Reborn Marquess Laziness

Chapter 307 The Inspitice of Princess Antai

(PS: Some of the content has been modified in this chapter. If you have read it, please read it again.)

In Qingwang's mansion, the princess, Sun Yun and Princess Antai, who had only been married for two months, were anxiously waiting for Liu Ming to come back.

This morning, the royal palace suddenly received such an imperial edict, and then Liu Ming was invited to the palace by the general manager. I don't know what dangerous things the emperor is going to do with him this time.

Princess Antai should not have appeared in the royal palace, but her father-in-law was a second-grade general Huaiyuan. In the early morning, the emperor had announced his decision to the civil and military officials before the imperial edict was issued. Although Jiang Yong's unauthorized dispatch of troops was not investigated for the time being, he would send Liu Ming to Lingnan as a supervisor and supervise the joint battle against the enemy between the Northwest Army and the Lingnan Army on behalf of the emperor. After leaving the palace in the early morning, Tian Mufei quickly sent the news back to his house. Princess Antai could not sit anywhere. She even rode a carriage and rode a fast horse back to the royal palace.

"Mom, why don't I go to the palace? I'm going to find my grandmother and aunt..." Princess Antai couldn't stand such a low atmosphere, so she got up and walked out.

The princess quickly grabbed her arm and pulled her back, poked her finger on Princess Antai's forehead, and said in a hateful voice, "Why didn't you learn to be calm after marrying someone? The imperial edict has been issued, and it is useless for you to find anyone! Do you still want the emperor to take back his life?"

"But there are so many people in the court, why do you have to let my brother go? My brother doesn't know anything about war. Isn't the emperor talking nonsense?

"You girl is just messing around!" The princess slapped Princess Antai on the head and scolded, "That's the emperor! Can you arrange it randomly? The emperor sent your brother, which is to value your brother! Pay attention to me in the future. Don't spit anything out with this mouth. Even if you and Yuer used to be cousins, they are different now. He is now emperor. You have to learn to respect and awe, understand?"

Princess Antai raised her hand and rubbed her head, rolled her eyes at the princess, and muttered in a low voice, "Then don't you still scream?"

"What did you say?" The princess was about to be annoyed again, but when she saw her daughter hiding behind her daughter-in-law, she had to sit up and spare her. She can't chase her daughter in front of her daughter-in-law regardless of her image, right?

"Yunyun, you must be worried about my brother, too." Princess Antai held Sun Yun's arm, squeezed into a seat with her, and whispered her ear: "Alas, since you married my brother, he can't wait to stay in the house with you every day. Even if you have to go out on an errand, there has never been more than half a month. This time, if my brother really goes to Lingnan, I'm afraid he won't be able to come back for a year and a half. Yunyun, do you want to go to Lingnan with my brother?

Sun Yun turned her head and looked at Princess Antai and sighed with entangled eyes, "I really want to go with the prince, but what about the child? Besides..."

Princess Antai glanced at the princess with an increasingly anxious face and whispered in Sun Yun's ear, "Where are your father and mother? Are you afraid that they won't take good care of your children?"

"But..." Sun Yun was still a little embarrassed: "Isn't it too unfilial to hand over the child to the parents like this? Moreover, the son went as an imperial envoy this time. Can I go with him?

"This is a small matter. As long as my brother wants to take you there, the emperor will definitely agree." Princess Antai tried her best to insultice Sun Yun: "Yunyun, you can figure it out. If you let my brother go to Lingnan alone like this, he may come back with a group of concubines after the war there. You know, men in this world are all virtuous. They don't have the idea of keeping the festival for women.

Sun Yun looked at Princess Antai with complicated eyes and said helplessly, "Princess, the prince is your own brother..."

Then you are still my sister-in-law. Besides, we are still good sisters. How can I just look at him and not at you? Princess Antai raised her chin and said.

"Princess..." Sun Yun will not be confused by her sweet words and pointed out the key to the problem: "Do you also want to follow the prince to Lingnan?"

Princess Antai showed a trace of embarrassment on her face, and then said righteously, "Even if I am selfish, what I said just now is for your sake!"

"What are you two talking about?" The princess stared at Princess Antai and asked, "Antai, are you holding your sister-in-law to do something bad again?"

"No, I'm advising my sister-in-law to go to Lingnan with my brother!" Princess Antai let go of her hand holding Sun Yun and came back to the princess: "Mom, that's what I think. My brother went to Lingnan this time, and he won't come back in a year or two. If his sister-in-law didn't go with him, wouldn't he be taken care of for such a long time?

"How can you suffer from your brother if you have a subordinate?" The princess shook her head with little approval: "Your brother is an imperial envoy this time, and you can't be careless about everything. I'm afraid it's not appropriate for your sister-in-law to follow.

"If you can't go with him, just follow him." Princess Antai turned her head and looked at Sun Yun, who was entangled. She turned around and approached the princess and continued to persuade her in a low voice, "Mom, think about those stinky problems when the eldest brother was at home. If there is no sister-in-law, who can serve him comfortably? Besides, a group of young people followed him. How will the eldest brother live in the next year or two? Are you really going to ask him to bring some concubines back to the house?

The princess frowned and unconsciously lowered her voice and said, "That's what you said. It's okay if your brother and your sister-in-law don't have such a deep relationship. But it's really not a good thing for them to have such a good relationship and have been separated for so long.

"Yes, yes, if the eldest brother really brings a few concubines or something, I'm afraid he will take the child back to his mother's house with my sister-in-law's personality. She is the favorite daughter of Shang Shuling's house. How can she continue to stay in our house and suffer this grievance at that time?

"What's wrong with his Shangshuling Mansion? When I'm afraid of him?" Although the princess is very satisfied with her daughter-in-law, she is very dissatisfied with her in-laws. So when it comes to this, she can't help but be angry.

"Mother, I don't know what your father did wrong, which made you angry? My daughter-in-law will accompany you first..." Sun Yun reflexively got up and saluted the princess. After several years of getting along, she has already figured out her mother-in-law's nature. Sometimes, as long as she is soft at the right time, her mother-in-law will be calm no matter how angry she is.

In the final analysis, Princess Qing is a soft-hearted person. She quickly waved her hand to Sun Yun: "No, no, I want to do it again. I think your sister is right. You can go with Ming'er. If you don't follow me, I really can't feel at ease. That boy was spoiled by us, and I'm afraid those little servants will not serve him well.

Sun Yun was stunned. Is that the decision? She hasn't decided whether to go or not. She doesn't know anything about the battle like the princess and the princess. Naturally, she knows that Liu Ming and others will be accompanied by many dangers this time. Under such circumstances, it will only become a burden for her to follow. Besides, they still have children to take care of. She can't leave the children.

However, thinking that Liu Ming will face many dangers this time, Sun Yun has a great impulse to go with him. If something really happens this time, she will be the only one left to face in her future life... She shook her head violently and didn't want to think about it anymore.


When Liu Ming came back, it was already afternoon.

Although the princesses were worried about him for a long time, they consciously did not ask anything more after seeing him come back safely. The princess went up and looked up and down Liu Ming. After making sure that her baby son had not been hurt, she seemed to be relieved and said repeatedly, "It's okay..."

Princess Antai looked at her mother with a speechless face and sighed, "Mom, you said as if there was a tiger's den in the palace."

The princess turned her head and stared at her daughter: "Stupid girl, what do you know!" After scolding An Tai, she asked Liu Ming with a smile, "Minger, when did the emperor ask you to go?" Can I stay at home for a few days? Don't be afraid if you can't stay. I asked my daughter-in-law to pack up what should be, and you can leave at any time.

Liu Ming raised his eyebrows and asked, "We? Mother, what else are you thinking?"