Reborn Marquess Laziness

Chapter 183 Zhang Han

The door opened, and the women immediately focused on Liu Yao, who had just jumped off the wall. Seeing that he was fine, everyone couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Li Ming glanced proudly at Liu Yao and strode into the door. Jiang Ting stood behind a group of people and looked at Liu Ming, who was smiling, and Liu Yao, who was surrounded and frowned. Suddenly, she felt very funny. Everyone seems to have reversed the protagonist and supporting roles.

Liu Mingcai doesn't care whether others regard himself as a supporting role or not. Since no one stopped him, he naturally had to go there quickly. The bride is in there. Go early and pick up people early, right? However, as soon as he got out of the group, he was blocked by Jiang Ting, who had been waiting behind for a long time.

"My lord, you have only solved one question, and you have to solve the second one to get there." Jiang Ting looked at Liu Ming with a smile and deliberately blinked. The proud expression on her face made Liu Ming so angry that she wanted to curse.

Jiang Ting specially raised her tone, and a group of girls surrounding Liu Yao instantly remembered their responsibilities. They rushed over again and surrounded Liu Ming and another 17-year-old boy with a warm smile and soft facial features. Liu Ming came to welcome his family today and knew that he would encounter some difficulties in this third level, so he brought a text, one martial arts and two companions.

The one beside Liu Ming is Zhang Han, the well-known young man of the Xinguo Mansion in the capital. Liu Ming looked at Jiang Ting helplessly and whispered, "Miss Jiang, are you?"

Jiang Ting nodded with a smile and replied in a low voice, "How can you marry Yunyun so easily? Ha ha."

Zhang Han looked at Jiang Ting curiously and asked, "But is it Jiang Yong's daughter?"

After changing people, Jiang Ting changed her attitude. She nodded with a decent smile and answered, "Exactly."

Zhang Han's eyes lit up and nodded without saying anything. However, his eyes were on Jiang Ting and did not move away. Jiang Ting felt a little puzzled by him, but his eyes were calm and did not make people feel uncomfortable, so she had to follow him.

With a few words, a group of girls gathered around and stood in front of Liu Ming and the others. Then, someone recognized Zhang Han's identity, and the girls suddenly became more excited.

Compared with Liu Yao, this Zhang Han is not inferior to the reputation among noble women in the capital. However, Liu Yao is famous for his cold personality and handsome appearance. Zhang Han is famous because of his outstanding talent.

Of course, Zhang Han is also good-looking, and unlike Liu Yao and Liu Ming, who are slightly tough and handsome, Zhang Han's appearance is softer. Simply put, he is good-looking and neutral. Jiang Ting felt that if she covered the throat knot on his neck and changed into women's clothing, she would definitely be a beauty.

However, he is surrounded by a warm book temperament. Whether he speaks or looks at people, it always makes people feel as gentle and comfortable as the spring breeze. This temperament made him show his difference from the girl's family. So even if he stands still and doesn't say anything, he will not be mistaken for his daughter's family.

Just now, the girls were only robbed by Liu Yao, so they didn't notice the legendary "Wenba" son. Of course, the nickname "Wenba" is obtained by a group of boring people. Among the noble daughter, this prince is called "Ruyu" in another name. It means that it is about Zhang Han's character and temperament, which coincides with the word "gentleman is like jade".

Suddenly, another legendary handsome man appeared, and the girls couldn't help it. Jiang Ting had just had a few conversations with this "Ruyu" and was naturally seen by the heartfelt girls. Therefore, after everyone rushed over, they "joined" to squeeze her out of the encirclement. Jiang Ting stood helplessly outside the crowd, smiled bitterly and gave up.

Liu Yao was out of the crowd and was in a much better mood. He turned his eyes to Jiang Ting, who had been squeezed out of the circle, and simply came to her with a smile. Because there were many outsiders, Liu Yao consciously put on a polite attitude to salute Jiang Ting. Although Jiang Ting was a little embarrassed, she still treated him with courtesy.

At this time, Zhang Han in the crowd suddenly asked Jiang Ting, "Just now, Miss Jiang said that her cousin had to solve the second question before she could go there. Dare to ask, what is the second question?"

Zhang Han's voice made the girls' eyes focus on Jiang Ting. Then, they found that the handsome Prince of King Jing was talking to her, and their eyes suddenly changed. Why does she know not only the little prince, but also the son of King Jing?

Jiang Ting was stared at by so many people, and her scalp exploded a little. She looked at the envied and jealous girls around her, and then looked at Zhang Han, who was smiling at herself, and couldn't help sighing in her heart. Where on earth did she offend this "Ruyu" and make him frame herself like this?

However, Jiang Ting is not a real teenage girl. She was stunned for a moment and responded with a decent smile: "This question has to be discussed by everyone. You came in too fast just now, and we haven't discussed it yet. Please wait a moment, please.

Jiang Ting greeted a group of little girls to discuss. It is not difficult to come up with a question. The problem is that the original title was used to make it difficult for the groom, but looking at the meaning of the little girls, it seems that they don't care much about the groom. Instead, they are more interested in the two handsome boys around him.

However, after thinking about it, Jiang Ting understood that the groom was about to get married, so naturally it was impossible to have anything to do with these little girls. However, the other two princes have not been married yet. If you don't look at anything else, just look at the dragons and phoenixes among people, and the girls will naturally sprout.

Originally, the questions were all thought out, but now everyone is just a final confirmation. However, Jiang Ting used this excuse to get out of the awkward atmosphere and was finally relieved. The jealousy of girls is terrible. Even if she doesn't intend to make friends with them, she can't offend them.

A group of little girls discussed the meaning, and then recircled and sent a representative to Liu Ming to paint under the title of "Welcome to the family".

This idea came from Jiang Ting, because she remembered that Princess Antai said before that Liu Ming's poems, lyrics and songs were good; while in piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, only calligraphy was okay, and the rest were very ordinary. Jiang Ting remembered clearly that the princess said that her eldest brother's talent in painting was particularly poor. Besides, she felt that Liu Ming could not do such a topic. Alas, who made him a young man who is almost 20 years old, but he is a Lolita? Who is not difficult for him?

After listening to the title, Liu Ming's face turned black. However, he was accompanied by a real talent, which naturally helped him. It's just that he can't solve the problem and marry his wife in person. Liu Ming is still very emotional. Therefore, he secretly wrote this account on Jiang Ting.

Everyone doesn't care whether Liu Ming is emotional or not. It's just that the girls who saw "Ruyu Gongzi" painting themselves were really happy. However, in half an hour, they first saw the vigorous skills of the prince of King Jing, and then experienced the excellent painting skills of the young master. They were really quite satisfied.

Fortunately, Liu Ming and others came early to welcome their marriage. Otherwise, after these people finished making trouble, I'm afraid they would not be able to catch up with the auspicious time.

Seeing that Sun Yun was carried out of the sedan chair by Sun's eldest brother in red makeup, Jiang Ting couldn't help sighing. The little girl, who is only a teenager, got married. Ancient times was really devastating.

Jiang Ting secretly decided that she had to make Sun Yun pregnant and have a baby two years later. In ancient times, sanitary conditions were not good, and having a child was a ghost. How can a 14- or five-year-old girl have a baby if her body is not fully grown? If Liu Ming knew this idea, I'm afraid she would be even more angry. Don't you marry her good sister? Do you need to worry so much?


Li Ming was finally relieved when he took the person out of Sun's house. Then, the smile on his face gradually enlarged, and finally turned into a laughing fool, and Liu Yao and Zhang Han next to him were very ashamed.

"Cousin, you don't have to laugh so stupidly, do you?" Zhang Han, who has always paid the most attention to the image, couldn't stand it anymore and whispered to Liu Ming.

Liu Ming's smile stiffened, and then turned his head and stared at him: "Well, when you marry your beloved woman, you will definitely smile more stupidly than me!"

Liu Yao originally wanted to laugh at two sentences, but he was in no mood after listening to Liu Ming's words. What a happy thing Liu Ming can successfully marry his beloved wife. His silly smile shows that he is happy. And this kind of pleasure is exactly what he can't ask for.

And Zhang Han did not have such emotion as Liu Yao. He is a really spoiled young man. Although he always puts on airs in front of outsiders, he is still very close to his own cousin.

"Okay, just laugh." Zhang Han is very talkative and doesn't care about Liu Ming's eyes. After saying that, he smiled and thought that what had happened just now was funny, so he asked again, "Cousin, that question just now is specially difficult for you, isn't it?" Hey hey, I guess that's Miss Jiang's idea. I heard that she has a good relationship with the princess.

The smile on Liu Ming's face stiffened again and stared at Zhang Han again: "You know a lot."

Zhang Han nodded with a smile: "Well, you know that I am close to the princess and have a better relationship than with you. She told me. Hey hey, I wanted to see this Miss Jiang before, but today I saw it..."

Liu Ming subconsciously glanced at Liu Yao and asked, "What's going on?"

Zhang Han's eyes lit and smiled, "It's really interesting and beautiful."

Liu Yao suddenly turned his head and looked at Zhang Han, but saw that his eyes had passed Liu Ming and met him. Zhang Han's eyes were full of provocative light. He smiled at Liu Yao again, and then asked Liu Ming, "Cousin, I heard that Jiang's family is going to choose a marriage for Miss Jiang. Is this true or false?

Liu Ming felt the burning light falling on his body and coughed gently, "Why do you care about this? What does it have to do with you whether she chooses a kiss or not?

"It's related. I've always been interested in her. I saw her today and thought... she was very interesting. I'm wondering if I should go to her house to propose marriage. Zhang Han still smiled, and his words were warm and pleasant to listen to. But his words made Liu Ming and Liu Yao almost fall off the horse.

Liu Yao stared at Zhang Han, and his surging emotions couldn't say whether he was angry or anything else. In short, he wanted to leave a fist mark on his handsome face at this moment.

Liu Ming shouted before Liu Yao couldn't help saying, "Don't mess around! The Jiang family is passed down from martial arts, and my uncle won't agree!"