Reborn Marquess Laziness

Chapter 239 Liu Yao's Reaction

After Liu Yao washed up, Jiang Ting retreated everyone in the room and told him carefully, "Well, I have something to tell you."

Liu Yao looked at Jiang Ting's serious appearance and suddenly became nervous. He quickly corrected his look and asked, "What's the matter?"

"You don't have to be so nervous. It's not a bad thing. That's right... Well, my water has been delayed for many days. So the M Mothers guessed that I should be... Jiang Ting really felt a little embarrassed. But as soon as she said it, she couldn't help getting excited and happy. She took Liu Yao's hand and asked, "We're going to be parents. Are you happy?"

Liu Yao was still a little confused and nodded intuitively: "Happy, happy..."

"Happy, why don't you laugh?" Jiang Ting stared at him and slowly narrowed her eyes: "You don't want this child, do you?"

"No! How come?" Liu Yao finally came to his senses and quickly explained to Jiang Ting, "I'm not unhappy! I just didn't react for a moment. You mean you're pregnant, right? How many months?"

Jiang Ting slapped him on the head and said angrily, "How many months have you been talking about? I have only been married with you for less than two months. How many months have you said? I'm really pissed off by you. Can you speak human language?

After such a period of getting along with each other, Liu Yao has gradually become accustomed to Jiang Ting's small violence from time to time when no one is away. And now her slap really woke him up. Finally, he was not really stupid. Instead of continuing to discuss the topic of "months" with her, he hugged Jiang Ting with a smile and whispered gently in her ear, "Tinger, thank you."

With his "thank you", Jiang Ting's great anger dissipated in an instant. After hugging the two sweetly for a while, she pushed Liu Yao away and smiled, "Well, let's not be too happy too early. In fact, it's just a guess, and I'm not sure if it's true. After a while, I will ask the doctor to check the pulse, and it should be sure.

Liu Yao nodded and said, "Well, you don't have to worry about this. I know many famous doctors, and I will invite them in person at that time.

Liu Yao's attention to attitude made Jiang Ting feel very useful. In the past few days, she has been struggling with how to deal with the separation of rooms between the two, so she has been in a bad mood. Today, she spoke to the two matan and relaxed, and finally felt the joy of being a new pregnant woman.

But Jiang Ting, who was in a happy mood, did not notice that Liu Yao would always lose his mind from time to time. Until he was about to rest at night, he finally broke out in the face of Chuntao, who was suddenly coming into the vigil. He stared at Chuntao and asked coldly, "What are you doing here?"

Chuntao stood there in fear of his cold eyes and replied timidly, "In my words, I want to come to watch the night."

"You don't have to vigil here! Get out of here!"

Liu Yao's aggressive attitude scared Chuntao to retreat several steps. However, she is a loyal and good slave, so even if she was afraid that she wanted to escape, she still knelt down and said in a trembling voice, "Prince, it is time for the princess to be taken care of. Slave...slave..."

"Tinger has me, she doesn't need you..." Before Liu Yao finished his words, he was pulled by Jiang Ting.

She went to help Chuntao up first and asked, "Didn't you say you didn't have to be on duty at night? Why did you suddenly come here today?

Chuntao cried aggrievedly and whispered with tears, "M Mother Deng said that now the concubine is not the same as before, and no one can serve her at night. The maidservant felt that she was right, so she wanted to come in and beg you to let the maidservant watch the night.

Poor Chuntao just mentioned it and was directly scolded by Liu Yao. Although Liu Yao is not as gentle and generous to his subordinates as Jiang Ting, he rarely scolds them. Therefore, Chuntao was really scared to see the prince's fierce appearance today.

Jiang Ting didn't expect Liu Yao to react so much, so she was helpless at this moment. In the past, when she was in the capital, Chuntao and others took turns to watch the night for her. It was said to be a vigil, but in fact, she never really let them sleep on the feet of the shelf bed. She asked people to put a low couch on the other side of the room and let them sleep on it.

Since she got married with Liu Yao, she doesn't want the noise of the two at night to be heard, and Liu Yao has never had the habit of having people watch the night. Therefore, she never let the girls stay overnight again. Naturally, she was moved by the feelings of her and the girl, but to be honest, even from her heart, she still didn't want anyone to sleep in the same room with their husband and wife.

"Okay, I know. Go back. There is no need to keep vigil here. When you go back, tell the two Mothers that I know that there will be no problem. Jiang Ting patted Chuntao on the shoulder and asked her to go out.

"Hmm, a spoiled and arrogant slave!" Liu Yao didn't know why he was so angry. When he saw Chuntao leaving, he couldn't help scolding again.

Jiang Ting took a deep breath, then turned her head to look at him and asked with a smile, "Master, why did you scold her just now? Did she do anything wrong?

"Isn't she done anything wrong? She has to drill into the room when it's not convenient for you now. What's the matter? Tinger, you can't tolerate her like this because she is your slave! Let me tell you, these slaves are ambitious. If the masters are a little weaker, they dare to bully the Lord! And so are your two sisters. How can it be their turn to dictate what happened in our room? Ting'er, you have to listen to me. You can never listen to those people's persuasion in the future and kick me out casually, okay? After Liu Yao excitedly pulled Jiang Ting and said such a big paragraph, he looked at her nervously, as if he was really afraid that she would drive him away the next moment.

Jiang Ting looked at him speechlessly for a while before she found her voice and asked, "You... don't think that Chuntao came to the vigil and asked me to drive you away, did you?"

Liu Yao coughed with a feverish face and shook his head and said, "No, no, I just don't like that girl drilling into our bedroom."

"What is she drilling for? She is my close girl, and the vigil is her duty!" Jiang Ting was happy and pointed to him and said, "You are afraid that I will drive you away, right?"

"No, no! Ting'er, you can't wrong me. I'm just afraid that you will be tricked by slavery. You don't know that many girls are planning to climb the master's bed all day long, which is scary. I'm just afraid that you will be cheated..."

Looking at Jiang Ting's joking eyes, Liu Yao couldn't go on. Chuntao is a close girl who has been with Jiang Ting for many years. If she is not loyal enough, how can Jiang Ting let her dowry? You know, Jiang Ting's little girl never looked up at him when she saw him. To be honest, he doesn't even know who those little girl is. How can such a consciously polite girl climb his bed in front of her master?