Reborn Marquess Laziness

Chapter 257 Killed or Suicide on

"No, I don't think my father should have done this." Jiang Ting thought for a moment and said, "Think about it, if he really wants to take your throne and let Liu Xi or Liu Xu Chengjue, he should not use such an extreme method. What's more, the dead person is Ye Side, the favorite concubine of his father. This doesn't make sense anyway. How could my father kill Ye Sidefei? At the beginning, he almost killed the whole Ye family, and he didn't want to kill Ye side concubine, did he?

"Who knows what he thinks? He is a madman now!" Liu Yao gritted his teeth and roared, pulled the wound at the corners of his mouth, and frowned more tightly.

Jiang Ting shook her head gently at him and still insisted on her idea: "I still feel that my father didn't do this. Because Princess Ye died by coincidence. Why did she die of poison when she met her father? If her father did it, how could she die in Jingruitang? This doesn't make sense. In addition, even if my father doesn't think about himself, he has to think about the reputation of Jingwang Mansion. He won't get any good results by doing this..."

In Jiang Ting's view, even if King Jing hates Liu Yao, he can't change the father-son relationship between them. If Liu Yao is really framed as an unfaithful rebellious son, it only shows that he, a father, did not teach his son well. In this way, the reputation of King Jing Mansion is also over. And once the real thing is lifted, what Ye has done before must not be covered up. The private scandals in Jingwang's mansion will certainly be exposed to people.

Once these things are spread to the capital, it is difficult to say whether the King Jing's Mansion can be preserved. The emperor wanted to cut the vassals a long time ago. A few years ago, the emperor implemented a policy of oppression and took over the military power of King Jing's Mansion. Now that there is civil strife in the Jingwang Mansion, the emperor will definitely take the opportunity to take back the title of vassal and clear one more obstacle for the future heir to the throne.

Liu Yao was so angry that he didn't think of this. Jiang Ting has been thinking about this afternoon, and she will naturally look at this matter more comprehensively. After she told Liu Yao what she thought, Liu Yao really calmed down.

"Well, it makes sense for you to say so. Even if he doesn't want me to be knighted, he can't hope that King Jing's Mansion will be finished. And today he made it clear that he wanted to block this matter. I think he was afraid that it would cause other troubles after it spread. So since he is also afraid that things will be serious, why did he call me there to force me to plead guilty? Does he really think that I can't do it?" Liu Yao said slowly, recalling every word said by King Jingruitang.

At that time, King Jing said more than once that he had evidence to prove that he did it. But the evidence mentioned by King Jing has nothing to do with him at all. He thought it was the false testimony that King Jing forced him to submit. But on second thought, maybe it's a false testimony made by others to confuse them.

"Think about it, was your father pretending to be sad at that time, or was he really sad and angry? If he is really angry, then the death of Ye sidefei should have nothing to do with him. Jiang Ting muttered.

Now they can be sure of only two points. One is that Ye Sidefei has been poisoned, and the second is that this matter has nothing to do with them. She believes in Liu Yao. Since he said that he didn't do it, the death of Ye's concubine must have nothing to do with him. So, who on earth has to plant this matter on Liu Yao?

King Jing is the most qualified to do so. But in Jiang Ting's opinion, King Jing is the least likely to do this. Although sometimes she also feels that her father-in-law is very strange, she doesn't think he will be crazy enough to kill his wife to blame his son. So, if Queen Jing is excluded, who else can kill Concubine Ye unconsciously?

Are you from Beiyuan? Jiang Ting thinks it is unlikely. In the past few months, although she has not begun to take over the affairs of the inner court for various reasons. But with Liu Yao's help, she also had a more or less understanding of the situation in the house. The people in Beiyuan have basically no deep hatred and Concubine Ye.

When Ye Side Concubine entered the house, those people had been rushed to Beiyuan by King Jing and Princess Jing, and had basically been separated from King Jing's Mansion. If they have hatred, it is also against King Jing and the late Princess Jing.

Ye Sidefei is very sociable. In the years when she gained power, she got along well with several people in Beiyuan. Even the fifth room, who has always been close to Liu Yao, has never had a bad relationship with her. Therefore, those people in Beiyuan can be basically excluded. Because Jiang Ting felt that they had no motivation. Moreover, Jiang Ting doesn't think that the people in Beiyuan have the ability to assassinate Ye's concubine in Dongyuan. King Jing is not very close to his brothers, and Ye Sidefei herself is also very shrewd. In any case, it is impossible to prevent those outsiders in Beiyuan.

As the saying goes, it is difficult for foreign thieves to catch domestic thieves. Jiang Ting's heart jumped and her face turned pale. She looked at Liu Yao and said awkwardly, "Do you think Ye Sidefei will commit suicide?"

Liu Yao was stunned and intuitively retorted, "How is that possible? She is such a life-threatening person! It is said that in order to survive, she pleaded so much to her father in prison and took the initiative to confess some of the sins her father and brother had done..."

But before he finished speaking, Liu Yao couldn't help agreeing with Jiang Ting's guess. He looked at Jiang Ting with flashing eyes, and his palms were a little sweaty. If Ye really committed suicide, in fact, all this will make it all right. Ye was willing to frame him with his own life. It's really high on him.

"Are the servants you use reliable?" Jiang Ting suddenly asked.

Liu Yao's face became heavy and said, "The people I arrange to do things are reliable. But there are so many people in the front yard, and there may be some that I don't notice. You take a rest first. I'll go to the front yard to have a look.

"I'll go with you!" Jiang Ting took his hand and said, "We are one husband and wife. If there is anything, let's bear it together.

Liu Yao took a deep look at Jiang Ting and nodded without refusing.

Since they thought that Ye Sidefei might commit suicide, both of them had the worst intentions in their hearts. But when they really face the worst ending, they are still very uncomfortable. An attendant commonly used around Liu Yao died this afternoon. He drank poison and died when Liu Yao was called to Jingrui Hall.

At noon today, the attendee told the stewor of the front yard that he had a cold and asked for a half-day leave to recuperate. He also made a special trip to ask the kitchen to help boil the medicine. But what others didn't know was that there was arsenic in the bowl of medicine he drank and died.

If it hadn't been for Liu Yao and Jiang Ting to ask the general manager about the situation tonight, they might have to wait until tomorrow to find someone dead.

"How could this happen?" Although she had thought that such a thing might happen, Jiang Ting still couldn't accept it when she really saw it. Is human life so simple to be abandoned?