Reborn Marquess Laziness

Chapter 152 Method

Jiang Ting looked at Mother Zheng and asked, "So you mean that things are not as bad as I thought, right?"

Mother Zheng nodded and said, "Yes. Now that the crown princess is pregnant, she wants to take a concubine to serve him. This should be true. But girl, do you think, our master is a serious second-class marquis. Will the royal family directly carry you into the East Palace as a concubine as soon as he lifts the sedan chair? Among other things, the master will certainly not be willing to send you to the East Palace as a concubine.

Jiang Ting nodded repeatedly: "That's what I think. It's just that I'm afraid that the royals will force my father to agree.

Mother Zheng shook her head and replied, "I don't think the girl has to worry about this. Others don't say that if the prince really likes you, he will directly marry you into the door as a side concubine. Otherwise, the master can't agree at all. But girl, this concubine is different from a concubine. The side concubine is going to be written into the royal genealogy. The side concubine gave birth to a child, which can be regarded as the legitimate son. Although the identity of the side concubine is lower than that of the imperial concubine, it also has to go through the normal marriage procedure. But in this situation, the crown princess has just been pregnant, and not to mention whether she has the energy to make a side concubine for the crown prince, just for the sake of the fetus in the crown princess's womb, it is impossible for the royal family to directly get a side concubine in the East Palace.

Jiang Ting lowered her head and thought for a moment. She looked at Mother Zheng and asked, "Then M Mother, what does today's flower meeting mean?"

M Mother Zheng asked, "Girl, are there many daughters of petty officials among the girls who went to the flower party today?"

Jiang Ting nodded and then suddenly said, "Yes, I was wrong. This flower party is to choose a concubine for the prince. Oh, I'm really stupid. If it's really to give the prince a side concubine, you can't have a blind date with the prince of Qing. Ouch, I've been so worried all day that I feel a little empty when you say that.

M Mother Zheng looked at Jiang Ting for the rest of her life after the disaster and sighed, "Girl, don't relax, even if my speculation is right. But judging from what you said before, it seems that the Royal family really has something to think about you. Even if this time, when the crown princess gave birth to the emperor's grandson, the prince can have no other scruples and really find someone he likes to be a side concubine. Girl, you should know in your heart that His Royal Highness is against you..."

The smile on Jiang Ting's face completely faded with Mother Zheng's words. She couldn't help sighing, looked at Zhihua and Mother Wang and Mother Zheng, and said, "Okay, at least I know this time. We still have time to plan. Anyway, I don't want to go into the East Palace. It's just annoying for the two old men to think more and help me think about it to see if they can break this dilemma. Well, I'm really sorry to wake you up so late. Go back to sleep. I'm halfway down and can sleep.

M Mother Wang looked at the bitter smile on Jiang Ting's face and couldn't help but feel pity in her heart. She said to Jiang Ting, "Don't worry, we will come up with a way for you when we go back. In any case, we can't watch you being pulled into such a fire pit.

Jiang Ting smiled and nodded, "Well, I believe you."

In the morning of the second day, Jiang Ting still got up early and was ready to go to the main courtyard to visit. However, last night was the first time she had insomnia since she came to the capital, and she was dizzy. Zhihua just helped her comb her hair, and she yawned again. Zhihua looked at it and advised her and simply asked someone to go to the courtyard to say that she was not feeling well, so she didn't go to say goodbye.

Jiang Ting rubbed her face and muttered, "If I let people go to the main courtyard to say that they are not feeling well, my father will definitely let people come to see it later."

"But girl, you look so bad that even if you go to the master and wife, you can see that you are not in good health." Zhihua went over sadly to help Jiang Ting rub the temples on both sides of her forehead and said, "You haven't slept all night. If you don't have a good rest, how bad it will be for your health. Girl, it's time for you to grow up..."

"Girl." Mother Zheng and Mother Wang came to find Jiang Ting with dark circles under their eyes. Obviously, the two of them didn't sleep well all night.

When Zhihua saw that the two Mama immediately found the main heart, he hurriedly said to them, "Two M Mothers quickly persuade the girl. She didn't sleep last night, but now she still has to go to the main hospital to pay her peace. You two said that now is the time for the girl to grow up. Insomnia is not good for her health. If she can't rest in time..."

Mother Wang was impatient, and because of Jiang Ting's frank talk to them last night, she felt that she was closer to her girl. So without listening to Zhihua's words, he said to Jiang Ting, "Girl, you have to listen to Zhihua about this matter. Let someone go to the main courtyard to send a message, and say that you caught a cold last night, so don't go."

"But..." Jiang Ting also felt that she was not in a good state. But the problem is that the person who is in the courtyard is not her mother. She used to be able to hold novels about her age, but now she is 14 years old. If she doesn't do well and spread her reputation for being unfilial, she won't want to find a good husband in two years.

However, Jiang Ting thought about her current situation. If she can't think of a way to overcome the difficulties this time, she will go straight into the fire pit. Therefore, it seems that you don't have to care so much now.

"Well, you can send a message. I'm not going to the main hospital today." Jiang Ting said and waved her hand to Zhihua, "Please help me collect all these messy things on my head. Anyway, I'm not going out today."

Zhihua said happily, first helped Jiang Ting take down all the beads on her head, and then went out to order someone to go to the main courtyard to send a message.

"Two Mothers, do you have any way to come so early today?" Jiang Ting looked at the bright-eyed Mother Wang and Mother Zheng and asked.

If you come up to scare people or something, it's natural for Mother Wang to come up. But when it comes to dealing with and analyzing things, Mother Zheng has to come. Therefore, Mother Wang retreated with a smile and motioned Mother Zheng to explain to Jiang Ting in detail.

"Girl, Sister Wang and I thought about it carefully last night and finally found that we can't help you get through this difficult time. However, these two methods are really not good. Now let me tell you first. Please think about it and see if we can use it. Mother Zheng cautiously put the ugly words in front of Jiang Ting, so that she would not have too much expectations in her heart. Once she was disappointed, she would have any complaints about the two of her.

Jiang Ting restrained the smile on her face and said seriously, "M Mother, I'll listen carefully."

Mother Zheng nodded and said slowly, "After I went back with Sister Wang, I thought about what you said and felt that we could prevent that possible thing from happening in two ways. The first aspect is to start with yourself. You are 14 years old now, and you will be ready in half a year. What our sisters mean is, let's see if you can talk to the master and ask him to help you settle the marriage in this six months. Once you have made a marriage, it is impossible to do anything to you, whether it is in the palace or the prince. This is a hundred ways. However, in our opinion, this is not a method that can't be used as a last resort. After all, this is about your future life.

Jiang Ting nodded and said with a gloomy face, "I also thought about what M Mother said. But as you said, I haven't had time yet. If I'm really in such a hurry to get married, let alone what others will think. First of all, I have to tell him all these things. Although Dad loves me, if I say so, he should not oppose my decision. But I really don't want to tell him about this, not only because I'm afraid of his worry, but also, I don't know if my father feels like others that he can be a prince's side concubine... In fact, it's also a blessing.

M Mother Zheng listened to her words and couldn't help sighing that in the past two years, the relationship between the master and the girl has been estranged to this extent. If it had been two years ago, she would not have believed that Jiang Ting would one day be as suspicious of her father as she does now.

The expression on her face remained unchanged, and Jiang Ting, who was a little frustrated, said, "Girl, I just said that that's not a way that can't be used. After all, this marriage is a major event for your future life. If it is rough, you can choose any one, which is to push you into another fire pit. Therefore, if you think it's not appropriate to say this now, let's leave this method aside and then consider another one.

Jiang Ting nodded, smiled reluctantly, and said to Mother Zheng, "What else do you think?"

Mother Zheng smoothed her mind and said, "That's what we think. In fact, whether it's a concubine or a side concubine, we have to get the consent of the crown princess in the end. If the princess is the daughter of another family, she may be a little weak in the East Palace. But she is not from another family. She is the mother of the queen, the eldest granddaughter of the head of the Wei clan, and also a cousin who is very close to the queen. Girl, think, this prince can't mean marriage. That is to say, even if the Empress Dowager and the Empress have designated candidates for the prince, if the princess doesn't nod, she can't marry her.

Jiang Ting nodded and followed Mother Zheng's thinking, "Do you mean that I want to have a bad relationship with the crown princess during this period and let her not allow the prince to accept me into the door?"

M Mother Zheng shook her head and said, "My girl, she is the crown princess. If you really have a bad relationship with her, then one day the prince will ascend the throne and she will become the empress, won't you cause yourself a big trouble?

Jiang Ting was stunned and asked, "What do you mean by your words?"