Reborn Marquess Laziness

Chapter 136 Good News

Jiang Ting followed the maid to Fengyi Palace anxiously.

She didn't understand why Wen, who looked very energetic in the morning, suddenly fainted in Fengyi Palace. Based on her understanding of Wen, although she is sometimes a little selfish and stupid, she does not show the characteristic of being timid. She should not faint because she met the queen for the first time.

Therefore, Jiang Ting concluded that something must have happened to Wen's body that she would faint in public. Because according to Wen's good face, as long as she can bear it, she will never lose such a big face in front of everyone.

For Jiang Ting, no matter what Wen's attitude is to her, she treats her as Jiang's family. Because she has married Jiang Yong. And Jiang Yong also had a husband and wife with her. She is a righteous Jiang family woman. Whether in terms of face or reason, Jiang Ting believes that she should have some respect and care for Wen.

It is precisely because of this that she has never done any substantial counterattack or injury to Wenshi except for a little indria and finally gave up the idea of making friends with her. At most, that is, when Wen did it for a while, slightly bright claws made her a little more honest.

For Wen, Jiang Ting actually sometimes thinks she is an ignorant girl. Although the relationship between the two is not harmonious, she really has a sincere concern for Wen.

Therefore, Jiang Ting, who had just relaxed when she heard the maid of honor come to report that Wen's fainting, immediately became nervous again. If Wen has something good or bad, not to mention how disrespectful she is to the queen, it is not easy for Dad to marry again in the future.

However, when she came to Fengyi Palace and had not yet entered the door of the hall, Jiang Ting saw Wen, who could not hide her happy face, sitting on the round stool on the side of the hall, talking to the ladies and the queen on the throne with a smile.

Speaking of which, the maid of honor went from Fengyi Palace to Taiji Palace and brought Jiang Ting back. It has been almost half an hour back and forth. So it is not surprising that Wen will wake up during this period. At least, I could see a wake-up Wen, which loosened the string that made Jiang Ting's heart tense again.

It's just that Jiang Ting was relieved and couldn't help but have another doubt. Why is Wen's face full of joy? Moreover, the Empress and the ladies did not seem to have any intention of blaming her fainting. On the contrary, it looks like congratulations and blessings. What happened during this period?

"The Queen, Miss Jiang is here." The maid who led the way entered the door, saluted the queen from afar and reported.

"It came so fast. Hurry up and let Ting in." The queen smiled gracefully and said to the door of the hall.

Jiang Ting took a deep breath, lowered her head and walked into the hall with her breath. As soon as she entered the hall only five steps, she knelt down from afar and paid a respectful visit to the queen in the hall. The person in front of her is the mother of the Southern Tang Dynasty, and she can't help but be cautious and respectful.

The Empress screamed with a smile and waved to her, "Ting, come here quickly and let me have a look. Early in the morning, I heard from Pingning that she had made a good friend from Zhenbei Hou's family. I can see a real person today.

Jiang Ting suppressed the nervousness at the bottom of her heart, slightly squeezed her lips with a shy smile, walked forward a few steps, raised her head and lowered her eyes to let the Empress look carefully.

"It's really a handsome and lovely child." The queen smiled and said.

"Thank you, Queen, for your praise." Wen got up at the right time and thanked him. She is Jiang Ting's stepmother, and she will naturally answer with her. Jiang Ting stood obediently in the hall and didn't dare to say more.

However, Wen got up and answered, and she turned her concerned eyes to Wen. Now it seems that Wen is really nothing different. What happened before?

The Empress looked at her and couldn't help smiling and said gently, "Don't worry, your mother just fainted because she was pregnant for the first time and didn't check it for a while. Just now, the palace has asked the imperial doctor to come and see her, and also asked her to give her a fetal medicine. As long as she has a good rest in the future, she will not be fine.

When Jiang Ting heard that Wen was pregnant, she couldn't help but be happy. She hurriedly worshipped the queen: "I thank the empress for taking care of my mother."

The queen smiled and said, "What a filial child. OK, your mother is pregnant for the first time. You need to be careful from time to time. Don't be too tired. It's enough to stay here today, and she doesn't have to stay until the end. Ting, you can protect your mother and go home first.

At this time, Jiang Ting no longer wants to care about why the royals are so close to her. She simply didn't get up, so she bowed again and directly followed the Queen's words: "Thank you for your weakness. Congratulations to the Empress Hongfu and longevity.

Wen also cautiously saluted the queen. There was no anger at all because Jiang Ting passed her and retreated directly. Obviously, being able to conceive a child puts her in a very good mood.

It turned out that during this period, she had been worried about entering the palace today, so she ignored that this month had not come yet. In addition, these days, she has been learning palace etiquette with Mother Zheng from morning to night, for fear that she will make a fool of herself when she first appeared in front of their wives. So she never knew that she had been pregnant for more than a month.

Although Wen has just been pregnant for less than two months, she can't be so weak. However, she is a woman who grew up in a boudoir. Her body is naturally delicate, and she is not as strong as a woman who works all year round to live in the market.

Therefore, due to the fatigue of studying for several consecutive days, and her mental tension has been a little unsupportable. It's just that the matter of entering the palace is like a mountain on her mind. Her spirit is all focused on this matter, and she doesn't notice that she is actually very tired.

Come to the palace to congratulate you, which is a physical work. Compared with taking a short rest at home, Wen has not been able to relax for a moment since she entered the palace. In this way, her body will not be able to support the coma, which is also a normal phenomenon.

Just like this, the baby she is pregnant with is a little unstable. Although the Empress said it lightly, Jiang Ting knew that she would have to take good care of Wen from now on. Only when her child was completely stabilized two months later can she really feel relieved.

Moreover, Jiang Ting has been more or less exposed to some basic physiological knowledge in her previous life, and it is not a good thing to know that women give birth too early. Wen is only 17 years old now, which is not the best age to have a child. If you don't pay attention and the final labor is difficult, it will be a tragedy of one corpse and two lives. After all, there is no advanced technology like the 21st century, and it can be taken by caesarean section.

Jiang Ting felt that she was really shocked today. But it may also be because she was more shocked that she was also a little numb at this moment. After saying goodbye to the queen and turning around the circle to the ladies and leaving, she carefully supported Wen's family out of Fengyi Palace.

Although it is not convenient for Wen to walk more now, it is even more inconvenient for her to stay in the Queen's Fengyi Palace to rest. Therefore, even if she is not feeling well, Jiang Ting can only slow down a little and help her move forward slowly.

Looking at the uncomfortable look on Wen's face that didn't go far, Jiang Ting couldn't help sighing in her heart when she thought about the distance from Fengyi Palace to Zhuque Gate. Wen's fainting this time didn't seem to anger the Empress. But in fact, after Wen woke up, the queen impatiently drove them away, which showed that she was actually angry.

Otherwise, if the Empress really thinks it's okay, at least she should let people carry the rattan chair and send Wen out of the palace. After all, Wen's present state should be cultivated and can't go far. However, now that this is the case, Jiang Ting can't, let alone ask the queen to ask Wen for a soft sedan chair.

However, if something happens to Wen on the road, how should she explain it to her father?

"Madam, why don't we take a break?" Jiang Ting couldn't help saying to Wen. Where they are walking now, there is a small garden on the left, with pavilion tables and stools to rest.