Reborn Marquess Laziness

Chapter 100 Be My Sister-in-law

Liu Ming was stunned and suddenly turned around and followed: "Then I'll go back with you."

So, Zhang Yanjing and a group of beautiful girls, who were thrown on the spot by the two princes, were messy in the plum blossom forest with flying petals.

Jiang Ting was distracted because of what Sun Yun had just said, so she had no other energy to pay attention to what had happened around her. She just followed Sun Yun and Sun Zhongmin, but wondered if she had ignored the affairs of the Jiang family too much.

Since she came to the capital, she seemed to be a country girl who had never seen the world. Soon she was fascinated by the prosperity in the capital. All she thought about was how to make herself happy. And she didn't pay much attention to Jiang Yong's determination to revitalize the Jiang family. She felt that she could not help in this regard, so as long as she silently supported her father mentally.

But now she doesn't know anything that even Sun Yun knows. Is this her so-called spiritual support for her father? If she really cares about the Jiang family and really regards the Jiang family as her own home, how can she ignore the past of the Jiang family like this? Although she has memories of her previous life, in the final analysis, what she has now is the blood of the Jiang family. In this life, she is a descendant of the Jiang family. How can she stay out of the affairs of the Jiang family?

Jiang Ting realized for the first time that she was such a selfish person. After all, Jiang Yong is the only one who really recognizes her. Because she was an orphan in her previous life and has not received much care, she always feels that the relationship with others is separated by an impenetrable membrane. Except for her father who has loved her for ten years, she can't identify with others wholeheartedly. And other people's affairs are more like a scene for her. And she is just an outside spectator.

Therefore, neither Li Yuer, who gave birth to her, nor Jiang Fang, who died tragically, has ever regarded them as relatives. She is grateful to them, just because she can survive and can't live without them. She can have a good father like her father and can't live without them. But she has never really connected herself with the rise and fall of the Jiang family.

It turns out that the Jiang family has always represented her only her father. But now, Jiang Ting suddenly found that she was wrong.

She is the Jiang family, the daughter of her father, the granddaughter of Jiang Fang, and the continuation of the blood of this family. Even if she wants to marry another family in the future, the Jiang family is still her root. She should not be so indifferent to the rise and fall of the Jiang family. She should not stand outside the bureau as an indifferent bystander. She is the Jiang family, so she should take corresponding responsibility for the revitalizing of the Jiang family. At least, she really shouldn't even hear from others about who caused such a thing.

Jiang Ting's silence made Sun Yun a little uneasy. She really didn't expect Jiang Ting not to know these things, because this case was investigated by her father, so she knew it clearly. She thought Lord Jiang would tell Tingting, but she didn't expect that she didn't know at all.

At the beginning, there were only two generals in the court of the Southern Tang Dynasty, one was Jiang Fang, the Marquis of Zhenbei, and the other was Zhang Dian, the Duke of Protector. It is said that the Duke of Protector once envied him because of the practice of handing over the military power of the northwest to Jiang Fang in the later period. Jiang Fang is upright, unsophisticated, or disdainful of the world, so many of his political opinions have many conflicts with the Protector. Later, the Duke of Huguo even impeached the Marquis of Zhenbei many times in the court.

But the former emperor trusted Jiang Fang very much and suppressed the impeachment of Jiang Fang by the Duke of Protectorate. However, perhaps it was the trust of the previous emperor that made Jiang's actions less vigilance. So much so that after the death of the late emperor and the new emperor ascended the throne, Jiang Fang was wrongly involved in the conspiracy of King Jing, and he could not find evidence to refute it for a while.

Almost all the people in the capital know these things about the disagreement between the Marquis of Zhenbei and the Protector. Sun Yun didn't expect that Jiang Ting had been in the capital for half a year, and she really hadn't inquired about it. She didn't tell her this because she couldn't open her mouth.

Sun Junfeng was already a third-grade cavalry general, but he could not help Jiang Fang, who treated him like a son at all. I didn't even have time to see him for the last time before he died. Later, they took a lot of effort to collect the evidence, but due to the emperor's attitude, they did not dare to turn over the case to return Chiang Kai-shek's innocence. So much so that he suffered injustice for ten years.

Sun Junfeng felt ashamed of the Jiang family, so he kept warning himself that he owed the Jiang family and warned his children that their family owed the Jiang family. It was also because of this that Sun Yun almost relied on her as soon as she found that Jiang Ting was very angry with her.

But Sun Yun can't tell Jiang Ting about these at all. Even Sun Zhongmin has always been so tolerant of Jiang Ting's attitude towards her precious sister, which has nothing to do with this.

Under the silence of Jiang Ting and Sun Yun, the atmosphere between their group also became a little heavy. This made Liu Yao and Liu Ming, who specially followed him, a little uncomfortable. They were supposed to please the little girl, but in the end they made both girls unhappy. Can you feel better?

And he had been paying attention to prevent Liu Ming abducting his sister Sun Zhongmin again, but he didn't notice that his little sister and Jiang Ting were wrong at all. The light of his mind secretly fired cold arrows at Liu Ming.

As for Zhang Yanjing and others who followed them at this time, they were even less aware of them.

After arriving at the wooden house where Wangmei Xiaozhu received distinguished guests, Liu Ming and Liu Yao very warmly ordered the big shopkeepers in the garden to help Jiang Ting arrange their accommodation. Later, they followed them with a shy face to see them clean up, and finally brazenly invited them to visit the back garden.

It was not until Sun Zhongmin solemnly refused with a murderous face that Liu Yao and Liu Ming had to leave.

Jiang Ting, who was in a trance all the way, finally came to her senses after everything settled down. She looked at the two people who left depressed and obviously unhappily, and asked Sun Yun, "What's wrong with them? No, why did they follow us here?

Sun Yun, who had been immersed in chagrin and regret, listened to Jiang Ting's words and looked at the backs of Liu Yao and Liu Ming blankly, and turned to Sun Zhongmin with a puzzled face: "Second brother, why did the two princes come here with us? Aren't they going back?"

Sun Zhongmin looked helplessly at the same confused little faces in front of him, and suddenly had some sympathy for Liu Yao and Liu Ming, who had been attentive before. What's the use of these two little confused people even if they have a bad heart? They can't understand it at all. But that's good. At least he doesn't have to worry about his little sister being abducted by the prince of King Qing.

So Sun Zhongmin replied calmly with a smile on his face: "The two princes went back to the back garden to pass by here, so they followed me to have a look. All right, you two must be very tired after riding in the carriage all the way. Go and have a rest. Let's have lunch later and stroll slowly in the woods in the afternoon.

After Sun Zhongmin left, Sun Yun hurriedly took Jiang Ting's hand and began to apologize: "Tingting, I really shouldn't have told you those messy things just now. I didn't expect Lord Jiang to tell you these things. Now that I think about it, he probably doesn't want you to worry about these things. Alas, in fact, I don't want to listen to these bad things in the court, but my mother always says that when I want to get married in the future, I will make all kinds of choices for the glory of my family husband. Now listen more and see more, and you will know how to choose when you encounter such a thing in the future. I really didn't expect Lord Jiang to tell you this. Sorry..."

"Sister Yun, I should thank you." Jiang Ting looked at Sun Yun, who became incoherent because of excitement, and said, "I should thank you for telling me this. I just found that I live too much. Although I say that I want to be filial to my father, I have never done anything for him. I have never even seriously cared about the past of our Jiang family... I want to thank you for making me realize my previous mistakes. In the past, I was really selfish. I thought I was a good person, but now I find out how wrong I am.

"No, Tingting, you are very good. You are really good. Among the people I know, you are really your best friend. Sun Yun tried her best to show that Jiang Ting is really a very good person. She doesn't like Jiang Ting's lonely and self-blaming expression.

Jiang Ting looked at Sun Yun with a smile and asked, "Do you have any other friends besides me?"

Sun Yun was stuffed, but she still clenched her fist and retorted, "It is because you are willing to make friends with people like me that I think you are really good."

"That's because I'm the same kind of person as you. The so-called group of people." Jiang Ting smiled and said, "Don't worry, I won't be depressed because of this. I just suddenly realized that I seemed to be a little irresponsible. As you said, I'm going to get married in the future. Whether it's for my husband's family or my mother's family, we can't really care about things outside, can we? So, Sister Yun, tell me about all the things you know about the court. I can't really grow into an ignorant woman who only knows pleasure in the future.

Sun Yun looked at Jiang Ting in a moment and couldn't understand why she liked to listen to those messy things. Every time my mother talks to her about those things, she has to be irritable for a long time.

Sister Yun, what's wrong with you? What are you doing looking at me like this?" Jiang Ting didn't understand why Sun Yun looked at her like this.

"Tingting, why don't you come and be my sister-in-law!" Sun Yun suddenly pulled her with bright eyes.

Jiang Ting was scared by her words and suddenly pulled her arm back from her hand. Sun Yun's eldest brother is married. The sister-in-law she mentioned can only be the second sister-in-law. But thinking about the sister's sick Sun Zhongmin, Jiang Ting immediately shivered and got goose bumps all over her body. She doesn't want to marry a perverted girl!

"Sister Yun, what are you talking about?" Jiang Ting rolled her eyes and said anxedly to Sun Yun.

Sun Yun saw that Jiang Ting was so scared that she immediately realized that her question was too explicit. She quickly waved her hand and said, "No, no, I said it in a hurry. Well, although my second brother is sometimes quite annoying, he is really good. Well, he is very kind to people, good at martial arts, and very good at taking care of people. Tingting is so good, and you are also familiar with the second brother. If you marry the second brother, you will definitely be happy. Well, although you are five years younger than your second brother, it's not too bad. Let him wait for you. Ah, yes, why didn't I think of it before? In this way, I can see you often in the future, and my second brother will not procrastinate marriage because others don't like me..."

"Stop!" Jiang Ting couldn't listen any more. She interrupted Sun Yun and asked, "What do you mean by your last sentence?"

"What last sentence?" Sun Yun was confused for a moment, and then understood. She looked at Jiang Ting with a distressed face and said, "You don't know, the second brother, my mother has told him several girls. But he didn't like any of them. The reason is that they don't like me! Tingting, how wronged I am. The second brother wants to marry his own daughter-in-law. If you don't like me, you don't like me. As long as he likes it himself. Do you think there is something wrong with him?

"Well, your second brother is quite sick, and he is very sick." Well, my sister is so sick that there is no way to save him. After complaining in her heart, Jiang Ting looked at Sun Yun and asked, "You know that there is something wrong with your second brother. What is the intention of asking me to marry him? Sister Yun, don't you treat me as a good sister?

Sun Yun was stunned. Well, Tingting's words seem to be right. However, the second brother is actually really good...