Reborn Marquess Laziness

Chapter 212 Marriage

The Duke of Protecting noticed Jiang Yong's eyes, but the smile on his face remained unchanged. Instead, he nodded to Jiang Yong with his beard and smiled, "I have heard about the rescue deeds of Lord Jiang's daughter before. However, I didn't expect that Miss Jiang sacrificed her life to save people. Miss Jiang is indeed a tiger girl, righteous and brave! Lord Jiang taught me well!"

Jiang Yong's face turned gloomy, and the words "righteous and bravery" are really not a good word to describe the girl's family. But he didn't want to make more excuses, so he just bowed his hand to the Duke of Protector and said, "The Duke of the country praised it."

Prince Jing, who was beside him, didn't have a good impression on the father-in-law of the Duke of Protector, so he ignored him and pulled Jiang Yong to ask the emperor to help them form a family. Jiang Yong knew that King Jing was completely fooling around with drunkenness at this time, but he could not expose the fact that King Jing was fake drunk, so he could only find a way to delay the matter by himself. As long as this time has passed, there will always be other ways to push the marriage of King Jing.

"Your Majesty, I'm afraid that Prince Jing is really drunk and bothers you with this kind of thing. Why don't you invite Prince Jing to a quiet place to rest and wake up the bar.

The emperor smiled and looked at Jiang Yong, who looked unhappy, and said meaningfully, "Lord Jiang, in fact, the prince has already mentioned this incident to me, but he didn't remember it when he was drunk and confused. After hearing this, I also felt that the prince of King Jing was about the same age as the head of Derong County, which was quite suitable. Moreover, they had such a fate when they were children. If they could make a pair, it would be a good story.

"Your Majesty..."

"Oh, although there are many bad rumors in the world, those are not credible. Although Yao'er's personality is a little too strong, her nature is good. Besides, I was going to marry the two of them if you promised. In this way, you don't have to worry about your daughter being bullied by King Jing's son. Speaking of which, King Jing has begged me twice after coming to Beijing, and I also feel very good. It's just that I feel that it seems inappropriate to marry without Lord Jiang's permission, so I waited until today without an order. Lord Jiang, what do you think about this marriage? The emperor asked Jiang Yong with a smile.

Jiang Yong was dizzy when he heard this, his eyes were black, and his chest was blocked, which was a little difficult to deal with for a while. After taking a deep breath, he smoothed his breath and bowed down and replied, "Go back to the emperor, Ting'er was brought up by herself since she was a baby. I really can't bear her future mother-in-law's home too far away from home..."

"I understand, you are afraid that if the owner of Derong County marries to Jingwang Mansion, he will be too far away from you, right?" The emperor interrupted Jiang Yong's next long speech and asked directly.

If Jiang Yong still doesn't understand the emperor's meaning at this time, he can only be regarded as a mediocre person. However, thinking of Liu Yao's situation in King Jing's Mansion; and thinking that once her daughter gets married to Lingnan, she will not see each other for many years; Jiang Yong had to nod his head and replied, "Go back to the emperor, my minister... that's exactly what I mean."

"Lord Jiang is so painstaking in loving his daughter." The emperor did not speak, but Prince Qing, who sat beside him, sighed, "Lord Jiang is right. We fathers always feel that children can be more assured only when we put them in front of us. But to be honest, even if you can leave your daughter in the capital, how many times can she go home to see you after marriage? I think that as long as the child can be happy, marrying far away may not be worse than staying in the capital.

"Oh, the royal brother can see it now." The emperor seemed to forget Jiang Yong and asked Prince Qing, "Why, are you no longer worried about An Tai's marriage?"

King Qing said with a wry smile to the emperor, "Where is it? The girl was spoiled by me. She cried and shouted not to marry, and said that when she grew up, she went out to travel around the world. Brother, do you think this is the right idea of your daughter's family? After I scolded her severely, she stopped saying those stupid words. But now, she has changed her mind and must get married out of the capital.

"Why is this?" The emperor seemed to be interested in the matter of his niece, but he really didn't care about Jiang Yong and King Jing standing in front of him.

Qing Wang shook his head with a bitter smile and replied, "Don't she think I can't care about her after leaving the capital? As the saying goes, women's college doesn't want to stay! We painstakingly want to stay with her to take care of her, but they always want to stay away from us so that they can escape from the cage!"

"Oh? Does she actually feel that she is locked in a cage to stay in the capital? Brother Huang, if my mother listens to this, I'm afraid An Tai will be scolded. The emperor smiled and played with his brother.

"Let's teach her. I'm afraid that the girl can listen to the words of her mother." King Qing waved his hand helplessly with a broken look.

At this time, Jiang Yong's mind was full of thoughts, like a mess, which made his heart stuffy. He understood the meaning of Qing Wang to change the topic and was willing to accept his feelings. However, today, the emperor has spoken about this matter. If he can't refuse it clearly, he will definitely not be able to put it off in the future. But now that the emperor has taken advantage of the topic of King Qing, no matter how reluctant he is, he can only put up with it first.

Unfortunately, Jiang Yong can stand it, but the other person can't stand it. The drunken and confused Prince Jing listened to King Qing and the emperor chatting there, and he was not happy.

"Your Majesty, don't talk nonsense with Prince Qing. You haven't agreed to my request yet. At this time, Lord Jiang and I are both here. Please be my matchmaker!"

King Jing's voice directly made the whole royal garden quiet. Everyone looked at the drunken King of Jing like a fool, and said that the prince kindly found a step for you two. Why don't you go down quickly? Why do you have to come here? Could it be that Prince Jing is really drunk today and wants to be confused? But then again, this man usually has a cold face to everyone. It's really rare to be so muddy like today!

Jiang Yong was directly shouted by King Jing's voice and vomited three liters of blood. He had planned to withdraw first and put it off. But now that King Jing is so mixed up, there is no room for this matter. Jiang Yong secretly gritted his teeth and complained. Why didn't he just take advantage of the emperor's talk to King Qing to pull down this bastard?

"Your Majesty, Lord Jing is drunk, and I will take him to rest and sober up..."

"All right, Jiang Yong." The emperor's face sank, looked at King Jing with a mixed expression, and then said to Jiang Yong, "What on earth do you think of King Jing's proposal? If you really don't want to, it doesn't matter. I can't let your daughter not marry a good man because of some people's rumors.

Jiang Yong was stunned. He looked at the emperor in a stunned way and suddenly understood what he meant. He knew that there were many rumors about his daughter in the capital some days ago. But now that the rumors have stopped, he has ignored the impact of this matter on his daughter.

The emperor appointed Ting'er as the county head, not only to reward him for his credit, but also to enable her to marry the son of King Jing as usual. Emperor, do you want to use the marriage between the Jiang family and Jingwang Mansion to contain Lingnan? Or, the reason why Liu Yao's boy went to the palace to ask for marriage came out of the palace was the emperor's acquiescence. Emperor, you have already figured all this out...

Jiang Yong only felt a piercing cold on his spine. The emperor has always been worried about Jingwang Mansion, so he wants to use Ting'er to contain the future lord of Lingnan. He has long understood Liu Yao's boy's thoughts towards Tinger, so he pushed things to this point with the help of some people's selfishness. His daughter, even if she has been awarded the title of county leader, can only marry the son of King Jing. Otherwise, a woman who has been discredited, even if she is the county owner, which one is willing to marry? If you marry Tinger casually to a person who is greedy for wealth, it would be better to marry Liu Yao who likes her! Emperor, you have been aware of this for a long time...

After a few breaths, Jiang Yong's forehead has been covered with a layer of cold sweat. He was resented and angry, for the royal plan for Ting'er, and for his powerlessness at this moment. But even if he has more complaints and dissatisfaction in his heart, he can only turn into a sentence at this time: "I don't want to go back to the emperor. I'm just afraid that the little girl is not worthy of the king of Jing.

"How can the lord of Derong County, whom I personally sealed, not deserve the prince of his Jingwang Mansion? Since you are willing, I will respond to King Jing's request to be the matchmaker for your two families. Tomorrow, I will order to marry the lord of Derong County and the son of King Jing. The emperor smiled again and pointed to Jiang Yong and said, "I personally order the marriage. You don't have to worry that his son will bully your daughter in the future, right?"

"Thank you, Lord Long's kindness." At this time, Jiang Yong really couldn't say anything nice to make fun, so he had to kneel down to pay salute to Xie En to show his attitude towards this matter.

After the celebration banquet, Jiang Yong returned to Jiang's house exhausted. Although it was late, he still asked Jiang Ting to come and tell her that the emperor was going to marry Liu Yao for her.

After listening to this, Jiang Ting looked at Jiang Yong in a stupid way and didn't understand why the plot suddenly developed here.

Marriage? Is there any mistake? She is not a princess or a princess. Why does she need to get married? Moreover, is it the emperor's marriage? God, even the marriage between Liu Ming and Sun Yun just used the Empress Dowager's decree to give marriage. Why did she, an insignificant person, work hard for the emperor to give her marriage?

"Dad, what's going on?" Jiang Ting couldn't help asking.

Jiang Yong looked at her with a wry smile and shook his head and said, "Don't ask." The golden mouth of the Holy Spirit has been opened, and we will be ready to accept the order tomorrow.

"No, no, this is not in line with the rules! Shouldn't the emperor give marriage for those princes and grandchildren? Dad, this is so weird!"

"Yes, sir, I just issued a decree to seal Tinger as the county head today, and I will marry her again tomorrow. What is the Holy Spirit going to do?" Wen couldn't sit still. Although the emperor's favor represents the prosperity of the family, this is too much.

"The emperor's intention is to do this, so you don't have to worry about it." Jiang Yong rubbed his eyebrows and waved his hand at Jiang Ting and said, "Ok, you can know about this. Go back and have a rest. I guess the imperial edict will arrive early tomorrow morning. Go to bed early and get up early tomorrow.

Wen saw Jiang Yong's fatigue and hurriedly asked Jiang Ting to let her go back. Although Jiang Ting was full of doubts, it was difficult to ask again when she saw her father's appearance. She had to salute Wen and Jiang Yong and go back to be puzzled.