Reborn Marquess Laziness

Chapter 282 I want money

After the experiment, the effect of steaming [Jiang's distiller] is much better than the simple device of the old magic doctor. But soon Jiang Ting found that the distiller she made had a serious shortcoming. That is, the heat transfer of iron is very good. After heating for a period of time, the upper part of the distiller becomes as hot as the bottom, which makes the vapor condensation rate entering the upper half much lower. A lot of steam spewed directly out of the leaky mouth.

"Princess, you are such a genius! This is amazing! It's amazing!" The old doctor praised. He doesn't understand the problem of steam condensation rate. Therefore, when he saw the clear wine flowing out of the strange pot mouth in front of him one after another, he was excited.

Jiang Ting shook her head unsatisfiedly and said, "This won't work. After the whole pot is heated, the steam will not be fully condensed and will spewed out of the leaky mouth, which is too wasteful. It still doesn't seem to work. We have to find a way to improve it.

Why doesn't it work? That's good." The old magic doctor said puzzledly, "Princess, using this pot you made to steam wine is not only faster, but also more intense than what I steamed before, which is enough to cure the injury. If you steam a few more, maybe you can steam alcohol.

"It's not a matter of whether it can be used or not." Jiang Ting explained to the old magic doctor, "I want to make a distiller that can produce alcohol in large quantities. This thing is still too simple and inefficient. If that's the case, the cost will be very high when producing alcohol in the future.

"Mass production..." The old magic doctor looked at Jiang Ting's eyes and changed color: "Princess, do you want to make money with this thing?"

"Make money?" Jiang Ting was stunned for a moment, and then replied with a wry smile, "In the present situation of the royal palace, how can I think about making money? Old sir, I heard from you that alcohol has a miraculous effect on external injury, so I want to get this thing and provide it for military use. As you know, Lingnan may have a war with the rebels in the south. I just thought that if enough alcohol can be produced to supply the army, maybe more injured soldiers can be treated at that time.

The old doctor's look has really changed this time. He suddenly bowed to Jiang Ting and said, "The concubine is really a kind and kind person. I thanked you on behalf of those soldiers.

"Old gentleman, please get up quickly." Jiang Ting quickly helped the old magic doctor up and shook her head in embarrassment, "How can I be a great good man? What I think is just to help the world son. You are really a junior."

The old magic doctor was very free and easy. He got up and waved his hand and smiled, "No matter why the imperial concubine came. What you think and do is a great merit. However, as you said, it should be a little urgent at this time.

"Yes, yes." Jiang Ting sighed and said bitterly, "I can't have a way to improve this distiller in a short time. Forget it, it can only be done for the time being. In any case, the first batch of medical alcohol must be produced as soon as possible.

Speaking of this, Jiang Ting suddenly bowed and saluted the old magic doctor: "Old gentleman, I want to ask you for a big favor. I would like to invite you to join the army and teach military doctors how to use alcohol to treat the wounded.

Jiang Ting knew that many ideas and customs of ancient people were different from those of modern people. In modern times, if you want to study medicine, as long as you work hard to be admitted to a medical university or medical school, you can systematically learn medical technology. Even ordinary people can go to the bookstore to buy some reference books to learn basic medical knowledge. However, in this era, medical skills pay attention to inheritance. Therefore, it is very inappropriate for her to ask the old magic doctor to pass on her unique medical skills to others.

However, Jiang Ting has no other way at present. Although she knows that alcohol can be used for disinfection. But she just knows. She doesn't know how to use medicine, so naturally she doesn't know how to use alcohol to treat wounds. Perhaps, the whole Southern Tang Dynasty will use alcohol to treat injuries, and there is only Sai Hua Tuo in front of him.

The old magic doctor quickly avoided Jiang Ting's etiquette. Even if he has good medical skills, he still remembers the different identities between the two. The one in front of him is a noble concubine, and he can't stand her. He was a little hesitant about Jiang Ting's request. He has not accepted apprentices so far, because he does not want to easily pass on the medical skills taught to him by his master. He has always wanted to find a talented apprentice and teach this technique that is very different from the medical skills of the Southern Tang Dynasty from generation to generation. But now what Jiang Ting did really moved him, and he couldn't help but want to help her.

However, years of obsession cannot be shaken by a moment's touch. Therefore, after thinking for a while, the old magic doctor still refused Jiang Ting.

Jiang Ting was not surprised by this answer. She didn't blame the old magic doctor for his "self-cherishing" practice, because he was not wrong. But she didn't want to give up so easily, so she asked, "If the old gentleman doesn't want to, I naturally dare not force you. However, when the war comes, can you go to the army to practice medicine? You don't need to teach the army to heal wounds, it's just to help. You can leave whenever you want. Do you think so?"

This time, the old magic doctor was no longer easy to refuse and just answered.

Jiang Ting discussed with the old magic doctor for a long time, and finally decided to change the iron distiller to porcelain firing. It's just that porcelain is more difficult to burn than iron, and the service life is much shorter. Fortunately, the cost of porcelain is much smaller than that of ironware, and Jiang Ting can bear the loss rate. It's just that another problem arises. There is not enough money!

If you don't have money, you don't need to talk about everything. Even if Jiang Ting makes enough distillers and has no money to buy the finished spirits, she can't make alcohol. Although she has a lot of business. But over the years, she has moved some businesses from the capital to Lingnan, and she has to spend money everywhere. Even if those businesses have begun to make money now, it is still not enough.

Jiang Ting is rich, but when she left, she secretly gave him 30,000 taels of silver bills. At present, there is only more than 10,000 taels of money left on hand. She calculated that in addition to deducting the cost of making a distiller, she was afraid it would only be enough to buy a batch of wine.

However, once the war breaks out, the supply of medicine in the rear needs to be continuous. There is only a batch of wine, which is obviously not possible. But she doesn't have enough working capital now. Do you want to resell all the business that has just improved?

Jiang Ting is reluctant! She is essentially a person who loves money. How can she be willing to sell her hard-earned business like this? Besides, in the present situation, her business can't sell at a good price.

The more Jiang Ting became, the more depressed she became, and the more annoyed she became. Then, her eyes glowed with green light to find King Jing, whom she had forgotten these days. She finally remembered that Prince Jing had said that as long as she left the life of his guard, he would agree to any request.

"I want money." Jiang Ting looked at Jing Wang, who looked at her angrily and said bluntly.