Reborn Marquess Laziness

Chapter 280 Alcohol

Smelling the remaining smell of alcohol in the room, Jiang Ting once again felt a sense of discord in her heart. She couldn't help asking Liu Yao, "Did you drink just now? Why is it so heavy?

Liu Yao shook his head and replied, "No, it was the magic doctor who just used the cotton that I drank to help me clean the wound. He said that cleaning the wound with alcohol can be disinfected. But I'm not poisoned, but he still has to use it. You don't know how much it is to wipe the wound with that cotton..."

In the middle of speaking, Liu Yao reacted and stopped talking. He didn't want Jiang Ting to worry about himself, so he fooled around with a smile.

Jiang Ting didn't notice the meaning of his last sentence. Her whole mind was suppressed by Liu Yao's sentence "Cleaning wounds with wine can be disinfected". Alcohol disinfection is common sense that primary school students know in modern times.

However, this is ancient. How could the ancients use this method of Western medicine? Moreover, there is no high degree of liquor in this era! That kind of grain-brewed wine of more than ten degrees can't disinfect at all. What on earth is that old doctor? Will it also be...

"I'll go to the magic doctor to ask a few words." After leaving such a sentence, Jiang Ting suddenly turned around and rushed out. At this moment, her heart is pounding, and her excitement is mixed with indescribable fright. She must ask Sai Hua Tuo in person who he is.

"Doctor, please take your time!" Jiang Ting almost caught up with the old magic doctor and stood in front of him: "Doctor, I have a few words to ask you."

The old magic doctor looked at Jiang Ting, who completely ignored her demeanor, and coughed gently and asked, "I don't know what the imperial concubine is asking?"

"How did you... know that alcohol can be disinfected?" Jiang Ting looked at the old magic doctor calmly and asked.

The old magic doctor's originally calm eyes suddenly burst into a ball of light, staring at Jiang Ting and asked, "Does the princess know what alcohol is?"

Jiang Ting nodded and replied, "I've heard people talk about it."

"Princess, can you take a step to speak?" The look on the old doctor's face became much more solemn.

Jiang Ting naturally agreed and took the old magic doctor to the study. Along the way, her mood fluctuated, and for a moment she was happy that she might meet a traveler from the same modern time; for a moment, she hesitated whether to admit her identity for a while. After all, she doesn't know much about this magic doctor. Moreover, once you admit your identity, will it cause any unnecessary trouble?

When her mind calmed down again, Jiang Ting found that she was really impulsive this time. Even if it is confirmed that the old magic doctor in front of you is a modern traveler like her? She was reborn here after her death. From the baby to 18 years now, many of her thoughts and habits have been integrated into this era. Even if she finds the same companion, she can't return to modern times. Moreover, she didn't want to go back at all.

"Princess, where did you learn about 'alcohol'?" Unlike Jiang Ting, who gradually calmed down, the old magic doctor became very excited. Completely inconsistent with his old face, his eyes were bright and seemed to be full of infinite energy.

Jiang Ting felt a little guilty by his expectant eyes, so she replied vaguely, "I accidentally heard a passer-by say about alcohol when I was a child in the northwest."

"Does the princess know how to make alcohol?" The old magic doctor seemed a little disappointed, but he still asked unyed.

The reaction of the old magic doctor made Jiang Ting feel a little strange. Because his focus has been only on "alcohol" from beginning to end, and there is no hint that he is from modern. Isn't he a modern man? So, how did he know how to disinfect with alcohol?

"I don't know how to make alcohol." Jiang Ting shook her head and asked, "Isn't the magic doctor able to do it?" Isn't it just alcohol that you just used to help Shizi clean his wounds?

"That's not alcohol!" The old doctor's face was full of unconcealed disappointment. He sighed, "Well, can't there be anyone in the world who can get alcohol?"

"Isn't it alcohol?" Jiang Ting asked in surprise, "What did you use to clean the wound?"

"That's just a strong wine." The old magic doctor shook his head and sighed several times, full of loss. He has traveled for most of his life, hoping to find a person who can make alcohol one day. But since his master died, no one can make alcohol anymore. I don't know if he will still have a chance to achieve his wish in his life.

In a few dialogues, Jiang Ting has confirmed that the old man in front of her is not a traveler. However, she is still curious about how he knows how to disinfect with spirits.

You know, even she, a modern person, hasn't thought about this problem for so many years. It is impossible for an ancient doctor to think of this method of disinfection and sterilization without any microbiology foundation. Moreover, from his language, it can be seen that he knows alcohol. Alcohol and spirits are not a concept.

"Excuse me, doctor, how did you make this disinfectant liquor?" Jiang Ting asked thoughtfully, "I once heard the passer-by say that in order to achieve disinfection, the alcohol concentration must reach a certain level. Our Nantang wine should not reach the medical level, right?

The old magic doctor nodded and replied, "Of course, ordinary spirits don't work. If you want to use wine to cure the injury, you have to steam a piece of liquor.

"Can the magic doctor let the younger generation see for themselves how you distilled spirits?"

Jiang Ting couldn't help but be excited again. Her academic performance in her previous life was very poor, and the only few chemical experimental classes in junior high school were fooled away by her. Therefore, although she still has some memories of alcohol volatilization in her mind, she has long forgotten what those seemingly complex distillers are like.

But the old magic doctor in front of him can steam a high number of spirits. If you can find a way to purify it again, you will definitely be able to produce alcohol. The world is in chaos, and Lingnan is in a special position, and there will be no more war in the future.

As a modern person, even if Jiang Ting's academic performance was not good at the beginning and her brain was not smart, she still understood how important alcohol as a medicinal product is in the battlefield. As long as alcohol can be produced, the mortality rate of the injured after the war can be reduced! Think about the previous battle with the Southern Defense Army, nearly 30% of the soldiers in Lingnan County were killed and injured! If there were disinfectants such as alcohol, would this number have been greatly reduced?

"Dripation? Distillation! Yes, that's the word. Master said that alcohol can also be made by distillation. Why didn't I think of it? Distillation means steaming! Since steaming can make the spirits purer, can't you steam alcohol with so many steams? Hahaha!" The old magic doctor jumped up from his seat and rushed out of the study and ran to the place where he lived.

Jiang Ting was shocked by the old magic doctor. Looking at the old man's fast but slightly stumbling footsteps, Jiang Ting shook her head helplessly and followed him: "Doctor, slow down. I'll ask someone to prepare a car to take you back to Jingruitang, which will be faster."

"Yes, yes! Prepare the car, hurry up and prepare the car!" The old magic doctor laughed with flying eyebrows and bowed to Jiang Ting: "Princess, I'm really grateful to wake you up today!"