Reborn Marquess Laziness

Chapter 297 Trouble

However, before Liu Yu could think about how to deal with Jiang Yong's request, someone came to find new trouble for him.

The news of Jiang Yong's unauthorized return to Beijing was spread to the harem. Therefore, the empress dowager, who was worried about her son, summoned the new emperor Liu Yu to Fengyi Palace.

"What did the emperor think of Jiang Yong's return to Beijing without authorization? Why don't you condemn him?" At this time, the empress dowager no longer had the gloom and caution of her queen, but a little more grace and majesty. She sat on the main seat in the hall and looked at Liu Yu opposite him severely. The tone of the question was three points of doubt and seven points of disapproval.

Liu Yu frowned and replied, "Jiang Yong is not wrong in this matter. His son agreed to his return. Mother doesn't have to be angry about this.

Is that right? How did I hear that you deliberately asked him to go to the palace and scold him on the day he came back? If you agreed before, why do you scold him?"

Liu Yu lowered his eyes and hid the flashing fierce color in his eyes. Although he did not hide the fact that he asked him to summon Jiang Yong that day, there was only one other person who knew that he had reprimanded Jiang Yong. He ignored it and thought it was the attendant who had been with him all year round, so he was relieved. But he forgot that it was his mother who sent people to his side.

"Where did the mother hear this gossip?" Liu Yu raised his eyes and smiled, "That day, I asked Jiang Yong to enter the palace to ask how he did what I arranged, but I never reprimanded him. What, did any villain come to his mother to talk nonsense? Jiang Yong is not very close to the palace attendants. I'm afraid he accidentally offended some villains to attract such a frame. To be honest, there are many people in this palace, so there are more thoughts. Some villains who don't know how to be safe and only know how to make waves really deserve to die. The mother rest assured that her son would definitely punish the villain when he went back.

The Empress Dowager didn't expect Liu Yu to reply to her like this, and she was a little stunned for a moment. She looked at the son in front of her and suddenly found that she didn't know him well. She just cares about him and doesn't want people to easily offend his majesty as an emperor. But why does the meaning of his words make her feel that she did something wrong?


"Mother, the front palace is busy with government affairs. If my mother has nothing else to do, I will go back to deal with political affairs first. Liu Yu nodded gently to the Empress Dowager with a smile on his face, got up and left.

The Empress Dowager's heart tightened and only felt that something seemed to have changed. Her son not only called himself "I" in front of her, but also forgot to salute when he left. Did he forget? Or...

"Yuer, the mother doesn't want to ask about the government." The empress dowager got up to catch up with Liu Yu, took his hand and said repeatedly, "If you don't want the mother to care too much about your affairs, the mother will pay attention to it in the future. Don't be so angry with your mother."

Liu Yu stopped and turned around with a smile on his face: "The mother misunderstood. I'm not angry."

With that, he took the empress dowager's hand and said seriously, "I failed to close my men's heart. This is my son's incompetence and has nothing to do with my mother. And what the mother did was all for her son, which I knew and was very moved. However, the mother should know that the imperial ancestor of the Southern Tang Dynasty: the harem is not allowed to engage in politics. I'm afraid that someone will deliberately harm you. Now it's not stable. If you don't act so well that those annoying imperial historians will impeach you, won't it make you sad?"

The empress dowager's eyes flashed, with a kind smile on her face, raised her hand and touched Liu Yu's face and said, "Oh, my son has grown up, but I still don't want to let you make your own decisions. I was really wrong this time. Son, you just need to understand that everything your mother has done and wants in her life is all for you. If your mother does something wrong in the future, remember not to be angry first. Come and make it clear to your mother, and your mother will definitely do what you want. OK?"

"Well, I listen to my mother." Liu Yao smiled again.

Out of Fengyi Palace, Liu Yu stopped because he saw the queen coming. He has always been satisfied with his queen. Although her family has kept him uneasy. But she has always been very measured. This woman is beautiful and dignified, and the most valuable thing is that she never surpasses her rules. There is really nothing to be picky about.

It's just that people's feelings are very strange. Satisfaction does not mean liking. Liu Yu doesn't like his queen. Although she gave birth to his eldest son, he still has no love for her. Her beauty and knowledge make him willing to give her more favor. But that's all. All he can give her is more company than others every month.

Of course, according to the queen's identity, Liu Yu will also have more respect for her. For example, at this time, even if he is irritable, he will still stop and wait for her to come over. This is his respect for her and his willingness to satisfy her desire to meet him.

"Your Majesty, are you here to welcome your mother?" The queen saluted Liu Yu dignifiedly and meticulously, and the slight rise of the corners of her mouth made the whole person look fresh and not so rigid.

"I was called by my mother to lecture." Liu Yu smiled and said, "Where's the queen? What's the matter after looking for your mother?"

The queen smiled deeper, waved away the palace people who followed her, and smiled at Liu Yu, "I have something to do to find my mother. However, seeing you now is the same as what I said to you.

"Oh? What's the matter?"

I heard that Jiang Yong, the Marquis of Zhenbei, came back from the northwest. Isn't the northwest army without a leader now? Your Majesty, what are you going to do?

Liu Yu's eyes darkened: "Why do you ask this?"

"It's not my concubine who wants to ask." The queen seemed to see the gloom on Liu Yu's face and said with a smile, "It was the eldest brother of my concubine who dragged his wife to ask. If the emperor doesn't have a suitable candidate, can he let him go to the top?" As the emperor knows, my concubine's eldest brother has been practicing martial arts since he was a child and has also studied military books for several years. Now that the court is employing people, he can't help but want to make a recommendation.

The queen's attitude made Liu Yu a little interested: "So, did you come to me to talk to your eldest brother?"

"Your Majesty, I dare not interfere in the government!" The queen hurriedly shook her head: "My concubine found this matter difficult, so I came to discuss it with my mother. As for telling you now... Your Majesty, you are also my concubine's husband anyway. I just feel that I should not hide my feelings and reason from you.

Liu Yu smiled and said, "Well, you're right. In this case, don't tell your mother about it. I am free to advocate this matter. As for the rest, let's talk about it in the evening.

The queen was immediately happy when she heard the words and said goodbye to Liu Yu with a smile, and then went into Fengyi Palace to find the empress dowager.

Leying from Fengyi Palace, Liu Yu's face gradually sank. Then he turned to Taiji Palace. He hasn't seen the Empress Dowager for a long time. Today, he is in a very dry mood and wants to see his grandmother more and more.

Because he listened to the words of the Empress Dowager and let the eldest prince out of the palace on that day, there was a subsequent rebellion. The Empress Dowager felt ashamed of the ancestors of the Liu family and her children and grandchildren, so she locked herself in the Taiji Palace to eat fast and recite Buddha, easily seeing people and not caring about anything.

When Liu Yu ignored the obstruction of the outside palace people and toughly entered the inner hall to see the empress dowager, his heart was filled with sadness. Although Liu Yu has never complained about his grandmother, it does not make the Empress Dowager feel better. For more than half a year, the old lady, who was still healthy, has completely become a dead old man.

The Empress Dowager can no longer get up. How long can she hold on? Three months or half a year? Liu Yu didn't dare to think about it.

"Grandma, my grandson came to see you." Liu Yu shouted softly in the old man's ear.

The Empress Dowager's loose eyelids moved and slowly opened, and her turbid pupils slowly moved to Liu Yu's face. Her voice was hoarse and difficult to ask, "Is it Yuer?"

Liu Yu's nose was sore and tears flowed down. Can't his grandmother see people clearly? There was boundless hatred in his heart, not only the eldest prince who became a traitor, but also himself. If he hadn't been so weak and incompetent, how could grandma be like this now!