Reborn Marquess Laziness

Chapter 185 figured out

The next day, Liu Yao didn't wake up until three poles on the sun. He woke up with a splitting headache, which was obviously the sequelae of drunkenness. He subconsciously wanted to raise his hand and rub his forehead, but was shocked by his hammer-like arm. At this time, he remembered the stupid thing he had done last night.

Carefully raised his two tightly wrapped hands and looked at them. Liu Yao couldn't help sighing and scolding himself in his heart that he deserved it. I used to think that as long as she could be happy, he would never go against her wishes and do his best to fulfill her. Even if she really doesn't want to marry him, he will keep his perfect demeanor and watch her marry the person he likes.

The result is good now, but just because others also noticed her and fell in love with her, he was completely confused. Drunk and self-harm, what kind of demeanor is this?

Alas, is he wrong about his own mind? Or has she actually been regarded as her own property in his heart? I hope she can be happy, but why do I really feel so angry and sad when I know that she may marry someone else?

"Hey, after all, I'm still a selfish person!" Liu Yao smiled sarcastically, and then his eyes became firm again and said to himself, "If you are selfish, just be selfish. Since you can't pretend to be a saint, you must not be the eighth grandson. My cousin is right. People are not killed for themselves. Hey hey, if I really lose her, I won't be able to live without being destroyed. If you can't live, why do you care about others? Yes, you can't just watch her marry someone else!"


Liu Yao touched his stomach and smiled bitterly. Last night, he only drank and didn't eat much. By this time, it was almost noon. No wonder he was not hungry.

"Come on." Liu Yao shouted outside the door.

The next moment, Yu Ping and Yu An's two close men came in one after another. Then one of them was busy washing and dressing Liu Yao, and the other was busy helping Liu Yao prepare sobering tea.

"Sir, please drink some tea to moisten your throat and wake up the bar by the way." Yu An brought the tea bowl to Liu Yao.

Liu Yao had just finished washing and was holding his hand to ask Yu Ping to help him put on his coat, so he simply drank the tea with Yu An's hand. After drinking tea, he said directly to Yu An, "Go and ask someone to prepare food. I'm hungry."

Yu An answered and went out to help him with his meal. After Yu Ping helped him get dressed, Liu Yao arranged again, "Okay, just tie up your hair. You don't need to wear a crown. I won't go out today."

Yu Ping answered, and after combing his hair, he simply tied a ponytail with a loose ink brocade. After finishing it, Yu Ping was stunned by Liu Yao's lazy look. Well, he was used to his master's cold appearance all day long, and suddenly changed his temperament, which made Yu Ping feel a little uncomfortable.

"Yes, what about Geng Shan and Zuo Xun?" Liu Yao asked Yu Ping. Generally speaking, at this time, at least one of these two people must come over.

Yu Ping paused, carefully glanced at Liu Yao, and answered nervously, "The two uncles came in the morning. Seeing that you didn't wake up, they all left again, saying that they had something to deal with. But the two uncles didn't say anything, so I didn't know.

Liu Yao frowned. Those two guys won't really help him "recover the scene", will they? He remembers what he said yesterday, and that's the end of it. Those two are usually very obedient, and only occasionally will be calm. There should be no big problem.

Besides, this time he was injured by himself, which has nothing to do with the young master. They are very clear about this, so they should have something else. No matter what, the two should also understand that the little prince of the Duke of Xinguo's family is not easy to mess with. If they really cause trouble, he may not be able to deal with it. Well, Geng Shan should still have this brain, so they won't cause him trouble.

However, Liu Yao was still a little worried and said to Yu Ping, "You ask someone to talk to the general manager and ask Geng Shan and Zuo Xun to see me."

Yu Ping also answered and ran to find the general manager. Yu An came in with the warm food in the kitchen, and Liu Yao couldn't put anything else in his heart. He figured out the problem he had been struggling with last night. Today, even if his hands and feet hurt, he still felt much better.

I don't care about anything else. I have to recover before I can talk about anything else. Now he has no face to go out to see people like this. After Geng Shan and the others come back, he has to tell them that they must try to delay the selection of the Jiang family. At least he has to wait until he recovers from his injury to see her! Next time, he will never let her fool it so easily. My cousin is right. He has loved her for more than three years. Who can treat her better than him? Therefore, she can only marry him!

However, when Geng Shan and Zuo Xun came to see him, they brought another message that made him so angry that he wanted to go crazy. Wen's woman actually used Ting'er's rich dowry to lure other people to propose marriage to her! Ting'er is such a good girl, how dare that woman spoil her so much!

Liu Yao has been angry. He pointed to Geng Shan and roared, "You let someone watch, no matter who it is, as long as you go to propose marriage because of her dowry, you will stir it up!"

Geng Shan looked at Liu Yao with an embarrassed face and asked, "Master, it's not easy for us to deal with this matter. If the Jiang family knows..."

Liu Yao waved his hand and interrupted him and said decisively, "Don't worry, I'll explain it to her later!" Anyway, you can't let the woman Wen ruin her so much! How many good families can get married for the sake of the dowry? You have stared at Jiang's house recently. No matter what the wind blows, you have to come back and tell me, okay?

A smile flashed in Geng Shan's eyes and nodded, "Well, I understand. By the way, the subordinates found that Jiang's house was not as tightly surrounded as before. Do you have anything you want to tell Miss Jiang? The little one can send it in.

Liu Yao paused and stared at Geng Shan with a hot face and scolded, "Do you want me to teach her privately?" If evidence is found, will she still have a reputation? Confused!"

"Yes, yes, it's a small fool. However, do you want to pay attention to Miss Jiang's yard? Geng Shan blinked and asked again.

Liu Yao's face was hotter, but he still nodded and said, "Well, it's up to you. However, Jiang's servants are strictly controlled. You should make people be careful not to be found.

"Yes, don't worry, there are many small ones." Geng Shan responded with a smile and reported again: "There is another thing. Today, I asked someone to write to the Duke's Mansion to find out the news. I heard that after the little father-in-law went back last night, he quarreled with the prince and was banned. Specifically, because of the quarrel, the small one didn't find out. However, I heard that the Duke's wife is also going to choose a marriage for the young father-in-law.

Liu Yao glanced at Geng Shan, suppressed his smile, nodded and said, "Well, I know. However, in the future, you will rarely let people go to the Xinguo Mansion, which we can't afford to provoke.

Geng Shan smiled and said, "Don't worry, let's just go in and find out a piece of news quietly. We dare not do anything."

Liu Yao looked at Geng Shan's smiling face and couldn't help laughing. After laughing for a while, he turned his head and waved to Zuo Xun and said, "Please help me untie the bandage on my right hand. I have to write a letter to Lingnan."

Zuo Xun frowned and said disapprovingly, "It will take at least two days for the prince's hand to write. Don't dismantle it."

"Hey, you know what's on my mind. If I don't write this letter quickly, I will be in a panic. Help me dismantle it. I can stand the pain." Liu Yao smiled, but his attitude was very resolute.

Zuo Xun sighed and had to help him untie his right hand bandage.