Reborn Marquess Laziness

Chapter 233 homage to the elders

From Xiyuan to Beiyuan, it is two miles away. Jiang Ting once again had a more comprehensive understanding of the floor area of Jingwang Mansion.

The first one they visited was the third room. At present, there are no elders in the long house. Liu Min and his wife, who are of their peers, have met in the morning, so there is no need to go to the meeting.

"The third uncle and the third aunt are both Buddhists and love purity. Therefore, their attitude towards people will be colder. After that, if they treat you un warmly, don't be too sad. They are as cold as everyone." When he was about to get to the third room, Liu Yao suddenly said this to Jiang Ting.

Jiang Ting felt a little strange after hearing this. She blinked and asked Liu Yao, "Do you think the third uncle and third aunt believe in Buddhism?" Is this true? They have had so many children! No, it seems that the third room has only one legitimate son, and the others are all concubines and daughters. So it seems that it is really possible for the third aunt to believe in Buddhism. But the third uncle has had so many children with his concubines, will he believe in Buddhism..."

Liu Yao covered his mouth and coughed, but he still couldn't help laughing and said, "Ting'er, your point of view of the problem is really... In short, for outsiders, the third uncle and third aunt believe in Buddhism. They are vulgar disciples who hang up a list in Daci Temple, and they usually eat fast and recite Buddha. As for the problem of children, they are all elders. Let's not talk about it anymore.

Jiang Ting was embarrassing when she heard the words. Because the two were "honest" all night yesterday and faced many problems together this morning, she unconsciously regarded Liu Yao as a close person and didn't pay much attention to her words. Although, she also planned to gradually learn to trust each other and be opposite to him in the future. But it's not her intention to expose her nature in front of him so quickly.

"Cough, what the son said is that it's my Meng Lang. It's my fault to talk about the elders. Thank you for your kind reminder. I won't do it anymore." Jiang Ting bowed slightly to Liu Yao with a red face.

Liu Yao frowned, took her hand and said warmly, "Tinger, I don't mean anything else. You don't have to be so serious. I'm embarrassed. Also, I like what you said just now. You don't have to change it, okay?"

Jiang Ting snickered and was just as she was nodding her head when she heard the shouting of the driver outside: "The two masters, the third master's house has arrived."

The whisper of the young couple ended. After tidying up each other's clothes, they all got out of the car and entered the third room gate.

When he entered the door, a servant had gone to the backyard to inform him. The stew manager of the porter led them all the way to the side hall to wait. There was no need to wait too long, so a little girl came to take them to the main room to meet the owner.

"My nephew (niece) has met my third uncle and third aunt. Please give my best to the second elder brother." Jiang Ting followed Liu Yao to kneel down and salute the two elders of the third room. This is the etiquette that newcomers should have. Jiang Ting doesn't have to kneel down when she sees them again in the future.

Jiang Ting is quite happy about this. Marry Liu Yao, the son of the vassal king, and become the concubine. In addition to kneeling down to the elders from time to time when you are a bride, you basically don't have to kneel down casually. Moreover, King Jing doesn't like his children to give him morning and dusk. Except for the fifteenth day of the first lunar month and important festivals, he doesn't have to go to Jingrui Hall to pay his peace. And if she really marries an ordinary family as she imagined, it will be indispensable for her parents-in-law' morning and evening. In that case, I'm afraid she will kneel until she wants to vomit blood.

It was not until they finished the big salute that a cold female voice came from above their heads: "Okay, get up."

Jiang Ting and Liu Yao stood up and asked Qiu Ju and Dongmei, who were behind them, to present the gifts she had prepared for the two elders. Similar to Ye's concubine, they are all clothes. She didn't want to please these uncles and uncles, so everything she gave was normal.

The third master and his wife received the gift lightly, said a few polite words and it was over. They didn't see the gift in person, didn't say they liked it, and certainly didn't say they didn't like it. Then, the third lady ordered the girl to give Jiang Ting a return gift and let the two of them sit down. Then, the scene cooled down.

Fortunately, a girl came to serve tea at this time, which finally made Jiang Ting feel not too embarrassed. But after the tea girl left, she tasted a sip of tea, but she was really embarrassed. Originally, she wanted to talk a few words with these two elders by admiring the fragrance of tea. You can't come here like this. Just say good bye, and then send a gift to receive a gift. That's it.

What Jiang Ting never expected was that the tea for the three-room hospitality was really light. How poor are these three rooms to treat guests with the most ordinary boiled water? Or, how annoying is she and Liu Yao? After kowtoing, I didn't even drink a good cup of tea.

Just as Jiang Ting complained in her heart, the third lady served tea and said, "I know you have to go to another place to visit, so I won't leave you any longer. It's not early now. You'd better go there early.

Jiang Ting was stunned. Is this directly driving people away? She blinked and looked at Liu Yao. However, Liu Yao stretched out his hand and took her to stand up as usual and said goodbye to the two elders sitting in the main seat: "In this way, my nephew will leave first."

"My niece left." Jiang Ting quickly pulled back and saluted the third master and his wife.

When she raised her head, she saw the third lady smiling and nodded to her, with a kind and kind face. After she figured it out, Liu Yao took her hand and took her out of the main room.

Jiang Ting had many questions in her heart, but she knew that it was not the time to ask, so she resisted. They left the three-bedroom yard all the way, got back into the car, and went in the direction of the fourth room.

"Don't ask about the third uncle and third aunt. I'll tell you more about it when I get back." Liu Yao smiled and blocked Jiang Ting's question first and said to her, "Now, I'll tell you about the fourth uncle's family first. Although the fourth uncle does not believe in Buddhism, he does not like to speak like the third uncle. However, he looks a little fierce and always doesn't smile at people, which is different from the third uncle. The fourth aunt is a calculating person with small eyes, protects the young, and loves to hold grudges. I have a lot of discord with my fourth uncle's brother. If it's the fourth aunt, I may speak ill of you later. If you are not ready, we might as well go to the fifth uncle's house first. I am close to my fifth uncle, and my fifth aunt has taken good care of me in recent years. If you go there, you won't be embarrassed.

Jiang Ting was silent when she heard the words, and then shook her head and said, "Let's go to the fourth room first. It's always better to face it earlier than later. Besides, if you go to visit the fifth aunt today, won't you offend the fourth room again? I'm the bride, and the fourth aunt should not be too ugly for me.

Liu Yao looked at her pitifully: "I just don't want you to be too wronged. In fact, I didn't plan to bring you to visit them. They are not close elders, and there is no reason to send them to bully them.

Jiang Ting looked at him speechlessly and couldn't help sighing, "I finally know why your popularity is so bad. You are really... Alas, it will be difficult for me in the future!"