Reborn Marquess Laziness

Chapter 203 Assassination

Jiang Yong drove out of the city that night. When Jiang Ting returned to her yard, she was a little depressed. It is naturally gratifying that Dad has returned safely. But she was really unhappy when she thought that her father was so firmly opposed to her being with Liu Yao. So much so that she doesn't look forward to tomorrow's ceremony.

At this moment, in the mansion of King Jing, Liu Yao is also frowning at a page of the letter, full of doubts. There are only a few lines in the letter, but they were written by King Jing. The main idea of the letter is that due to the victory of the Southern Tang Dynasty in the Battle of Northwest, King Jing will come to the capital to congratulate him in the near future on behalf of Lingnan; he asked Liu Yao not to act rashly, because King Jing decided to make his marriage himself.

Liu Yao stared straight at the page of letter paper. His eyes seemed to have passed through the letter paper and saw King Jing, who was still thousands of miles away.

Why did he suddenly change his attitude? Is it because Jiang Yong's victory made him see the available value? But if so, he should have sent a letter a month ago, right?

Liu Yao can't figure it out. Moreover, he could not predict whether his father would support his decision or reject his will. If he opposes it, what should he do?

The letter paper in Liu Yao's hand was wrinkled. Originally, he was actually looking forward to spreading letters to Lingnan. But after several letters without a reply, he was extremely disappointed and decided to give up King Jing's opinion and act according to his own will. But now, when he decided to risk everything and marry his beloved woman, King Jing suddenly appeared...

He is his father... Liu Yao suddenly stood up and slapped the letter paper on the table. The hands held by the table slowly clenched into fists. Liu Yao took a deep breath and spit it out, as if he wanted to spit out all the boredom in his heart.

"Anyway, I can't let her down!" After talking to himself like a dream, Liu Yao turned around and shouted outside the door, "Come on, prepare a horse, I'm going out!"

It's night now, and the curfew has passed long ago. The streets at night are empty. The cold wind on the quiet and dark streets is full of gloomy horror. The sound of horses' hoofs came from afar, breaking the silence and adding a little strangeness to this gloomy atmosphere.

Liu Yao's horse ran in the direction of Jiangfu. In the middle of the night, there is basically no one else in the capital except Goulan Street. If he happened to meet the yamen of the night patrol, he showed his identity card and rushed straight there.

Geng Shan looked at the master in front of him with doubt and didn't understand what he suddenly rushed out to do. In this direction, he knows that the destination of the prince is Jiang's house. But the last time he visited Miss Jiang at night, he received a message from Miss Jiang and did not allow him to go to see her in private. Does the prince want to break the agreement? Isn't he afraid that Miss Jiang will be angry?

"His..." The hissing sound of the horse resounded through the night, awakening the dream of many neighboring residents. Suddenly, Liu Yao, who ran in front of him, suddenly pulled up the reins and stopped the horse.

The next moment, Geng Shan suddenly flew up from his horse and fell on the ground in front of Liu Yao. At the same time, Geng Shan raised it with one hand, and his backhand was about to reflect the murder weapon just intercepted in his hand in the direction of time. Although he didn't see the person who shot, he had already felt the remaining murderous atmosphere of the enemy.

At this time, Liu Yao stopped him: "Geng Shan, stop!"

In just one breath, Geng Shan lost the enemy's air. It's too late to fight back. The sneaker seemed to know that this was the only chance and had retreated.

Liu Yao got off his horse, came to Geng Shan and asked, "Isn't it hurt?"

"It's okay." Geng Shan shook his head in response. He didn't ask Liu Yao why he didn't let himself take action, but he was alert to the movements around him. However, he did not forget to give Liu Yao the murder weapon he had just intercepted: "My lord, this is the murder weapon used by that man's sneak attack just now."

Both of them wear anti-freeze leather gloves on their hands, so they are not afraid of being poisonous on the murder weapon at this moment. Liu Yao nodded and took the thing to have a look, but was stunned. It's just a small black dart, but he seems to want to see the world grow old.

"My son..." Geng Shan noticed Liu Yao's strangeness and couldn't help calling him.

Liu Yao's body shook slightly and came to his senses. He wrapped the black dart in his hand in a handkerchief, and then smiled calmly at Geng Shan and said, "I'm fine. Let's go back."

After returning to King Jing's Mansion, Liu Yao stared at the black dart.

"Lord, do you understand who wants to harm you?" Geng Shan finally couldn't help asking.

Liu Yao nodded gently, and then got up and turned over in the room. After a while, he finally turned out a small bag, took it over and poured out two things. These two things are the same two black darts as the black dart.

Geng Shan was stunned and asked, "My lord, is this?"

Liu Yao looked at the three darts with complicated eyes, but replied with an unusually cold voice: "These two darts were left after I was attacked when I came to Beijing with my father four years ago. That was the time when I was saved by Miss Jiang.

"Four years ago..." Geng Shan was silent.

"When he left, he said that he would not have any contact for five years," Liu Yao suddenly said for no reason, "Did I break the agreement, that's why I caused this assassination? Hey, father, you are so cruel!"

Father? Geng Shan was stunned when he heard this: "Prince, is this Prince Jing?"

Liu Yao nodded to him faintly and said, "Yes, my father did this assassination. I didn't figure it out before, and I thought that a woman could find a chance to assassinate me this time. But you don't have to worry. After all, I'm his son, and he won't let anyone really kill me. Even if there is a chance, it should be the end of a half-mutilation.

"But even so..." Geng Shan couldn't say any more. Is there such a father in the world? Specially asked to assassinate his son? This is too ridiculous.

"I'm afraid that after I asked Zuo Xun to send a message to Lingnan, he has sent a killer to the capital. It's just that most of the time I go out with a lot of people, and I've been following you, so the killer has never found a chance. Liu Yao put three darts indifferently into the small cloth bag in his hand, and then said, "I was a little restless tonight, and the killer found a gap. I used to think that the killer in the dark wanted to kill me. Now it seems that this is not the case at all. Geng Shan, what do you think of that killer's skills?

"It should be between me and my uncle. But that man's concealment is very good, and I'm not as good as him. Geng Shan answered truthfully.

Liu Yao smiled with a faint smile on his face and turned to Geng Shan and said, "Look, such a powerful killer killed me many times four years ago, but he never succeeded. Isn't this a little strange?"

"Well, in a small way, if the man does his best, even if the prince can avoid the key point, he should have been seriously injured now." Geng Shan told the truth.

"Yes, so I'm afraid the next assassination will be more dangerous than this time." Liu Yao suddenly smiled and turned to Geng Shan and said, "I have ignored the practice of practice for the past six months, and I need to pay attention to it again. Geng Shan, Zuo Xun and Mr. Ye are not here. I'm afraid you will work harder in the future.