sister of the Wen family just wants to rely on her father... She is suddenly a little annoyed, why does anyone come to rely on her father!

Jiang Yong felt Jiang Ting's anger, turned around to comfort her with a smile, and then arched to the eldest sister of the Wen family and said, "Ms. Zhao, don't worry, Jiang will go to Wen's house to visit Wen Hanlin tomorrow."

"Lord Jiang is so polite that people don't know what to do. In this case, when we go back, we will inform Yu's father that he will definitely sweep the house tomorrow and wait for Lord Jiang to come. After the Wen family's eldest sister pulled her little sister and saluted Jiang Yong again, she took people out of the crowd and left.

"Dad..." Jiang Ting looked at Jiang Yong with some worry.

"It doesn't matter, Ting'er, don't worry." Jiang Yong smiled in a low voice and comforted Jiang Ting, and then asked the stall seller, "This seller, I don't know how much money you have lost. Jiang made up for them."