Reborn Marquess Laziness

Chapter 70 Goddaughter

In an elegant room on the second floor of the street, Liu Yao stood by the window and looked down at the rows of people in Zhenbeihou Mansion carrying boxes of betrothal gifts on the street downstairs. His face seemed to be dripping water.

"Ok, you don't have to look at it anymore. Although the marriage between the Jiang family and the Wen family came too suddenly. But in this matter alone, both families have more advantages than disadvantages. I really don't understand what you are worried about. Liu Ming said while casually peeling the grape skin and gine at Liu Yao by the window.

Liu Yao closed his eyes and sighed deeply, turned around and came to Liu Ming and sat down. He looked at Liu Ming's doubtful eyes and pondered for a while before saying, "Do you remember that I told you on July 7th that I recognized the wrong person?"

Liu Ming was stunned and replied, "Remember, you were angry with me at that time, complaining that I pointed you in the wrong direction before you recognized the wrong person. What, does that have anything to do with today's incident?

Liu Yao closed his eyes and replied in a dry voice, "After I recognized the wrong person that day, I met Lord Jiang. At that time, I complained that he was against me and... Alas, in short, I was angry, so I deliberately pointed him in the wrong direction to find the girl..."

"Jiang Yong admitted that Miss Wen was the one you mistook before?" Liu Ming asked with wide eyes.

Liu Yao nodded in distress and said dejectedly, "I just want him to look for a little longer. I really didn't expect such a thing to happen. Alas, now I don't know what I have become in Lord Jiang's heart. Cousin, do you think Lord Jiang will also blame me about this?"

Liu Ming looked at the distressed Liu Yao with a smile and replied, "What is he complaining about you? If it hadn't been for you, he wouldn't have married the beautiful little daughter of the Wen family! It's not that you don't know Lord Jiang's rigid nature. You just want to find a stronger daughter from an ordinary family as a step-in-law, and you don't want to harm other officials's daughters. But how did he think that ordinary people dared to think about such a family as Zhenbeihou Mansion? Only the Li family dares to calculate their minds to the serious second-grade Hou. They don't think about what kind of person Lord Jiang is and what kind of people they are. As long as Lord Jiang is willing, he can destroy their Li family by raising his hand. A businessman's family, who dares to calculate the serious nobles, really doesn't want to die fast enough. In fact, it's okay now. Lord Jiang is now dedicated to revitalizing Jiang's family, and it's time to work hard to govern. Although the Wen family is poor, Lord Wen is a serious stream, and marriage with them can make him more beneficial in the civil servants' circle.

Liu Yao lowered his head and thought about Liu Ming's words and nodded to agree with his analysis. But his face did not relax: "I understand what you said. But when I met Jiang Yong, I lied and deliberately led him in that direction. I'm afraid that after he finds out the truth afterwards, he will blame me for the root cause of this matter. Well, the root cause of this matter is indeed related to me, but if he really hates me even more, won't I have a chance in the future?"

"You don't have a chance in the first place." Liu Ming hit Liu Yao rudely: "I said you are really self-inflicted. You miss their daughter in your heart. If you don't say please them in order to make a good impression, you dare to deliberately lie and deceive people in the wrong direction to recognize the wrong person. Alas, Liu Yao, Liu Yao, I advise you to die early!"

Liu Yao stared at Liu Ming with fierce eyes, and he immediately stared with him if he dared to continue to say sarcastic words. Liu Ming waved his hand helplessly and said, "Okay, don't worry about it. In my opinion, Lord Jiang is not such a narrow-minded person. Besides, the root cause of this matter is that he did something to people without recognizing it clearly. You just told him a wrong direction. After all, in such a chaotic scene, who can know which direction is right? He will definitely not blame you for this. If he is such a person, he may rely on him this time and won't marry Miss Wen.

Liu Yao was slightly relieved. However, he didn't know that Jiang Yong didn't think about his role in this matter because Jiang Ting was present at the time of the incident. So he complains about himself here, which is just unfounded.


The marriage between Zhenbei Houfu and Wenfu walked down step by step in a low-key and solemn manner. Jiang Yong was an upstart who only rose again after experiencing great difficulties. Lord Wen has been a Hanlin official for more than ten years and is a real Qingliu literati. Although the sudden marriage of the two families surprised many people in the capital. But after all, the Jiang family and the Wen family both like to keep a low-key family, and the appointment is not lively. So this incident was like a small stone falling into the lake. After only a few ripples, it disappeared in the mouth of the crowd.

In the west courtyard of Wenfu, Wen Yulian, the second girl of the Wen family, is listening to her mother's teaching with a soft face: "Lian'er, don't blame your eldest sister. She just wants you to marry a good family. Alas, it's because your mother didn't teach her well that you have to marry a dove now..."

"Mom, it's okay. I don't blame my sister. She is also for my good. Moreover, Lord Jiang is not very old..." Wen Yulian said, and the shame on her face was unbearable. The red cheeks set off her gentle but youthful face, which made her more delicate.

At that time, she was suddenly held in her arms by a man and touched the hard chest on her shoulder. In addition to being scared, she also had the illusion of being loved. Now that I think about it, he is worried about his daughter, so he shows such a loving attitude towards her.

But in any case, her impression of Jiang Yong is not bad. His man looked so powerful and tall, and he was not angry when he frowned. Moreover, his status is so noble, but he apologizes modestly and politely to them at the moment... Such a person, even if he is older, is still very attractive.

Mrs Wen looked at her daughter's look and sighed in her heart, knowing that the daughter had already jumped on the Marquis Jiang. However, although she felt that the Marquis Jiang was very good and made no mistake. But it is this good thing that makes Mrs. Wen always feel uneasy.

"Lian'er, my mother also saw that you should be satisfied with the Marquis Jiang. But there are some words that my mother can't do without telling you. You keep your mother's words in mind today. If there are any difficulties in the future, you can go back and think about what your mother said to you. Don't go to a dead end, understand? Mrs. Wen gently touched the top of her daughter's head and said.

Wen Yulian saw that her mother straightened her face and hurriedly corrected her face. She sat up straight and listened to her mother's words carefully: "Well, I listen to my mother. Mother, tell me, I remember it all in my heart.

Mrs Wen looked at her daughter's clever appearance and smiled and said, "You are the same as your sister. You are all clever in the light, but very thoughtful in the dark. But my mother will tell you today that sometimes you can't be too self-righteous. The person you want to marry is the second-grade Zhenbeihou. The house you want to enter is Zhenbeihou Mansion, which is also counted in the noble circle. So, you and your sister both think this marriage is very good, right?

"Mother..." Wen Yulian shook her head shyly and said, "Is your daughter such a greedy person for wealth? I just think that Lord Jiang is really good. Although he has no wife and a daughter, he is not old, and he is very friendly and courteous. These times, he came to our house and respected his father. Unlike other nobles, he was always so arrogant. Mother, I'm really not greedy for wealth..."

"I know, I know you really like the Marquis Jiang." Mrs. Wen interrupted Wen Yulian with a smile and said, "The Marquis Jiang experienced great changes when he was young. Now that he is back, he naturally has several different temperaments. He is stronger than other young men born in wealth and raised in wealth. But Lian'er, have you ever thought that it is this kind of experience that can make him deeply mindful and tolerant. How do you really understand him so that he can fall in love with you in the same way? Lianer, do you know that he hasn't touched any other woman for ten years since he lost his wife? Is it so easy for such a person to open his heart to people? I'm afraid that you will be immersed in your own love and wishful thinking about him. At that time, if you find that he doesn't have you in his heart, and he won't treat you sincerely, how should you deal with yourself?

Wen Yulian looked at her mother in a staringly and couldn't say anything in her heart. He has been serving his ex-wife for ten years... How can such a thing happen? But since this is said from my mother, it will probably be true. There are such infatuated men in the world... How can such a person not be moved? But if he can stay for his ex-wife for ten years, it can be seen how deep he is with his ex-wife. Can she really get his true feelings for such a person?

"Mom, what should I do?" Wen Yulian was completely clueless. All joy, all expectations, all fantasies were completely shattered at this time.

"Well, don't worry too much about this. Mother tells you that this man is divided into three types. The first is a flower-hearted man. When they saw that one loved the other, they got a bunch of beautiful concubines at home, and they had to go out to sleep with flowers and willows. Such a man who spoils his wife and does not do anything is rotten and can't have it. And the second one is a heartless man. Women are just tools for them, or tools for fertility, or tools for marriage, or tools for venting... But they know what they want, so they won't do stupid things to spoil their wives. They will respect their wives, but they can't really trust them unless they get along with each other for a long time. And the third kind of man is an infatuated man. They can abandon everything and even lives for the sake of their loved ones, ignore etiquette for her, and truly live together with their loved ones for life... Lianer, what kind of man do you want?" Mrs. Wen looked at Wen Yulian wisely and asked.

Wen Yulian looked at her mother in a daze and replied with her heart: "The third kind..."

"Ha ha, you are still a girl. However, my mother hopes that your husband is the second kind of man. Do you know why? Mrs. Wen asked.

Wen Yulian shook her head in a daze and didn't understand.

Mrs. Wen sighed and said, "Lian'er, if he has no intention, you can be unmoved. If you don't care, you can live a stable life. However, this Marquis Jiang is the third kind of person. He is a rare good man in the world, but so what? The person he misses is not you. My dear Lian'er, can you understand my mother's words?

Wen Yulian's face was as pale as snow. She nodded her head in a daze and leaned on her mother's shoulder as if she were weak. Tears slipped down her cheeks and replied in a low voice, "My mother asked me not to be moved by him."

"Yes, mother doesn't want you to be moved by him, because you can no longer warm his heart in your life." Mrs. Wen gently wiped away her daughter's tears and said, "Lian'er, remember that even if you marry into Jiang's house, you are just an outsider in the eyes of the Marquis Jiang. If you really like him, you should learn to tolerate him. Tolerate his indifference, tolerate his deception, tolerate his infatuation with others, and tolerate him putting everything before you. If you can't do it, learn to give up. Give up liking him, give up flattering him, just learn to be a truly qualified wife, teach your children in the future, and then enjoy this life. Do you understand?"

"Wow!" Wen Yulian couldn't help jumping into her mother's arms and crying.